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Author: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Unknown Other
Title: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z Other


EText-No. 11752
Title: Chivalry
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/1/7/5/11752/
Link: 1/1/7/5/11752/

EText-No. 9663
Title: Domnei - A Comedy of Woman-Worship
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 11639
Title: Figures of Earth
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/1/6/3/11639/
Link: 1/1/6/3/11639/

EText-No. 8715
Title: Gallantry - Dizain des Fetes Galantes
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8771
Title: Jurgen - A Comedy of Justice
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 17134
Title: Taboo - A Legend Retold from the Dirghic of Sævius Nicanor, with - Prolegomena, Notes, and a Preliminary Memoir
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/7/1/3/17134/
Link: 1/7/1/3/17134/

EText-No. 288
Title: The Certain Hour
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 9608
Title: The Cords of Vanity - A Comedy of Shirking
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 10882
Title: The Eagle's Shadow
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/0/8/8/10882/
Link: 1/0/8/8/10882/

EText-No. 9829
Title: The Jewel Merchants - A Comedy in One Act
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 9488
Title: The Line of Love - Dizain des Mariages
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 10041
Title: The Rivet in Grandfather's Neck - A Comedy of Limitations
Author: Cabell, James Branch, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/0/0/4/10041/
Link: 1/0/0/4/10041/

EText-No. 11349
Title: Action Front
Author: Cable, Boyd, 1878-1943
Language: English
Link: 1/1/3/4/11349/
Link: 1/1/3/4/11349/

EText-No. 14575
Title: Bylow Hill
Author: Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/7/14575/

EText-No. 11719
Title: Kincaid's Battery
Author: Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/1/7/1/11719/
Link: 1/1/7/1/11719/

EText-No. 10234
Title: Old Creole Days
Author: Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/0/2/3/10234/
Link: 1/0/2/3/10234/

EText-No. 12577
Title: Strange True Stories of Louisiana
Author: Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/2/5/7/12577/
Link: 1/2/5/7/12577/

EText-No. 9838
Title: Strong Hearts
Author: Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 9839
Title: The Cavalier
Author: Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 15881
Title: The Flower of the Chapdelaines
Author: Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/8/15881/
Link: 1/5/8/8/15881/

EText-No. 12280
Title: The Grandissimes
Author: Cable, George Washington, 1844-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/2/2/8/12280/
Link: 1/2/2/8/12280/

EText-No. 10657
Title: "De Bello Gallico" and Other Commentaries
Author: Caesar, Julius, 100 BC-44 BC
Language: English
Link: 1/0/6/5/10657/

EText-No. 218
Title: De Bello Gallico;C. Iuli Caesaris De Bello Gallico
Author: Caesar, Julius, 100 BC-44 BC
Language: Latin
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 2803
Title: The Rise of David Levinsky
Author: Cahan, Abraham, 1860-1951
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 8407
Title: The Christian - A Story
Author: Caine, Hall, Sir, 1853-1931
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 1303
Title: The Scapegoat; a romance and a parable
Author: Caine, Hall, Sir, 1853-1931
Language: English
Link: 1/3/0/1303/

EText-No. 14262
Title: The Shadow of a Crime - A Cumbrian Romance
Author: Caine, Hall, Sir, 1853-1931
Language: English
Link: 1/4/2/6/14262/
Link: 1/4/2/6/14262/

EText-No. 14597
Title: The Woman Thou Gavest Me - Being the Story of Mary O'Neill
Author: Caine, Hall, Sir, 1853-1931
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/9/14597/
Link: 1/4/5/9/14597/

EText-No. 11113
Title: Principal Cairns
Author: Cairns, John, 1818-1892
Language: English
Link: 1/1/1/1/11113/
Link: 1/1/1/1/11113/

EText-No. 13318
Title: Runoelmia
Author: Cajander, Paavo, 1846-1913
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/3/1/13318/

EText-No. 490
Title: Life and Adventures of Calamity Jane
Author: Calamity Jane, 1852-1903
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 18711
Title: Kreikkalaisia satuja - Kirjeissä Suleimalle
Author: Calamnius, J. W., 1838-1891
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/8/7/1/18711/

EText-No. 14077
Title: A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go
Author: Caldecott, Randolph, 1846-1886
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/7/14077/

EText-No. 18360
Title: The Farmer's Boy - One of R. Caldecott's picture books
Author: Caldecott, Randolph, 1846-1886
Language: English
Link: 1/8/3/6/18360/

EText-No. 12109
Title: The House That Jack Built - One of R. Caldecott's Picture Books
Author: Caldecott, Randolph, 1846-1886
Language: English
Link: 1/2/1/0/12109/

EText-No. 14081
Title: The Three Jovial Huntsmen
Author: Caldecott, Randolph, 1846-1886
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/8/14081/

EText-No. 9364
Title: Life in Mexico
Author: Calderón de la Barca, Frances, 1804-1882
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2587
Title: Life Is a Dream
Author: Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 1600-1681
Language: English
Link: 2/5/8/2587/

EText-No. 6363
Title: Life Is a Dream
Author: Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 1600-1681
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6371
Title: The Purgatory of St. Patrick
Author: Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 1600-1681
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12173
Title: The Two Lovers of Heaven: Chrysanthus and Daria - A Drama of Early Christian Rome
Author: Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 1600-1681
Language: English
Link: 1/2/1/7/12173/

EText-No. 6372
Title: The Wonder-Working Magician
Author: Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 1600-1681
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 17787
Title: Dating Pilipinas
Author: Calderón, Sofronio G., 1878-1954?
Language: Tagalog
Link: 1/7/7/8/17787/

EText-No. 6076
Title: The Legends of San Francisco
Author: Caldwell, George Walter
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6167
Title: Business Hints for Men and Women
Author: Calhoun, Alfred Rochefort
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5187
Title: Miss Minerva and William Green Hill
Author: Calhoun, Frances Boyd, 1867-1909
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 740
Title: Remarks of Mr. Calhoun of South Carolina on the bill to prevent the interference of certain federal officers in elections: delivered in the Senate of the United States February 22, 1839
Author: Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 4385
Title: As a Matter of Course
Author: Call, Annie Payson, 1853-1940
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4339
Title: Nerves and Common Sense
Author: Call, Annie Payson, 1853-1940
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4337
Title: Power Through Repose
Author: Call, Annie Payson, 1853-1940
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4338
Title: The Freedom of Life
Author: Call, Annie Payson, 1853-1940
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 6526
Title: Any Coincidence Is
Author: Callahan, Daniel
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 8870
Title: La Mejor Cocinera - Recetas de Cocina
Author: Calleja (pseudonym)
Language: Spanish
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 12430
Title: A Lecture on Physical Development, and its Relations to Mental and Spiritual Development, delivered before the American Institute of Instruction, at their Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting, in Norwich, Conn., August 20, 1858
Author: Calthrop, S.R.
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/3/12430/
Link: 1/2/4/3/12430/

EText-No. 4739
Title: Fly Leaves
Author: Calverley, Charles Stuart, 1831-1884
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4096
Title: Verses and Translations
Author: Calverley, Charles Stuart, 1831-1884
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 12896
Title: Essays Æsthetical
Author: Calvert, George H. (George Henry), 1803-1889
Language: English
Link: 1/2/8/9/12896/
Link: 1/2/8/9/12896/

EText-No. 16201
Title: Parnaso Filipino - Antologie de Poetas del Archipelago Magellanico
Author: Camara, Eduardo Martin de la
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/6/2/0/16201/

EText-No. 1148
Title: Itineray of Baldwin in Wales
Author: Cambrensis, Giraldus, 1146-1223
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 1092
Title: The Description of Wales
Author: Cambrensis, Giraldus, 1146-1223
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 4218
Title: Sisters
Author: Cambridge, Ada, 1844-1926
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 12874
Title: The New North
Author: Cameron, Agnes Deans, 1863-1912
Language: English
Link: 1/2/8/7/12874/
Link: 1/2/8/7/12874/

EText-No. 14515
Title: The Nervous Child
Author: Cameron, Hector Charles
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/1/14515/
Link: 1/4/5/1/14515/

EText-No. 18385
Title: Vera Nevill - Poor Wisdom's Chance
Author: Cameron, Mrs. H. Lovett
Language: English
Link: 1/8/3/8/18385/
Link: 1/8/3/8/18385/

EText-No. 18506
Title: To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II - A Personal Narrative
Author: Cameron, Verney Lovett, 1844-1894;Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/0/18506/
Link: 1/8/5/0/18506/

EText-No. 12644
Title: Through the Iron Bars - Two Years of German Occupation in Belgium
Author: Cammaerts, Emile
Language: English
Link: 1/2/6/4/12644/
Link: 1/2/6/4/12644/

EText-No. 3333
Title: Os Lusiadas
Author: Camões, Luís de, 1524-1580
Language: Portuguese
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 10869
Title: The Abandoned Room
Author: Camp, Wadsworth
Language: English
Link: 1/0/8/6/10869/

EText-No. 13574
Title: Keeping Fit All the Way
Author: Camp, Walter, 1859-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/3/5/7/13574/

EText-No. 7558
Title: Images from Campan's Marie Antoinette
Author: Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genet), 1752-1822
Language: English
Link: 7/5/5/7558/

EText-No. 3891
Title: Marie Antoinette — Complete
Author: Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genet), 1752-1822
Language: English
Link: 3/8/9/3891/

EText-No. 3884
Title: Marie Antoinette — Volume 01
Author: Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genet), 1752-1822
Language: English
Link: 3/8/8/3884/

EText-No. 3885
Title: Marie Antoinette — Volume 02
Author: Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genet), 1752-1822
Language: English
Link: 3/8/8/3885/

EText-No. 3886
Title: Marie Antoinette — Volume 03
Author: Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genet), 1752-1822
Language: English
Link: 3/8/8/3886/

EText-No. 3887
Title: Marie Antoinette — Volume 04
Author: Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genet), 1752-1822
Language: English
Link: 3/8/8/3887/

EText-No. 3888
Title: Marie Antoinette — Volume 05
Author: Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genet), 1752-1822
Language: English
Link: 3/8/8/3888/

EText-No. 3889
Title: Marie Antoinette — Volume 06
Author: Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genet), 1752-1822
Language: English
Link: 3/8/8/3889/

EText-No. 3890
Title: Marie Antoinette — Volume 07
Author: Campan, Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genet), 1752-1822
Language: English
Link: 3/8/9/3890/

EText-No. 2816
Title: The City of the Sun
Author: Campanella, Tommaso, 1568-1639
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 10314
Title: Sonnets
Author: Campanella, Tommaso, 1568-1639;Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1475-1564
Language: English
Link: 1/0/3/1/10314/
Link: 1/0/3/1/10314/

EText-No. 16195
Title: A Sketch of the History of Oneonta
Author: Campbell, Dudley M., 1836-1906
Language: English
Link: 1/6/1/9/16195/

