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Imatge:Flag of Luxembourg.svg - Viquip??dia

Imatge:Flag of Luxembourg.svg

De Viquip??dia

Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg??? (fitxer SVG, nominalment 500 ?? 300 p??xels, mida del fitxer: 285 B)

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[edit] Summary

The flag of Luxembourg with the colours red white and blue

Source: Drawn by User:SKopp

This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official insignia. The use of such symbols is restricted in many countries. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status.

?????????????????? | ??esky | Deutsch | English | Esperanto | Espa??ol | Fran??ais | ????????? | Portugu??s | ????????? | ?????????(??????)??? | ?????????(??????)??? | ?????? | ???????????????????? | +/-

[edit] Licensing

Public domain I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide.

In case this is not legally possible:
I grant anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

Afrikaans | Alemannisch | Aragon??s | ?????????????? | Asturianu | ?????????????????? | Catal?? | ??esky | Cymraeg | Dansk | Deutsch | E??egbe | ???????????????? | English | Espa??ol | Esperanto | Euskara | Estreme??u | ?????????? | Fran??ais | Galego | ????????? | ?????????????????? | Hrvatski | Ido | Bahasa Indonesia | ??slenska | Italiano | ?????????? | Kurd?? / ?????????? | Latina | Lietuvi?? | Latvie??u | Magyar | ???????????????????? | Bahasa Melayu | Nederlands | ???Norsk (bokm??l)??? | ???Norsk (nynorsk)??? | ????????? | Polski | Portugu??s | Ripoarisch | Rom??n?? | ?????????????? | Shqip | Sloven??ina | Sloven????ina | ???????????? / Srpski | Svenska | ????????? | Tagalog | T??rk??e | ???????????????????? | Ti???ng Vi???t | Walon | ?????????(??????)??? | ?????????(??????)??? | zh-yue-hant | +/-

Historial del fitxer

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actual10:26, 28 mar?? 2007500??300 (285 B)Fibonacci (Optimised code.)
00:48, 7 oct 2006500??300 (1 KB)Denelson83 (Fewer bytes)
07:17, 28 set 2005500??300 (2 KB)SKopp (The flag of Luxembourg. Source: Drawn by User:SKopp {{Template:Insignia}} Category:Flags of Luxembourg)

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