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Imatge:Bob-Marley-in-Concert Zurich 05-30-80.jpg - Viquip??dia

Imatge:Bob-Marley-in-Concert Zurich 05-30-80.jpg

De Viquip??dia

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Bob Marley live in concert in Zurich, Switzerland, on May 30, 1980






Ueli Frey

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actual12:43, 6 abr 2007600??497 (20 KB)CdaMVvWgS (Released in the GNU FDL by Ueli Frey. Source: http://www.drjazz.ch For any questions about the picture please contact Mr Frey at info[at]drjazz[dot]ch)
04:28, 5 maig 2005600??497 (20 KB)Peregrine981 (*Beschreibung: Bob Marley live w??hrend eines Konzerts in Z??rich am 30. Mai??1980 *Urheber/Fotograf: Ueli Frey de:Benutzer:CdaMVvWgS *Quelle: [http://www.drjazz.ch/album/bobmarley.html Dr. Jazz] *Lizenz: GNU FDL *<u>WICHTIGER HINWEIS)
16:20, 6 mar?? 2005600??497 (20 KB)Steffen L??we Gera (Description:Bob Marley live in concert in Zurich, Swizerland, on May 30, 1980 - Photographer: Ueli Frey - Source: http://www.drjazz.com/album/bobmarley.html - '''Important Note''': Only this picture is licensed under GFDL. All other images on the drjazz.c)