EText-No. 6854
Title: Anne Bradstreet and Her Time
Author: Campbell, Helen Stuart, 1839-1918
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 15360
Title: The Easiest Way in Housekeeping and Cooking - Adapted to Domestic Use or Study in Classes
Author: Campbell, Helen Stuart, 1839-1918
Language: English
Link: 1/5/3/6/15360/
Link: 1/5/3/6/15360/

EText-No. 15204
Title: Women Wage-Earners - Their Past, Their Present, and Their Future
Author: Campbell, Helen Stuart, 1839-1918
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/0/15204/
Link: 1/5/2/0/15204/

EText-No. 16440
Title: The Water Supply of the El Paso and Southwestern Railway from Carrizozo to Santa Rosa, N. Mex. - American Society of Civil Engineers: Transactions, No. 1170
Author: Campbell, J. L.
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/4/16440/
Link: 1/6/4/4/16440/

EText-No. 7212
Title: Memories of Canada and Scotland — Speeches and Verses
Author: Campbell, John Douglas Sutherland, 1845-1914
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 17532
Title: Two Knapsacks - A Novel of Canadian Summer Life
Author: Campbell, John, 1840-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/7/5/3/17532/
Link: 1/7/5/3/17532/

EText-No. 12427
Title: Neutral Rights and Obligations in the Anglo-Boer War
Author: Campbell, Robert Granville
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/2/12427/
Link: 1/2/4/2/12427/

EText-No. 17077
Title: Over literatuur - Critisch en didactisch
Author: Campen, M. H. Van, 1874-1942
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/7/0/7/17077/
Link: 1/7/0/7/17077/

EText-No. 17078
Title: Over literatuur - Critisch en didactisch, tweede bundel
Author: Campen, M. H. Van, 1874-1942
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/7/0/7/17078/
Link: 1/7/0/7/17078/

EText-No. 13133
Title: Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name - of the Faith and Presented to the Illustrious Members of Our Universities
Author: Campion, Edmund, 1540-1581
Language: English
Link: 1/3/1/3/13133/

EText-No. 16319
Title: Impresiones, Poesías
Author: Campo-Arana, Jose
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/6/3/1/16319/

EText-No. 9184
Title: The Spirit of St. Francis de Sales
Author: Camus, Jean Pierre, 1584-1652
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 89
Title: North American Free Trade Agreement, 1992 Oct. 7
Author: Canada
Language: English
Link: etext93/
Link: etext93/
Link: etext93/

EText-No. 6106
Title: Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
Author: Canby, Henry Seidel, 1878-1961
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 8591
Title: French Lyrics
Author: Canfield, Arthur Graves
Language: French
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 13091
Title: Hillsboro People
Author: Canfield, Dorothy, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/3/0/9/13091/
Link: 1/3/0/9/13091/

EText-No. 11221
Title: The Bent Twig
Author: Canfield, Dorothy, 1879-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/2/11221/
Link: 1/1/2/2/11221/

EText-No. 7066
Title: Under the Prophet in Utah; the National Menace of a Political Priestcraft
Author: Cannon, Frank Jenne;O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold, 1876-1929
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10492
Title: Agnes
Author: Canth, Minna, 1844-1897
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/0/4/9/10492/

EText-No. 13173
Title: Anna Liisa; Kotoa pois
Author: Canth, Minna, 1844-1897
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/1/7/13173/

EText-No. 13140
Title: Hanna
Author: Canth, Minna, 1844-1897
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/1/4/13140/

EText-No. 10480
Title: Kauppa-Lopo
Author: Canth, Minna, 1844-1897
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/0/4/8/10480/

EText-No. 13976
Title: Köyhää kansaa; Salakari
Author: Canth, Minna, 1844-1897
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/9/7/13976/

EText-No. 11295
Title: Lehtori Hellmanin vaimo
Author: Canth, Minna, 1844-1897
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/1/2/9/11295/

EText-No. 12612
Title: Lyhyitä kertomuksia
Author: Canth, Minna, 1844-1897
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/2/6/1/12612/

EText-No. 13164
Title: Murtovarkaus; Roinilan talossa
Author: Canth, Minna, 1844-1897
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/1/6/13164/

EText-No. 13165
Title: Papin perhe; Hän on Sysmästä; Spiritistinen istunto
Author: Canth, Minna, 1844-1897
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/1/6/13165/

EText-No. 13174
Title: Sylvi; Kovan onnen lapsia
Author: Canth, Minna, 1844-1897
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/1/7/13174/

EText-No. 11296
Title: Työmiehen vaimo
Author: Canth, Minna, 1844-1897
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/1/2/9/11296/

EText-No. 6887
Title: Il Sacro Macello Di Valtellina
Author: Cantu, Cesare, 1804-1895
Language: Italian
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 9603
Title: Hung Lou Meng, Book I - Or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel in Two Books
Author: Cao, Xueqin, 1717?-1763
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 9604
Title: Hung Lou Meng, Book II - Or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel in Two Books
Author: Cao, Xueqin, 1717?-1763
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 14151
Title: Le vieux muet
Author: Caouette, Jean-Baptiste
Language: French
Link: 1/4/1/5/14151/

EText-No. 18270
Title: Confession and Absolution
Author: Capel, Thomas John, 1836-1911
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/7/18270/
Link: 1/8/2/7/18270/

EText-No. 18215
Title: Le marquis de Loc-Ronan
Author: Capendu, Ernest, 1826-1868
Language: French
Link: 1/8/2/1/18215/

EText-No. 17372
Title: Marcof le Malouin
Author: Capendu, Ernest, 1826-1868
Language: French
Link: 1/7/3/7/17372/

EText-No. 14045
Title: At a Winter's Fire
Author: Capes, Bernard (Bernard Edward Joseph), 1854-1918
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/4/14045/
Link: 1/4/0/4/14045/

EText-No. 7267
Title: Cardello
Author: Capuana, Luigi, 1839-1915
Language: Italian
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 7459
Title: Il Benefattore
Author: Capuana, Luigi, 1839-1915
Language: Italian
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 3546
Title: The Eureka Stockade
Author: Carboni, Raffaello, 1817-1885
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 1341
Title: The Altruist in Politics
Author: Cardozo, Benjamin N. (Benjamin Nathan), 1870-1938
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 9878
Title: The Survey of Cornwall - And an epistle concerning the excellencies of the English tongue
Author: Carew, Richard, 1555-1620
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 14295
Title: Letters on International Copyright; Second Edition
Author: Carey, H. C. (Henry Charles), 1793-1879
Language: English
Link: 1/4/2/9/14295/
Link: 1/4/2/9/14295/

EText-No. 8000
Title: The slave trade, domestic and foreign - Why It Exists, and How It May Be Extinguished
Author: Carey, H. C. (Henry Charles), 1793-1879
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 12883
Title: By the Golden Gate
Author: Carey, Joseph
Language: English
Link: 1/2/8/8/12883/
Link: 1/2/8/8/12883/

EText-No. 6850
Title: Esther : a book for girls
Author: Carey, Rosa Nouchette, 1840-1909
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 4005
Title: Herb of Grace
Author: Carey, Rosa Nouchette, 1840-1909
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 16080
Title: Uncle Max
Author: Carey, Rosa Nouchette, 1840-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/8/16080/
Link: 1/6/0/8/16080/

EText-No. 11449
Title: An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens - In Which the Religious State of the Different Nations of the World, the Success of Former Undertakings, and the Practicability of Further Undertakings, Are Considered
Author: Carey, William, 1761-1834
Language: English
Link: 1/1/4/4/11449/

EText-No. 16422
Title: The Home in the Valley
Author: Carlén, Emilie F.
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/2/16422/
Link: 1/6/4/2/16422/

EText-No. 9500
Title: Farm Ballads
Author: Carleton, Will, 1845-1912
Language: English
Link: 9/5/0/9500/

EText-No. 16008
Title: Ellen Duncan; And The Proctor's Daughter - The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/0/16008/

EText-No. 16002
Title: Fardorougha, The Miser - The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/0/16002/

EText-No. 16016
Title: Going to Maynooth - Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/1/16016/

EText-No. 16005
Title: Jane Sinclair; Or, The Fawn Of Springvale - The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/0/16005/

EText-No. 16006
Title: Lha Dhu; Or, The Dark Day - The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/0/16006/

EText-No. 16019
Title: Phelim Otoole's Courtship and Other Stories - Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of - William Carleton, Volume Three
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/1/16019/

EText-No. 16015
Title: Phil Purcel, The Pig-Driver; The Geography Of An Irish Oath; The Lianhan Shee - Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of - William Carleton, Volume Three
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/1/16015/

EText-No. 16003
Title: The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles Of Ballytrain - The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/0/16003/

EText-No. 16018
Title: The Black Prophet: A Tale Of Irish Famine - Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of - William Carleton, Volume Three
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/1/16018/

EText-No. 16007
Title: The Dead Boxer - The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/0/16007/

EText-No. 16011
Title: The Emigrants Of Ahadarra - The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/1/16011/
Link: 1/6/0/1/16011/

EText-No. 16004
Title: The Evil Eye; Or, The Black Spector - The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/0/16004/

EText-No. 16014
Title: The Hedge School; The Midnight Mass; The Donagh - Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of - William Carleton, Volume Three
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/1/16014/

EText-No. 16012
Title: The Ned M'Keown Stories - Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of - William Carleton, Volume Three
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/1/16012/

EText-No. 16017
Title: The Poor Scholar - Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of - William Carleton, Volume Three
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/1/16017/

EText-No. 16013
Title: The Station; The Party Fight And Funeral; The Lough Derg Pilgrim - Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of - William Carleton, Volume Three
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/1/16013/

EText-No. 16010
Title: The Tithe-Proctor - The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/1/16010/

EText-No. 16009
Title: Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent - The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/0/16009/

EText-No. 16001
Title: Willy Reilly - The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
Author: Carleton, William, 1794-1869
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/0/16001/
Link: 1/6/0/0/16001/

EText-No. 1932
Title: Early Kings of Norway
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 2122
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Appendix
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2101
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 01
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2102
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 02
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2103
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 03
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2104
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 04
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2105
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 05
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2106
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 06
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2107
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 07
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2108
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 08
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2109
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 09
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2110
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 10
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2111
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 11
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2112
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 12
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2113
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 13
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2114
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 14
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2115
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 15
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2116
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 16
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2117
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 17
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2118
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 18
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2119
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 19
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2120
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 20
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2121
Title: History of Friedrich II of Prussia — Volume 21
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 1140
Title: Latter-Day Pamphlets
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 1085
Title: Life of John Sterling
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 1091
Title: On Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 13435
Title: On the Choice of Books
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/3/13435/
Link: 1/3/4/3/13435/

EText-No. 13534
Title: Past and Present
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: 1/3/5/3/13534/

