Imatge:Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory.svg
De Viquip??dia
Flag_of_the_British_Indian_Ocean_Territory.svg??? (fitxer SVG, nominalment 600 ?? 300 p??xels, mida del fitxer: 105 KB)
Historial del fitxer
Cliqueu sobre la data/hora per veure el fitxer tal com era aleshores.
Data/Hora | Dimensions | Usuari | Comentari | |
actual | 11:02, 10 mar?? 2006 | 600??300 (105 KB) | Pseudomoi | (R??tablissement de la version pr??c??dente) |
01:19, 2 mar?? 2006 | 600??300 (105 KB) | Hoshie | (I have fixed the colors on this image based on a photo of a "real" BIOT flag I have. I brought this flag from an online flag seller in late 2005. A Photo is here: . I will upload this photo soon.) | |
00:47, 25 gen 2006 | 600??300 (105 KB) | Greentubing | (Modified crown) | |
11:20, 24 gen 2006 | 600??300 (116 KB) | Greentubing | (Painstakingly created the crown. Not perfect, but better than the one that was there before. Also corrected colours.) | |
12:34, 24 nov 2005 | 992??496 (64 KB) | Nightstallion | (Flag of the British Indian Ocean Territory from the [ Open Clip Art] site. {{PD-OpenClipart}} Category:SVG flags) |
Enlla??os a la imatge
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- Anglaterra
- Rep??blica Democr??tica del Congo
- Esc??cia
- Egipte
- Regne Unit
- ??frica
- Marroc
- Alg??ria
- Sud-??frica
- Santa Helena
- Man
- S??hara Occidental
- Angola
- Mo??ambic
- Swazil??ndia
- Maurit??nia
- Ben??n
- Botswana
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Camerun
- Cap Verd
- Comores
- Rep??blica del Congo
- Costa d'Ivori
- Illa de Montserrat
- Djibouti
- Eritrea
- Eti??pia
- Gabon
- G??mbia
- Ghana
- Rep??blica de Guinea
- Guinea Bissau
- Guinea Equatorial
- L??bia
- Illes Anglonormandes
- Bermudes
- Tun??sia
- Txad
- Lib??ria
- Nam??bia
- Rwanda
- Gibraltar
- Zimbabwe
- Z??mbia
- Madagascar
- Tanz??nia
- Lesotho
- Uganda
- Kenya
- Senegal
- Malawi
- Nig??ria
- N??ger
- Mali
- Sierra Leone
- Togo
- Rep??blica Centreafricana
- Sudan
- Illes Malvines
- Seychelles
- Som??lia
- S??o Tom?? i Pr??ncipe
- Maurici
- ??frica Austral
- ??frica Oriental
- ??frica Central
- Illes Pitcairn
- Illes Caiman
- Plantilla:??frica
- Rep??blica ??rab Sahrau?? Democr??tica
- Gal??les
- Illes Verges Brit??niques
- Plantilla:RegneUnit
- Anguilla
- Illes Turks i Caicos
- Illes Ge??rgia del Sud i Sandwich del Sud
- ??frica Occidental
- ??frica del Nord
- Mayotte
- Irlanda del Nord
- Guernsey
- Jersey
- Territori Brit??nic de l'Oce?? ??ndic
- Usuari:SMP/proves cats
- Llista de banderes brit??niques
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