EText-No. 1051
Title: Sartor Resartus: the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdrocke
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 16318
Title: Tee työtä eläkä joudu epätoivoon!
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/6/3/1/16318/
Link: 1/6/3/1/16318/

EText-No. 1301
Title: The French Revolution
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881
Language: English
Link: 1/3/0/1301/

EText-No. 18101
Title: [Einleitung zu:] Thomas Carlyle, Leben Schillers
Author: Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881;Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832
Language: German
Link: 1/8/1/0/18101/
Link: 1/8/1/0/18101/
Link: 1/8/1/0/18101/

EText-No. 18268
Title: Ballads of Lost Haven - A Book of the Sea
Author: Carman, Bliss, 1861-1929
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/6/18268/
Link: 1/8/2/6/18268/

EText-No. 18242
Title: Behind the Arras - A Book of the Unseen
Author: Carman, Bliss, 1861-1929
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/4/18242/
Link: 1/8/2/4/18242/

EText-No. 12389
Title: Sappho: One Hundred Lyrics
Author: Carman, Bliss, 1861-1929
Language: English
Link: 1/2/3/8/12389/
Link: 1/2/3/8/12389/

EText-No. 18007
Title: More Songs From Vagabondia
Author: Carman, Bliss, 1861-1929;Hovey, Richard, 1864-1900
Language: English
Link: 1/8/0/0/18007/
Link: 1/8/0/0/18007/

EText-No. 9459
Title: Indian Legends of Vancouver Island
Author: Carmichael, Alfred
Language: English
Link: 9/4/5/9459/

EText-No. 18347
Title: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Debate Index - Second Edition
Author: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Language: English
Link: 1/8/3/4/18347/
Link: 1/8/3/4/18347/

EText-No. 9951
Title: Arbetets Herravälde
Author: Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919
Language: Swedish
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 17976
Title: Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie
Author: Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/7/9/7/17976/
Link: 1/7/9/7/17976/

EText-No. 6411
Title: Round the World
Author: Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 4975
Title: Spinifex and Sand
Author: Carnegie, David Wynford, 1871-1900
Language: English
Link: 4/9/7/4975/

EText-No. 17219
Title: La creació d'Eva i altres contes
Author: Carner, Josep, 1884-1970
Language: Catalan
Link: 1/7/2/1/17219/

EText-No. 13038
Title: George Sand
Author: Caro, Elme
Language: French
Link: 1/3/0/3/13038/
Link: 1/3/0/3/13038/

EText-No. 12451
Title: De profundis! - Episode Maritime
Author: Carolus-Duran [pseud.], 1838?-1917
Language: French
Link: 1/2/4/5/12451/
Link: 1/2/4/5/12451/

EText-No. 2990
Title: Never Again!
Author: Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 1561
Title: Pagan and Christian creeds: their origin and meaning
Author: Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 10097
Title: The Healing of Nations and the Hidden Sources of Their Strife
Author: Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929
Language: English
Link: 1/0/0/9/10097/
Link: 1/0/0/9/10097/

EText-No. 16410
Title: The Life-Story of Insects
Author: Carpenter, George H. (George Herbert), 1865-1939
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/1/16410/
Link: 1/6/4/1/16410/

EText-No. 727
Title: The Star-Spangled Banner
Author: Carpenter, John A.
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 7039
Title: The Angel Adjutant of "Twice Born Men"
Author: Carpenter, Minnie Lindsay Rowell
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 2691
Title: Nan Sherwood at Pine Camp - or, the Old Lumberman's Secret
Author: Carr, Annie Roe
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 6439
Title: Nan Sherwood at Rose Ranch
Author: Carr, Annie Roe
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12610
Title: Nan Sherwood's Winter Holidays - Rescuing the Runaways
Author: Carr, Annie Roe
Language: English
Link: 1/2/6/1/12610/
Link: 1/2/6/1/12610/

EText-No. 10367
Title: Poems
Author: Carr, Sir John, 1772-1832
Language: English
Link: 1/0/3/6/10367/
Link: 1/0/3/6/10367/

EText-No. 17958
Title: Warlord of Kor
Author: Carr, Terry Gene, 1937-1987
Language: English
Link: 1/7/9/5/17958/
Link: 1/7/9/5/17958/

EText-No. 15626
Title: Contes et historiettes à l'usage des jeunes enfants - Qui commencent à savoir lire
Author: Carraud, Zulma, 1796-1889
Language: French
Link: 1/5/6/2/15626/

EText-No. 18715
Title: La petite Jeanne - ou Le devoir
Author: Carraud, Zulma, 1796-1889
Language: French
Link: 1/8/7/1/18715/

EText-No. 928
Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - HTML Edition
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext97/alice30h.htm

EText-No. 11
Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext91/alice30p.pdb

EText-No. 11
Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext91/alice30.pdf

EText-No. 11
Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext91/

EText-No. 11
Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext91/alice30.tex

EText-No. 11
Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext91/alice30.txt

EText-No. 11
Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext91/

EText-No. 11
Title: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext91/

EText-No. 17482
Title: La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: Esperanto
Link: 1/7/4/8/17482/
Link: 1/7/4/8/17482/

EText-No. 651
Title: Phantasmagoria and Other Poems
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 620
Title: Sylvie and Bruno
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 4763
Title: The Game of Logic
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 13
Title: The Hunting of the Snark
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext91/

EText-No. 12
Title: Through the Looking-Glass
Author: Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Language: English
Link: etext91/

EText-No. 5994
Title: Our Nervous Friends — Illustrating the Mastery of Nervousness
Author: Carroll, Robert S.
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16586
Title: The Voyage of the Rattletrap
Author: Carruth, Hayden
Language: English
Link: 1/6/5/8/16586/

EText-No. 6438
Title: Fables for the Frivolous
Author: Carryl, Guy Whitmore
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6506
Title: Old Mission Stories of California
Author: Carter, Charles Franklin
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 8067
Title: The Boy Scouts on Sturgeon Island - or Marooned Among the Game-fish Poachers
Author: Carter, Herbert
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 18222
Title: The Religion of Numa - And Other Essays on the Religion of Ancient Rome
Author: Carter, Jesse Benedict, 1872-1917
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/2/18222/
Link: 1/8/2/2/18222/

EText-No. 11989
Title: The Crime of the French Café and Other Stories
Author: Carter, Nicholas
Language: English
Link: 1/1/9/8/11989/
Link: 1/1/9/8/11989/

EText-No. 14096
Title: With Links of Steel
Author: Carter, Nicholas
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/9/14096/
Link: 1/4/0/9/14096/

EText-No. 12356
Title: Voyage de J. Cartier au Canada - Relation originale de Jacques Cartier
Author: Cartier, Jacques, 1491-1557
Language: French
Link: 1/2/3/5/12356/
Link: 1/2/3/5/12356/

EText-No. 1483
Title: Forty Centuries of Ink; or, a chronological narrative concerning ink and its backgrounds, introducing incidental observations and deductions, parallels of time and color phenomena, bibliography, chemistry, poetical effusions, citations, anecdotes and curiosa together with some evidence respecting the evanescent character of most inks of to-day and an epitome of chemico-legal ink
Author: Carvalho, David Nunes, 1848-1925
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 10660
Title: Lives of the English Poets - From Johnson to Kirke White, Designed as a Continuation of - Johnson's Lives
Author: Cary, Henry Francis, 1772-1844
Language: English
Link: 1/0/6/6/10660/
Link: 1/0/6/6/10660/

EText-No. 2951
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 01: Childhood
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/5/2951/

EText-No. 2952
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 02: a Cleric in Naples
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/5/2952/

EText-No. 2953
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 03: Military Career
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/5/2953/

EText-No. 2954
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 04: Return to Venice
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/5/2954/

EText-No. 2955
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 05: Milan and Mantua
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/5/2955/

EText-No. 2956
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 06: Paris
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/5/2956/

EText-No. 2957
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 07: Venice
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/5/2957/

EText-No. 2958
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 08: Convent Affairs
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/5/2958/

EText-No. 2959
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 09: the False Nun
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/5/2959/

EText-No. 2960
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 10: under the Leads
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/6/2960/

EText-No. 2961
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 11: Paris and Holland
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/6/2961/

EText-No. 2962
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 12: Return to Paris
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/6/2962/

EText-No. 2963
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 13: Holland and Germany
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/6/2963/

EText-No. 2964
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 14: Switzerland
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/6/2964/

EText-No. 2965
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 15: with Voltaire
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/6/2965/

EText-No. 2966
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 16: Depart Switzerland
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/6/2966/

EText-No. 2967
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 17: Return to Italy
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/6/2967/

EText-No. 2968
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 18: Return to Naples
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/6/2968/

EText-No. 2969
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 19: Back Again to Paris
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/6/2969/

EText-No. 2970
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 20: Milan
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/7/2970/

EText-No. 2971
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 21: South of France
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/7/2971/

EText-No. 2972
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 22: to London
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/7/2972/

EText-No. 2974
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 24: London to Berlin
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/7/2974/

EText-No. 2975
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 25: Russia and Poland
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/7/2975/

EText-No. 2976
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 26: Spain
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/7/2976/

EText-No. 2977
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 27: Expelled from Spain
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/7/2977/

EText-No. 2978
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 28: Rome
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/7/2978/

EText-No. 2979
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 29: Florence to Trieste
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/7/2979/

EText-No. 2980
Title: Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 30: Old Age and Death
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/8/2980/

EText-No. 7538
Title: Quotes and Images from the Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 7/5/3/7538/

EText-No. 2981
Title: The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/8/2981/

EText-No. 2973
Title: The Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 23: English
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: 2/9/7/2973/

EText-No. 3542
Title: Widger's Quotations from the Project Gutenberg Editions of the Works of Jacques Casanova
Author: Casanova, Giacomo, 1725-1798
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 14728
Title: The Crime Against Europe - A Possible Outcome of the War of 1914
Author: Casement, Roger, 1864-1916
Language: English
Link: 1/4/7/2/14728/
Link: 1/4/7/2/14728/

EText-No. 13433
Title: A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays
Author: Cassels, Walter R., 1826-1907
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/3/13433/
Link: 1/3/4/3/13433/

EText-No. 10328
Title: Poems
Author: Cassels, Walter R., 1826-1907
Language: English
Link: 1/0/3/2/10328/
Link: 1/0/3/2/10328/

EText-No. 14076
Title: The Elephant God
Author: Casserly, Gordon
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/7/14076/
Link: 1/4/0/7/14076/

EText-No. 14087
Title: The Jungle Girl
Author: Casserly, Gordon
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/8/14087/
Link: 1/4/0/8/14087/

EText-No. 18590
Title: The Letters of Cassiodorus - Being A Condensed Translation Of The Variae Epistolae Of - Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator
Author: Cassiodorus, Senator, 487?-585?
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/9/18590/
Link: 1/8/5/9/18590/

EText-No. 819
Title: The History of the Telephone
Author: Casson, Herbert Newton, 1869-1951
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 17927
Title: A Queda d'um Anjo - Romance
Author: Castelo Branco, Camilo, 1825-1890
Language: Portuguese
Link: 1/7/9/2/17927/

EText-No. 16425
Title: Amor de Perdição - Memorias d'uma familia
Author: Castelo Branco, Camilo, 1825-1890
Language: Portuguese
Link: 1/6/4/2/16425/

EText-No. 9985
Title: Pocahontas. - A Poem
Author: Castleman, Virginia Carter
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 17349
Title: Frank Among The Rancheros
Author: Castlemon, Harry, [pseud.], 1842-1915
Language: English
Link: 1/7/3/4/17349/
Link: 1/7/3/4/17349/

EText-No. 12808
Title: Frank on a Gun-Boat
Author: Castlemon, Harry, [pseud.], 1842-1915
Language: English
Link: 1/2/8/0/12808/

EText-No. 6958
Title: Frank on the Lower Mississippi
Author: Castlemon, Harry, [pseud.], 1842-1915
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12405
Title: Frank, the Young Naturalist
Author: Castlemon, Harry, [pseud.], 1842-1915
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/0/12405/

EText-No. 18076
Title: The Boy Trapper
Author: Castlemon, Harry, [pseud.], 1842-1915
Language: English
Link: 1/8/0/7/18076/

EText-No. 15980
Title: Pag Susulatan nang Dalauang Binibini na si Urbana at ni Feliza
Author: Castro, Modesto de, 1819-1864
Language: Tagalog
Link: 1/5/9/8/15980/

EText-No. 18103
Title: "Contemptible"
Author: Casualty, [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: 1/8/1/0/18103/
Link: 1/8/1/0/18103/

EText-No. 18181
Title: The Path of Duty, and Other Stories
Author: Caswell, H. S. (Harriet S.), 1834-
Language: English
Link: 1/8/1/8/18181/
Link: 1/8/1/8/18181/

EText-No. 15799
Title: Walter Harland - Or, Memories of the Past
Author: Caswell, H. S. (Harriet S.), 1834-
Language: English
Link: 1/5/7/9/15799/

EText-No. 14816
Title: La Mare Balena
Author: Catala, Victor
Language: Catalan
Link: 1/4/8/1/14816/

EText-No. 94
Title: Alexander's Bridge
Author: Cather, Willa Sibert, 1873-1947
Language: English
Link: 9/94/

EText-No. 242
Title: My Antonia
Author: Cather, Willa Sibert, 1873-1947
Language: English
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 24
Title: O Pioneers!
Author: Cather, Willa Sibert, 1873-1947
Language: English
Link: etext92/

EText-No. 2369
Title: One of Ours
Author: Cather, Willa Sibert, 1873-1947
Language: English
Link: 2/3/6/2369/
Link: 2/3/6/2369/

EText-No. 44
Title: The Song of the Lark
Author: Cather, Willa Sibert, 1873-1947
Language: English
Link: etext92/

EText-No. 346
Title: The Troll Garden and Selected Stories
Author: Cather, Willa Sibert, 1873-1947
Language: English
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 13555
Title: Youth and the Bright Medusa
Author: Cather, Willa Sibert, 1873-1947
Language: English
Link: 1/3/5/5/13555/
Link: 1/3/5/5/13555/

EText-No. 7403
Title: Letters of Catherine Benincasa
Author: Catherine, of Siena, Saint, 1347-1380
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 15108
Title: Lazarre
Author: Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 1847-1902
Language: English
Link: 1/5/1/0/15108/
Link: 1/5/1/0/15108/

EText-No. 6909
Title: Old Caravan Days
Author: Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 1847-1902
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 18423
Title: Old Kaskaskia
Author: Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 1847-1902
Language: English
Link: 1/8/4/2/18423/
Link: 1/8/4/2/18423/

EText-No. 12199
Title: The Chase of Saint-Castin and Other Stories of the French in the New World
Author: Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 1847-1902
Language: English
Link: 1/2/1/9/12199/
Link: 1/2/1/9/12199/

EText-No. 18631
Title: The Lady of Fort St. John
Author: Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 1847-1902
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/3/18631/
Link: 1/8/6/3/18631/

EText-No. 12140
Title: Roman Farm Management - The Treatises of Cato and Varro
Author: Cato, Marcus Porcius
Language: English
Link: 1/2/1/4/12140/
Link: 1/2/1/4/12140/

EText-No. 17315
Title: Abe Lincoln Gets His Chance
Author: Cavanah, Frances, 1889-1982
Language: English
Link: 1/7/3/1/17315/
Link: 1/7/3/1/17315/

EText-No. 16535
Title: Myth and Romance - Being a Book of Verses
Author: Cawein, Madison Julius, 1865-1914
Language: English
Link: 1/6/5/3/16535/
Link: 1/6/5/3/16535/

EText-No. 7796
Title: Poems
Author: Cawein, Madison Julius, 1865-1914
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 10672
Title: Game and Playe of the Chesse - A Verbatim Reprint of the First Edition, 1474
Author: Caxton, William, 1422-1491
Language: English
Link: 1/0/6/7/10672/
Link: 1/0/6/7/10672/

EText-No. 4028
Title: Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
Author: Cellini, Benvenuto, 1500-1571
Language: English
Link: etext03/
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4290
Title: The Dominion in 1983
Author: Centennius, Ralph
Language: English
Link: 4/2/9/4290/

EText-No. 16740
Title: The Busie Body
Author: Centlivre, Susanna, 1667?-1723
Language: English
Link: 1/6/7/4/16740/
Link: 1/6/7/4/16740/

EText-No. 2468
Title: Repertory of the Comedie Humaine - Part 1
Author: Cerfberr, Anatole, 1835-1896;Christophe, Jules François, 1840-
Language: English
Link: 2/4/6/2468/
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 2469
Title: Repertory of the Comedie Humaine - Part 2
Author: Cerfberr, Anatole, 1835-1896;Christophe, Jules François, 1840-
Language: English
Link: 2/4/6/2469/
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 17635
Title: Repertory Of The Comedie Humaine, Complete, A — Z
Author: Cerfberr, Anatole, 1835-1896;Christophe, Jules François, 1840-
Language: English
Link: 1/7/6/3/17635/

EText-No. 2000
Title: Don Quijote
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: Spanish
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 996
Title: Don Quixote
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 9/9/996/

EText-No. 16066
Title: L'ingénieux hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche - Tome I
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: French
Link: 1/6/0/6/16066/

EText-No. 16067
Title: L'ingénieux hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche - Tome II
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: French
Link: 1/6/0/6/16067/

EText-No. 15115
Title: Novelas y teatro
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/5/1/1/15115/

EText-No. 14420
Title: The Exemplary Novels of Cervantes
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 1/4/4/2/14420/
Link: 1/4/4/2/14420/

EText-No. 5903
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 01
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/0/5903/

EText-No. 5904
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 02
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/0/5904/

EText-No. 5905
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 03
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/0/5905/

EText-No. 5906
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 04
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/0/5906/

EText-No. 5907
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 05
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/0/5907/

EText-No. 5908
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 06
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/0/5908/

EText-No. 5909
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 07
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/0/5909/

EText-No. 5910
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 08
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/1/5910/

EText-No. 5911
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 09
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/1/5911/

EText-No. 5912
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 10
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/1/5912/

EText-No. 5913
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 11
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/1/5913/

EText-No. 5914
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 12
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/1/5914/

EText-No. 5915
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 13
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/1/5915/

EText-No. 5916
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 14
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/1/5916/

EText-No. 5917
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 15
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/1/5917/

EText-No. 5918
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 16
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/1/5918/

EText-No. 5919
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 17
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/1/5919/

EText-No. 5920
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 18
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/2/5920/

EText-No. 5922
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 19
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/2/5922/

EText-No. 5923
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 20
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/2/5923/

EText-No. 5924
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 21
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/2/5924/

EText-No. 5925
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 22
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/2/5925/

EText-No. 5926
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 23
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/2/5926/

EText-No. 5927
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 24
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/2/5927/

EText-No. 5928
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 25
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/2/5928/

EText-No. 5929
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 26
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/2/5929/

EText-No. 5930
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 27
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/3/5930/

EText-No. 5931
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 28
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/3/5931/

EText-No. 5932
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 29
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/3/5932/

EText-No. 5933
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 30
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/3/5933/

EText-No. 5934
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 31
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/3/5934/

EText-No. 5935
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 32
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/3/5935/

EText-No. 5936
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 33
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/3/5936/

EText-No. 5937
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 34
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/3/5937/

EText-No. 5938
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 35
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/3/5938/

EText-No. 5939
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 36
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/3/5939/

EText-No. 5940
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 37
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/4/5940/

EText-No. 5941
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 38
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/4/5941/

EText-No. 5942
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 39
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/4/5942/

EText-No. 5943
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 40
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/4/5943/

EText-No. 5944
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 41
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/4/5944/

EText-No. 5945
Title: The History of Don Quixote, Volume 2, Part 42
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: English
Link: 5/9/4/5945/

EText-No. 16110
Title: Viage al Parnaso - La Numancia (Tragedia) y El Trato de Argel (Comedia)
Author: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/6/1/1/16110/

EText-No. 14788
Title: La nuit de Noël dans tous les pays
Author: Chabot, Alphonse
Language: French
Link: 1/4/7/8/14788/

EText-No. 14713
Title: Noël dans les pays étrangers
Author: Chabot, Alphonse
Language: French
Link: 1/4/7/1/14713/

EText-No. 12586
Title: Satan
Author: Chafer, Lewis Sperry
Language: English
Link: 1/2/5/8/12586/

EText-No. 7175
Title: The Tattva-Muktavali
Author: Chakravartin, Purnananda
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6367
Title: The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
Author: Chalippe, Father Candide
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16253
Title: Madge Morton, Captain of the Merry Maid
Author: Chalmers, Amy D. V.
Language: English
Link: 1/6/2/5/16253/
Link: 1/6/2/5/16253/

EText-No. 17694
Title: Adventures in New Guinea
Author: Chalmers, James, 1841-1901
Language: English
Link: 1/7/6/9/17694/

EText-No. 7966
Title: The Child and Childhood in Folk-Thought - Studies of the Activities and Influences of the Child Among - Primitive Peoples, Their Analogues and Survivals in the - Civilization of To-Day
Author: Chamberlain, Alexander F.
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2510
Title: The Invention of a New Religion
Author: Chamberlain, Basil Hall, 1850-1935
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 14039
Title: Through stained glass
Author: Chamberlain, George Agnew
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/3/14039/
Link: 1/4/0/3/14039/
Link: 1/4/0/3/14039/

EText-No. 10961
Title: Lawn Tennis for Ladies
Author: Chambers, Mrs. Lambert, 1878-1960
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/6/10961/
Link: 1/0/9/6/10961/

EText-No. 11904
Title: Ailsa Paige
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/1/9/0/11904/

EText-No. 8441
Title: Between Friends
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 18668
Title: In Search of the Unknown
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/6/18668/
Link: 1/8/6/6/18668/

EText-No. 5748
Title: In Secret
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6893
Title: In the Quarter
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 18515
Title: Police!!!
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/1/18515/
Link: 1/8/5/1/18515/

EText-No. 13813
Title: The Common Law
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/1/13813/
Link: 1/3/8/1/13813/

EText-No. 18185
Title: The Danger Mark
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/8/1/8/18185/
Link: 1/8/1/8/18185/

EText-No. 7492
Title: The Fighting Chance
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 15654
Title: The Firing Line
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/5/6/5/15654/
Link: 1/5/6/5/15654/

EText-No. 10441
Title: The Green Mouse
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/0/4/4/10441/
Link: 1/0/4/4/10441/

EText-No. 4984
Title: The Hidden Children
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 8492
Title: The King in Yellow
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 12279
Title: The Maid-At-Arms
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/2/2/7/12279/
Link: 1/2/2/7/12279/

EText-No. 13180
Title: The Tracer of Lost Persons
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/3/1/8/13180/
Link: 1/3/1/8/13180/
Link: 1/3/1/8/13180/

EText-No. 14852
Title: The Younger Set
Author: Chambers, Robert W. (Robert William), 1865-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/4/8/5/14852/
Link: 1/4/8/5/14852/

EText-No. 7116
Title: Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
Author: Chambers, Robert, 1802-1871
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5339
Title: Peter Schlemihl
Author: Chamisso, Adelbert von, 1781-1838
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 17258
Title: Oeuvres de Champlain
Author: Champlain, Samuel de, 1567-1635
Language: French
Link: 1/7/2/5/17258/

EText-No. 6653
Title: Voyages of Samuel De Champlain — Volume 01
Author: Champlain, Samuel de, 1567-1635
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6749
Title: Voyages of Samuel De Champlain — Volume 02
Author: Champlain, Samuel de, 1567-1635
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6825
Title: Voyages of Samuel De Champlain — Volume 03
Author: Champlain, Samuel de, 1567-1635
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10764
Title: Lettres écrites d'Égypte et de Nubie en 1828 et 1829
Author: Champollion le Jeune
Language: French
Link: 1/0/7/6/10764/
Link: 1/0/7/6/10764/

EText-No. 15459
Title: Cham et Japhet, ou De l'émigration des nègres chez les blancs considérée comme moyen providentiel de régénérer la race nègre et de civiliser l'Afrique intérieure.
Author: Chancel, Ausone de
Language: French
Link: 1/5/4/5/15459/

EText-No. 5742
Title: The Bird-Woman of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Author: Chandler, Katherine
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 8450
Title: The Elements of Character
Author: Chandler, Mary G.
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 12423
Title: A Short History of the United States
Author: Channing, Edward, 1856-1931
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/2/12423/
Link: 1/2/4/2/12423/

EText-No. 4971
Title: The Great Intendant : A chronicle of Jean Talon in Canada, 1665-1672
Author: Chapais, Thomas, 1858-1946
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16907
Title: Greenwich Village
Author: Chapin, Anna Alice, 1880-1920
Language: English
Link: 1/6/9/0/16907/

EText-No. 1959
Title: The Crown of Thorns : a token for the sorrowing
Author: Chapin, E. H. (Edwin Hubbell), 1814-1880
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 5831
Title: The Riches of Bunyan
Author: Chaplin, Jeremiah Rev.
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6136
Title: Bars and Shadows
Author: Chaplin, Ralph, 1887-1961
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10725
Title: The Centralia Conspiracy
Author: Chaplin, Ralph, 1887-1961
Language: English
Link: 1/0/7/2/10725/

EText-No. 15903
Title: Bart Stirling's Road to Success - Or, The Young Express Agent
Author: Chapman, Allen [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: 1/5/9/0/15903/
Link: 1/5/9/0/15903/

EText-No. 9854
Title: Frank Roscoe's Secret - Or, the Darewell Chums in the Woods
Author: Chapman, Allen [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 7899
Title: The Radio Boys' First Wireless - Or Winning the Ferberton Prize
Author: Chapman, Allen [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 14083
Title: Tom Fairfield's Pluck and Luck
Author: Chapman, Allen [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/8/14083/

EText-No. 9957
Title: The Personal Touch
Author: Chapman, J. Wilbur
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 13088
Title: Emerson and Other Essays
Author: Chapman, John Jay
Language: English
Link: 1/3/0/8/13088/
Link: 1/3/0/8/13088/

EText-No. 15407
Title: The Cyder-Maker's Instructor, Sweet-Maker's Assistant, and Victualler's and Housekeeper's Director - In Three Parts
Author: Chapman, Thomas
Language: English
Link: 1/5/4/0/15407/

EText-No. 6586
Title: The Cruise of the Kawa
Author: Chappell, George S. (George Shepard), 1877-1946
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16254
Title: The Fertility of the Unfit
Author: Chapple, W. A. (William Allan), 1864-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/6/2/5/16254/
Link: 1/6/2/5/16254/

EText-No. 18574
Title: Across the Sea and Other Poems.
Author: Chard, Thomas S.
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/7/18574/

EText-No. 17961
Title: Kindness to Animals - Or, The Sin of Cruelty Exposed and Rebuked
Author: Charlotte Elizabeth, 1790-1846
Language: English
Link: 1/7/9/6/17961/

EText-No. 8114
Title: Personal Recollections - Abridged, Chiefly in Parts Pertaining to Political and Other - Controversies Prevalent at the Time in Great Britain
Author: Charlotte Elizabeth, 1790-1846
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 13346
Title: Reis naar Yucatan - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1886
Author: Charnay, Désiré, 1828-1915
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/3/3/4/13346/
Link: 1/3/3/4/13346/

EText-No. 18379
Title: Abraham Lincoln
Author: Charnwood, Godfrey Rathbone Benson, Baron, 1864-1945
Language: English
Link: 1/8/3/7/18379/
Link: 1/8/3/7/18379/

EText-No. 6735
Title: Over the Border: Acadia, the Home of "Evangeline"
Author: Chase, Eliza B. (Eliza Brown)
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 9063
Title: The Penance of Magdalena & Other Tales of the California Missions
Author: Chase, J. Smeaton
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 17261
Title: Correspondance de Chateaubriand avec la marquise de V... - Un dernier amour de René
Author: Chateaubriand, François-René de, 1768-1848;Vichet, Marie-Louise de
Language: French
Link: 1/7/2/6/17261/
Link: 1/7/2/6/17261/

EText-No. 15256
Title: The Young Seigneur - Or, Nation-Making
Author: Châteauclair, Wilfrid
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/5/15256/
Link: 1/5/2/5/15256/

EText-No. 17455
Title: The Poison Tree - A Tale of Hindu Life in Bengal
Author: Chatterjee, Bankim Chandra, 1838-1894
Language: English
Link: 1/7/4/5/17455/
Link: 1/7/4/5/17455/

EText-No. 17563
Title: King's Cutters and Smugglers 1700-1855
Author: Chatterton, E. Keble (Edward Keble), 1878-1944
Language: English
Link: 1/7/5/6/17563/
Link: 1/7/5/6/17563/

EText-No. 13037
Title: The Rowley Poems
Author: Chatterton, Thomas
Language: English
Link: 1/3/0/3/13037/
Link: 1/3/0/3/13037/

EText-No. 13651
Title: Chatto & Windus Alphabetical Catalogue of Books in Fiction and General Literature, Sept. 1905
Author: Chatto & Windus (Firm)
Language: English
Link: 1/3/6/5/13651/
Link: 1/3/6/5/13651/

EText-No. 2383
Title: The Canterbury Tales, and Other Poems
Author: Chaucer, Geoffrey, 1343?-1400
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 257
Title: Troilus and Criseyde
Author: Chaucer, Geoffrey, 1343?-1400
Language: English
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 6595
Title: Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children
Author: Chavasse, Pye Henry, 1810-1879
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16795
Title: La conquête d'une cuisinière I - Seul contre trois belles-mères
Author: Chavette, Eugène, 1827-1902
Language: French
Link: 1/6/7/9/16795/

EText-No. 16796
Title: La conquête d'une cuisinière II - Le tombeur-des-crânes
Author: Chavette, Eugène, 1827-1902
Language: French
Link: 1/6/7/9/16796/

EText-No. 18623
Title: Le saucisson à pattes I - Fil-à-beurre
Author: Chavette, Eugène, 1827-1902
Language: French
Link: 1/8/6/2/18623/

EText-No. 12456
Title: The Troubadours
Author: Chaytor, H.J., 1871-1954
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/5/12456/
Link: 1/2/4/5/12456/

EText-No. 11055
Title: Lord Dolphin
Author: Cheever, Harriet A.
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/5/11055/
Link: 1/1/0/5/11055/

EText-No. 1755
Title: Ivanoff
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 6408
Title: Letters of Anton Chekhov
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 13414
Title: Love
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/1/13414/
Link: 1/3/4/1/13414/

EText-No. 12494
Title: Note-Book of Anton Chekhov
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/9/12494/
Link: 1/2/4/9/12494/

EText-No. 7986
Title: Plays by Anton Chekhov, Second Series
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 1753
Title: Swan Song
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/7/5/1753/

EText-No. 13419
Title: The Bishop and Other Stories
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/1/13419/
Link: 1/3/4/1/13419/

EText-No. 13418
Title: The Chorus Girl and Other Stories
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/1/13418/
Link: 1/3/4/1/13418/

EText-No. 13417
Title: The Cook's Wedding and Other Stories
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/1/13417/
Link: 1/3/4/1/13417/

EText-No. 13416
Title: The Darling and Other Stories
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/1/13416/
Link: 1/3/4/1/13416/

EText-No. 13505
Title: The Duel and Other Stories
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/3/5/0/13505/
Link: 1/3/5/0/13505/

EText-No. 13409
Title: The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/0/13409/
Link: 1/3/4/0/13409/

EText-No. 13415
Title: The Lady with the Dog and Other Stories
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/1/13415/
Link: 1/3/4/1/13415/

EText-No. 13413
Title: The Party
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/1/13413/
Link: 1/3/4/1/13413/

EText-No. 13412
Title: The Schoolmaster
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/1/13412/
Link: 1/3/4/1/13412/

EText-No. 1732
Title: The Schoolmistress, and other stories
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/7/3/1732/

EText-No. 1754
Title: The Sea-Gull
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/7/5/1754/

EText-No. 1883
Title: The Wife, and other stories
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/8/8/1883/

EText-No. 1944
Title: The Witch and other stories
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/9/4/1944/

EText-No. 1756
Title: Uncle Vanya
Author: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 14175
Title: Buffalo Roost
Author: Cheley, F. H.
Language: English
Link: 1/4/1/7/14175/

EText-No. 15375
Title: Voyage dans l'Aurès - Notes d'un médecin envoyé en mission chez les femmes arabes
Author: Chellier, Dorothée
Language: French
Link: 1/5/3/7/15375/

EText-No. 17351
Title: The Rivals of Acadia - An Old Story of the New World
Author: Cheney, Harriet Vaughan, 1796-1889
Language: English
Link: 1/7/3/5/17351/
Link: 1/7/3/5/17351/

EText-No. 6592
Title: Si'Wren of the Patriarchs
Author: Cheney, Roland Jon
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 7411
Title: An Art-Lovers Guide to the Exposition
Author: Cheney, Sheldon
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 17899
Title: Poésies choisies de André Chénier
Author: Chénier, André, 1762-1794
Language: French
Link: 1/7/8/9/17899/

EText-No. 17758
Title: Amours fragiles - Le roi Apépi—Le bel Edwards—Les inconséquences de M. Drommel
Author: Cherbuliez, Victor, 1829-1899
Language: French
Link: 1/7/7/5/17758/

EText-No. 2470
Title: Samuel Brohl and Company
Author: Cherbuliez, Victor, 1829-1899
Language: English
Link: 2/4/7/2470/
Link: 2/4/7/2470/

EText-No. 9156
Title: Life and Remains of John Clare - "The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet"
Author: Cherry, J. L.
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 14363
Title: The Worst Journey in the World - Antarctic 1910-1913
Author: Cherry-Garrard, Apsley, 1886-1959
Language: English
Link: 1/4/3/6/14363/
Link: 1/4/3/6/14363/

EText-No. 5327
Title: Pinocchio in Africa
Author: Cherubini, E.
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10986
Title: Frederick Douglass - A Biography
Author: Chesnutt, Charles W. (Charles Waddell), 1858-1932
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/8/10986/
Link: 1/0/9/8/10986/

EText-No. 11666
Title: The Conjure Woman
Author: Chesnutt, Charles W. (Charles Waddell), 1858-1932
Language: English
Link: 1/1/6/6/11666/

EText-No. 472
Title: The House Behind the Cedars
Author: Chesnutt, Charles W. (Charles Waddell), 1858-1932
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 11228
Title: The Marrow of Tradition
Author: Chesnutt, Charles W. (Charles Waddell), 1858-1932
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/2/11228/
Link: 1/1/2/2/11228/

EText-No. 11057
Title: The Wife of his Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line, and Selected Essays
Author: Chesnutt, Charles W. (Charles Waddell), 1858-1932
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/5/11057/
Link: 1/1/0/5/11057/

EText-No. 4353
Title: Five Thousand an Hour : how Johnny Gamble won the heiress
Author: Chester, George Randolph, 1869-1924
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 3361
Title: Complete Project Gutenberg Earl of Chesterfield Works
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 3/3/6/3361/

EText-No. 3351
Title: Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1746-47
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 3/3/5/3351/

EText-No. 3352
Title: Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1748
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 3/3/5/3352/

EText-No. 3353
Title: Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1749
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 3/3/5/3353/

EText-No. 3354
Title: Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1750
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 3/3/5/3354/

EText-No. 3355
Title: Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1751
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 3/3/5/3355/

EText-No. 3356
Title: Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1752
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 3/3/5/3356/

EText-No. 3357
Title: Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1753-54
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 3/3/5/3357/

EText-No. 3358
Title: Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1756-58
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 3/3/5/3358/

EText-No. 3359
Title: Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1759-65
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 3/3/5/3359/

EText-No. 3360
Title: Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1766-71
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 3/3/6/3360/

EText-No. 7539
Title: Quotes and Images from Chesterfield's Letters to His Son
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: 7/5/3/7539/

EText-No. 3531
Title: Widger's Quotations from the Project Gutenberg Editions of the Works of Lord Chesterfield
Author: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 2015
Title: A Miscellany of Men
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 9656
Title: Alarms and Discursions
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 11505
Title: All Things Considered
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/1/5/0/11505/
Link: 1/1/5/0/11505/

EText-No. 14706
Title: Greybeards at Play
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/4/7/0/14706/
Link: 1/4/7/0/14706/

EText-No. 470
Title: Heretics
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 1718
Title: Manalive
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/7/1/1718/

EText-No. 130
Title: Orthodoxy
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/3/130/

EText-No. 16769
Title: Orthodoxy
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/6/7/6/16769/
Link: 1/6/7/6/16769/
Link: 1/6/7/6/16769/

EText-No. 13342
Title: Robert Browning
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/3/3/4/13342/
Link: 1/3/3/4/13342/

EText-No. 11605
Title: The Appetite of Tyranny - Including Letters to an Old Garibaldian
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/1/6/0/11605/
Link: 1/1/6/0/11605/

EText-No. 5265
Title: The Ball and the Cross
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 1719
Title: The Ballad of the White Horse
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 11560
Title: The Barbarism of Berlin
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/1/5/6/11560/

EText-No. 1696
Title: The Club of Queer Trades
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 11554
Title: The Crimes of England
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/1/5/5/11554/
Link: 1/1/5/5/11554/

EText-No. 12245
Title: The Defendant
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/2/2/4/12245/
Link: 1/2/2/4/12245/

EText-No. 204
Title: The Innocence of Father Brown
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 1720
Title: The Man Who Knew Too Much
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/7/2/1720/

EText-No. 1695
Title: The Man Who Was Thursday, a nightmare
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 13468
Title: The New Jerusalem
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/6/13468/

EText-No. 1721
Title: The Trees of Pride
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 18639
Title: The Victorian Age in Literature
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/3/18639/
Link: 1/8/6/3/18639/
Link: 1/8/6/3/18639/

EText-No. 12037
Title: The Wild Knight and Other Poems
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/2/0/3/12037/
Link: 1/2/0/3/12037/

EText-No. 223
Title: The Wisdom of Father Brown
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 8092
Title: Tremendous Trifles
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 12491
Title: Twelve Types
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/9/12491/
Link: 1/2/4/9/12491/

EText-No. 2134
Title: Utopia of Usurers and Other Essays
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 14203
Title: Varied Types
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/4/2/0/14203/
Link: 1/4/2/0/14203/

EText-No. 1717
Title: What's Wrong with the World
Author: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 18672
Title: Poignet-d'acier - Ou Les Chippiouais
Author: Chevalier, Émile
Language: French
Link: 1/8/6/7/18672/

EText-No. 18490
Title: Jacques Cartier
Author: Chevalier, H. Émile (Henri Émile), 1828-1879
Language: French
Link: 1/8/4/9/18490/

EText-No. 18208
Title: L'enfer et le paradis de l'autre monde
Author: Chevalier, H. Émile (Henri Émile), 1828-1879
Language: French
Link: 1/8/2/0/18208/

EText-No. 18454
Title: L'île de sable
Author: Chevalier, H. Émile (Henri Émile), 1828-1879
Language: French
Link: 1/8/4/5/18454/

EText-No. 18535
Title: La capitaine
Author: Chevalier, H. Émile (Henri Émile), 1828-1879
Language: French
Link: 1/8/5/3/18535/

EText-No. 18263
Title: La fille des indiens rouges
Author: Chevalier, H. Émile (Henri Émile), 1828-1879
Language: French
Link: 1/8/2/6/18263/

EText-No. 18403
Title: La fille du pirate
Author: Chevalier, H. Émile (Henri Émile), 1828-1879
Language: French
Link: 1/8/4/0/18403/

EText-No. 17963
Title: Le chasseur noir
Author: Chevalier, H. Émile (Henri Émile), 1828-1879
Language: French
Link: 1/7/9/6/17963/

EText-No. 18404
Title: Le gibet
Author: Chevalier, H. Émile (Henri Émile), 1828-1879
Language: French
Link: 1/8/4/0/18404/

EText-No. 18029
Title: Les derniers Iroquois
Author: Chevalier, H. Émile (Henri Émile), 1828-1879
Language: French
Link: 1/8/0/2/18029/

EText-No. 18585
Title: Les Nez-Percés
Author: Chevalier, H. Émile (Henri Émile), 1828-1879
Language: French
Link: 1/8/5/8/18585/

EText-No. 15582
Title: Chartvlarivm Ecclesiae Sancti Petri de Bvrgo Valentiae Ordinis Sancti Avgvstini
Author: Chevalier, Ulysse, 1841-1923
Language: Latin
Link: 1/5/5/8/15582/

EText-No. 10824
Title: Un tournoi à Romans en 1484
Author: Chevalier, Ulysse, 1841-1923
Language: French
Link: 1/0/8/2/10824/
Link: 1/0/8/2/10824/

EText-No. 7995
Title: The Reconciliation of Races and Religions
Author: Cheyne, Thomas Kelly, 1841-1915
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 4089
Title: American Nation: a history — Volume 1: European Background of American History, 1300-1600
Author: Cheyney, Edward Potts, 1861-1947
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 15136
Title: Amedeide
Author: Chiabrera, Gabriello
Language: Italian
Link: 1/5/1/3/15136/

EText-No. 14188
Title: Fifty-Two Story Talks to Boys and Girls
Author: Chidley, Howard J. (Howard James), 1878-1966
Language: English
Link: 1/4/1/8/14188/
Link: 1/4/1/8/14188/

EText-No. 10549
Title: A Romance of the Republic
Author: Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880
Language: English
Link: 1/0/5/4/10549/
Link: 1/0/5/4/10549/

EText-No. 11859
Title: Isaac T. Hopper
Author: Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880
Language: English
Link: 1/1/8/5/11859/

EText-No. 9982
Title: Philothea - A Grecian Romance
Author: Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 13493
Title: The American Frugal Housewife
Author: Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/9/13493/

EText-No. 13989
Title: The Duty of Disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act - Anti-Slavery Tracts No. 9, An Appeal To The Legislators Of Massachusetts
Author: Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880
Language: English
Link: 1/3/9/8/13989/

EText-No. 8415
Title: The Magician's Show Box and Other Stories
Author: Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 13235
Title: In the Ranks of the C.I.V.
Author: Childers, Erskine, 1870-1922
Language: English
Link: 1/3/2/3/13235/
Link: 1/3/2/3/13235/

EText-No. 15086
Title: The Framework of Home Rule
Author: Childers, Erskine, 1870-1922
Language: English
Link: 1/5/0/8/15086/
Link: 1/5/0/8/15086/

EText-No. 2360
Title: The Riddle of the Sands
Author: Childers, Erskine, 1870-1922
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 15586
Title: India, Old and New
Author: Chirol, Valentine, Sir, 1852-1929
Language: English
Link: 1/5/5/8/15586/
Link: 1/5/5/8/15586/

EText-No. 16444
Title: Indian Unrest
Author: Chirol, Valentine, Sir, 1852-1929
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/4/16444/
Link: 1/6/4/4/16444/

EText-No. 6868
Title: Why and How : a hand-book for the use of the W.C.T. unions in Canada
Author: Chisholm, Addie
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 17778
Title: Sir John French - An Authentic Biography
Author: Chisholm, Cecil
Language: English
Link: 1/7/7/7/17778/
Link: 1/7/7/7/17778/

EText-No. 7488
Title: Celtic Tales, Told to the Children
Author: Chisholm, Louey
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 15541
Title: What Two Children Did
Author: Chittenden, Charlotte E.
Language: English
Link: 1/5/5/4/15541/

EText-No. 6596
Title: Official Report of the Exploration of the Queen Charlotte Islands for the Government of British Columbia
Author: Chittenden, Newton H. (Newton Henry), 1840-1925
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12683
Title: Christine
Author: Cholmondeley, Alice
Language: English
Link: 1/2/6/8/12683/

EText-No. 14885
Title: Red Pottage
Author: Cholmondeley, Mary, 1859-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/4/8/8/14885/
Link: 1/4/8/8/14885/

EText-No. 160
Title: The Awakening and Selected Short Stories
Author: Chopin, Kate O'Flaherty, 1851-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/6/160/

EText-No. 2414
Title: Cliges; a romance
Author: Chrétien, de Troyes, 12th cent.
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 831
Title: Four Arthurian Romances
Author: Chrétien, de Troyes, 12th cent.
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 13886
Title: Rhymes of the Rookies
Author: Christian, W. E.
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/8/13886/

EText-No. 1155
Title: Secret Adversary
Author: Christie, Agatha, 1890-1976
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 863
Title: The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Author: Christie, Agatha, 1890-1976
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 17
Title: The Book of Mormon
Author: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints;Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844
Language: English
Link: etext91/

EText-No. 13481
Title: Roman life in the days of Cicero
Author: Church, Alfred J., Rev., 1829-1912
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/8/13481/
Link: 1/3/4/8/13481/

EText-No. 14994
Title: Stories from the Greek Tragedians
Author: Church, Alfred J., Rev., 1829-1912
Language: English
Link: 1/4/9/9/14994/
Link: 1/4/9/9/14994/

EText-No. 6370
Title: The Story of the Odyssey
Author: Church, Alfred J., Rev., 1829-1912
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 11723
Title: Among the Trees at Elmridge
Author: Church, Ella Rodman
Language: English
Link: 1/1/7/2/11723/
Link: 1/1/7/2/11723/

EText-No. 11771
Title: Occasional Papers - Selected from the Guardian, the Times, and the Saturday Review, - 1846-1890
Author: Church, R.W., 1815-1890
Language: English
Link: 1/1/7/7/11771/
Link: 1/1/7/7/11771/

EText-No. 12092
Title: The Oxford Movement - Twelve Years, 1833-1845
Author: Church, R.W., 1815-1890
Language: English
Link: 1/2/0/9/12092/
Link: 1/2/0/9/12092/
Link: 1/2/0/9/12092/

EText-No. 13888
Title: Bacon - English Men Of Letters, Edited By John Morley
Author: Church, Richard William, 1815-1890
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/8/13888/
Link: 1/3/8/8/13888/

EText-No. 8592
Title: Poetical Works
Author: Churchill, Charles, 1731-1764
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 18419
Title: Liberalism and the Social Problem
Author: Churchill, Winston S., Sir, 1874-1965
Language: English
Link: 1/8/4/1/18419/
Link: 1/8/4/1/18419/

EText-No. 14426
Title: London to Ladysmith via Pretoria
Author: Churchill, Winston S., Sir, 1874-1965
Language: English
Link: 1/4/4/2/14426/
Link: 1/4/4/2/14426/

EText-No. 4943
Title: The River War - An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan
Author: Churchill, Winston S., Sir, 1874-1965
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 9404
Title: The Story of the Malakand Field Force - An Episode of Frontier War
Author: Churchill, Winston S., Sir, 1874-1965
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 5398
Title: A Traveller in War-Time
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/9/5398/

EText-No. 5399
Title: An essay on the American contribution and the democratic idea
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/9/5399/

EText-No. 5383
Title: Celebrity, the Volume 01
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/8/5383/

EText-No. 5384
Title: Celebrity, the — Volume 02
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/8/5384/

EText-No. 5385
Title: Celebrity, the — Volume 03
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/8/5385/

EText-No. 5386
Title: Celebrity, the — Volume 04
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/8/5386/

EText-No. 3762
Title: Coniston — Volume 01
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/7/6/3762/

EText-No. 3763
Title: Coniston — Volume 02
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/7/6/3763/

EText-No. 3764
Title: Coniston — Volume 03
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/7/6/3764/

EText-No. 3765
Title: Coniston — Volume 04
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/7/6/3765/

EText-No. 5388
Title: Crisis, the — Volume 01
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/8/5388/

EText-No. 5389
Title: Crisis, the — Volume 02
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/8/5389/

EText-No. 5390
Title: Crisis, the — Volume 03
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/9/5390/

EText-No. 5391
Title: Crisis, the — Volume 04
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/9/5391/

EText-No. 5392
Title: Crisis, the — Volume 05
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/9/5392/

EText-No. 5393
Title: Crisis, the — Volume 06
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/9/5393/

EText-No. 5394
Title: Crisis, the — Volume 07
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/9/5394/

EText-No. 5395
Title: Crisis, the — Volume 08
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/9/5395/

EText-No. 5397
Title: Dr. Jonathan
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/9/5397/

EText-No. 3646
Title: Dwelling Place of Light, the — Volume 1
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/6/4/3646/

EText-No. 3647
Title: Dwelling Place of Light, the — Volume 2
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/6/4/3647/

EText-No. 3648
Title: Dwelling Place of Light, the — Volume 3
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/6/4/3648/

EText-No. 3736
Title: Far Country, a — Volume 1
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/7/3/3736/

EText-No. 3737
Title: Far Country, a — Volume 2
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/7/3/3737/

EText-No. 3738
Title: Far Country, a — Volume 3
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/7/3/3738/

EText-No. 5356
Title: Inside of the Cup, the — Volume 01
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/5/5356/

EText-No. 5357
Title: Inside of the Cup, the — Volume 02
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/5/5357/

EText-No. 5358
Title: Inside of the Cup, the — Volume 03
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/5/5358/

EText-No. 5359
Title: Inside of the Cup, the — Volume 04
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/5/5359/

EText-No. 5360
Title: Inside of the Cup, the — Volume 05
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/6/5360/

EText-No. 5361
Title: Inside of the Cup, the — Volume 06
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/6/5361/

EText-No. 5362
Title: Inside of the Cup, the — Volume 07
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/6/5362/

EText-No. 5363
Title: Inside of the Cup, the — Volume 08
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/6/5363/

EText-No. 5374
Title: Modern Chronicle, a — Volume 01
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/7/5374/

EText-No. 5375
Title: Modern Chronicle, a — Volume 02
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/7/5375/

EText-No. 5376
Title: Modern Chronicle, a — Volume 03
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/7/5376/

EText-No. 5377
Title: Modern Chronicle, a — Volume 04
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/7/5377/

EText-No. 5378
Title: Modern Chronicle, a — Volume 05
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/7/5378/

EText-No. 5379
Title: Modern Chronicle, a — Volume 06
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/7/5379/

EText-No. 5380
Title: Modern Chronicle, a — Volume 07
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/8/5380/

EText-No. 5381
Title: Modern Chronicle, a — Volume 08
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/8/5381/

EText-No. 3681
Title: Mr. Crewe's Career — Volume 1
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/6/8/3681/

EText-No. 3682
Title: Mr. Crewe's Career — Volume 2
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/6/8/3682/

EText-No. 3683
Title: Mr. Crewe's Career — Volume 3
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/6/8/3683/

EText-No. 5365
Title: Richard Carvel — Volume 01
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/6/5365/

EText-No. 5366
Title: Richard Carvel — Volume 02
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/6/5366/

EText-No. 5367
Title: Richard Carvel — Volume 03
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/6/5367/

EText-No. 5368
Title: Richard Carvel — Volume 04
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/6/5368/

EText-No. 5369
Title: Richard Carvel — Volume 05
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/6/5369/

EText-No. 5370
Title: Richard Carvel — Volume 06
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/7/5370/

EText-No. 5371
Title: Richard Carvel — Volume 07
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/7/5371/

EText-No. 5372
Title: Richard Carvel — Volume 08
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 5/3/7/5372/

EText-No. 388
Title: The Crossing
Author: Churchill, Winston, 1871-1947
Language: English
Link: 3/8/388/

EText-No. 10598
Title: The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) - Volume I.
Author: Cibber, Theophilus, 1703-1758
Language: English
Link: 1/0/5/9/10598/
Link: 1/0/5/9/10598/

EText-No. 16469
Title: The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) - Volume II
Author: Cibber, Theophilus, 1703-1758
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/6/16469/
Link: 1/6/4/6/16469/

EText-No. 10622
Title: The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) - Volume III
Author: Cibber, Theophilus, 1703-1758
Language: English
Link: 1/0/6/2/10622/
Link: 1/0/6/2/10622/

EText-No. 12014
Title: The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) - Volume IV
Author: Cibber, Theophilus, 1703-1758
Language: English
Link: 1/2/0/1/12014/
Link: 1/2/0/1/12014/

EText-No. 12090
Title: The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) Volume V.
Author: Cibber, Theophilus, 1703-1758
Language: English
Link: 1/2/0/9/12090/
Link: 1/2/0/9/12090/

EText-No. 14970
Title: Academica
Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106 BC-43 BC
Language: Latin
Link: 1/4/9/7/14970/
Link: 1/4/9/7/14970/
Link: 1/4/9/7/14970/

EText-No. 14945
Title: Cato Maior de Senectute with Introduction and Notes
Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106 BC-43 BC
Language: English
Link: 1/4/9/4/14945/
Link: 1/4/9/4/14945/
Link: 1/4/9/4/14945/

EText-No. 9776
Title: Cicero's Brutus or History of Famous Orators; also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker.
Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106 BC-43 BC
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 226
Title: Cicero's Orations
Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106 BC-43 BC
Language: Latin
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 14988
Title: Cicero's Tusculan Disputations - Also, Treatises On The Nature Of The Gods, And On The Commonwealth
Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106 BC-43 BC
Language: English
Link: 1/4/9/8/14988/
Link: 1/4/9/8/14988/

EText-No. 7491
Title: De Amicitia, Scipio's Dream
Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106 BC-43 BC
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2812
Title: Letters of Marcus Tullius Cicero
Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106 BC-43 BC
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 11080
Title: The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106 BC-43 BC
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/8/11080/
Link: 1/1/0/8/11080/

EText-No. 2808
Title: Treatises on Friendship and Old Age
Author: Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106 BC-43 BC
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 6088
Title: The Lay of the Cid
Author: Cid, ca. 1043-1099
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 14750
Title: Bowdoin Boys in Labrador - An Account of the Bowdoin College Scientific Expedition to Labrador led by Prof. Leslie A. Lee of the Biological Department
Author: Cilley, Jonathan Prince, Jr., 1835-1920
Language: English
Link: 1/4/7/5/14750/

EText-No. 17631
Title: Histoire d'un baiser
Author: Cim, Albert, 1845-1924
Language: French
Link: 1/7/6/3/17631/

EText-No. 3686
Title: The Army of the Cumberland
Author: Cist, Henry Martyn, 1839-1902
Language: English
Link: etext03/
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 18370
Title: Manhood Perfectly Restored - Prof. Jean Civiale's Soluble Urethral Crayons as a Quick, - Painless, and Certain Cure for Impotence, Etc.
Author: Civiale Remedial Agency
Language: English
Link: 1/8/3/7/18370/
Link: 1/8/3/7/18370/

EText-No. 4054
Title: A Lady's Visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia in 1852-53
Author: Clacy, Ellen
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 8672
Title: Poems Chiefly from Manuscript
Author: Clare, John, 1793-1864
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 6671
Title: Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon — Volume 02
Author: Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of, 1609-1674;Craik, Henry, Rt. Hon. Sir, 1846-1927
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 17419
Title: Bouddha
Author: Claretie, Jules, 1840-1913
Language: French
Link: 1/7/4/1/17419/

EText-No. 15934
Title: His Excellency the Minister
Author: Claretie, Jules, 1840-1913
Language: English
Link: 1/5/9/3/15934/
Link: 1/5/9/3/15934/

EText-No. 18064
Title: L'américaine
Author: Claretie, Jules, 1840-1913
Language: French
Link: 1/8/0/6/18064/

EText-No. 3927
Title: Prince Zilah — Volume 1
Author: Claretie, Jules, 1840-1913
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 3928
Title: Prince Zilah — Volume 2
Author: Claretie, Jules, 1840-1913
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 3929
Title: Prince Zilah — Volume 3
Author: Claretie, Jules, 1840-1913
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 17830
Title: Ruines et fantômes
Author: Claretie, Jules, 1840-1913
Language: French
Link: 1/7/8/3/17830/

EText-No. 16593
Title: General Science
Author: Clark, Bertha M.
Language: English
Link: 1/6/5/9/16593/
Link: 1/6/5/9/16593/

EText-No. 12581
Title: Elbow-Room - A Novel Without a Plot
Author: Clark, Charles Heber, 1841-1915
Language: English
Link: 1/2/5/8/12581/
Link: 1/2/5/8/12581/

EText-No. 10140
Title: Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance - A Study of Rhetorical Terms in English Renaissance Literary Criticism
Author: Clark, Donald Lemen
Language: English
Link: 1/0/1/4/10140/

EText-No. 6657
Title: The Theology of Holiness
Author: Clark, Dougan
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 7938
Title: Virgilia - or, out of the Lion's Mouth - Out of the Lion's Mouth
Author: Clark, Felicia Buttz
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 16572
Title: Indians of the Yosemite Valley and Vicinity - Their History, Customs and Traditions
Author: Clark, Galen, 1814-1910
Language: English
Link: 1/6/5/7/16572/
Link: 1/6/5/7/16572/

EText-No. 15822
Title: The Faithful Steward - Or, Systematic Beneficence an Essential of Christian Character
Author: Clark, Sereno D.
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/2/15822/

EText-No. 16737
Title: International Language - Past, Present and Future: With Specimens of Esperanto and Grammar
Author: Clark, Walter J.
Language: English
Link: 1/6/7/3/16737/
Link: 1/6/7/3/16737/

EText-No. 16565
Title: History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, Vol. I. - To the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. - Performed During the Years 1804-5-6.
Author: Clark, William, 1770-1838;Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809
Language: English
Link: 1/6/5/6/16565/
Link: 1/6/5/6/16565/

EText-No. 8419
Title: The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
Author: Clark, William, 1770-1838;Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8436
Title: Speculations from Political Economy
Author: Clarke, C. B., 1832-1906
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 18504
Title: Sex in Education - or, A Fair Chance for Girls
Author: Clarke, Edward Hammond, 1820-1877
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/0/18504/
Link: 1/8/5/0/18504/

EText-No. 18408
Title: Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 - The Site of the Terminal Station. Paper No. 1157
Author: Clarke, George C.
Language: English
Link: 1/8/4/0/18408/
Link: 1/8/4/0/18408/

EText-No. 14674
Title: Ten Great Religions - An Essay in Comparative Theology
Author: Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888
Language: English
Link: 1/4/6/7/14674/
Link: 1/4/6/7/14674/
Link: 1/4/6/7/14674/

EText-No. 3424
Title: For the Term of His Natural Life
Author: Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop, 1846-1881
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 6003
Title: Story of Aeneas
Author: Clarke, Michael, 1844-1916
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16990
Title: The Story of Troy
Author: Clarke, Michael, 1844-1916
Language: English
Link: 1/6/9/9/16990/

EText-No. 8151
Title: Miss Merivale's Mistake
Author: Clarke, Mrs. Henry
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 15260
Title: A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 1
Author: Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/6/15260/
Link: 1/5/2/6/15260/

EText-No. 15261
Title: A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 2
Author: Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/6/15261/
Link: 1/5/2/6/15261/

EText-No. 15304
Title: A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume 3
Author: Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846
Language: English
Link: 1/5/3/0/15304/
Link: 1/5/3/0/15304/

EText-No. 10611
Title: An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, Particularly the African - Translated from a Latin Dissertation, Which Was Honoured with the First Prize in the University of Cambridge, for the Year 1785, with Additions
Author: Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846
Language: English
Link: 1/0/6/1/10611/
Link: 1/0/6/1/10611/

EText-No. 12507
Title: The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade by the British Parliament (1808) - Volume II
Author: Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846
Language: English
Link: 1/2/5/0/12507/
Link: 1/2/5/0/12507/

EText-No. 12428
Title: The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave Trade by the British Parliament (1808), Volume I
Author: Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/2/12428/
Link: 1/2/4/2/12428/

EText-No. 10633
Title: The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade, by the British Parliament (1839)
Author: Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846
Language: English
Link: 1/0/6/3/10633/
Link: 1/0/6/3/10633/

EText-No. 10386
Title: Thoughts on the Necessity of Improving the Condition of the Slaves in the British Colonies - With a View to Their Ultimate Emancipation; and on the Practicability, the Safety, and the Advantages of the Latter Measure.
Author: Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846
Language: English
Link: 1/0/3/8/10386/
Link: 1/0/3/8/10386/

EText-No. 1946
Title: On War — Volume 1
Author: Clausewitz, Carl von, 1780-1831
Language: English
Link: 1/9/4/1946/
Link: 1/9/4/1946/

EText-No. 777
Title: The Mastery of the Air
Author: Claxton, William J.
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 15551
Title: Stories from Le Morte D'Arthur and the Mabinogion
Author: Clay, Beatrice
Language: English
Link: 1/5/5/5/15551/
Link: 1/5/5/5/15551/

EText-No. 739
Title: Henry Clay's Remarks in House and Senate
Author: Clay, Henry, 1777-1852
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 7786
Title: The One Great Reality
Author: Clayton, Louisa
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 12045
Title: Women in the fine arts, from the Seventh Century B.C. to the Twentieth Century A.D.
Author: Clement, Clara Erskine
Language: English
Link: 1/2/0/4/12045/
Link: 1/2/0/4/12045/

EText-No. 14144
Title: Carl Wilhelm Scheele ett minnesblad på hundrade årsdagen af hans död
Author: Cleve, Per Teodor, 1840-1905
Language: Swedish
Link: 1/4/1/4/14144/

EText-No. 18297
Title: The Story of a Summer - Or, Journal Leaves from Chappaqua
Author: Cleveland, Cecilia Pauline, 1850-
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/9/18297/
Link: 1/8/2/9/18297/

EText-No. 14137
Title: A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents - Volume 8, part 2: Grover Cleveland
Author: Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908
Language: English
Link: 1/4/1/3/14137/
Link: 1/4/1/3/14137/

EText-No. 15863
Title: A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents - Volume 8, part 3: Grover Cleveland, First Term
Author: Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/6/15863/
Link: 1/5/8/6/15863/

EText-No. 10510
Title: Inaugural Presidential Address
Author: Clinton, William Jefferson, 1946-
Language: English
Link: 1/0/5/1/10510/

EText-No. 13881
Title: The Case of Mrs. Clive
Author: Clive, Catherine, 1711-1785
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/8/13881/
Link: 1/3/8/8/13881/

EText-No. 4319
Title: The Gospels in Four Part Harmony
Author: Clontz, J.
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 1393
Title: Amours De Voyage
Author: Clough, Arthur Hugh, 1819-1861
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 10543
Title: Norwegian Life
Author: Clough, Ethlyn T.
Language: English
Link: 1/0/5/4/10543/
Link: 1/0/5/4/10543/

EText-No. 1613
Title: Count Bunker: being a bald yet veracious chronicle containing some further particulars of two gentlemen whose previous careers were touched upon in a tome entitled the Lunatic at Large
Author: Clouston, J. Storer (Joseph Storer), 1870-1944
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 9852
Title: The Man from the Clouds
Author: Clouston, J. Storer (Joseph Storer), 1870-1944
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 5120
Title: Vandrad the Viking, the Feud and the Spell
Author: Clouston, J. Storer (Joseph Storer), 1870-1944
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16949
Title: Flowers from a Persian Garden and Other Papers
Author: Clouston, W. A.
Language: English
Link: 1/6/9/4/16949/
Link: 1/6/9/4/16949/

EText-No. 13032
Title: The Book of Noodles - Stories of Simpletons; or, Fools and Their Follies
Author: Clouston, W. A.
Language: English
Link: 1/3/0/3/13032/
Link: 1/3/0/3/13032/

EText-No. 16178
Title: Essays on Art
Author: Clutton-Brock, A. (Arthur), 1868-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/6/1/7/16178/
Link: 1/6/1/7/16178/

EText-No. 253
Title: The Universal Copyright Convention (1988)
Author: Coalition for Networked Information
Language: English
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 1891
Title: A Plea for Old Cap Collier
Author: Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 1222
Title: Cobb's Anatomy
Author: Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 18526
Title: Eating in Two or Three Languages
Author: Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/2/18526/
Link: 1/8/5/2/18526/

EText-No. 4551
Title: Europe Revised
Author: Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 16197
Title: One Third Off
Author: Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944
Language: English
Link: 1/6/1/9/16197/
Link: 1/6/1/9/16197/

EText-No. 10798
Title: Paths of Glory - Impressions of War Written at and Near the Front
Author: Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944
Language: English
Link: 1/0/7/9/10798/
Link: 1/0/7/9/10798/

EText-No. 1890
Title: Speaking of Operations
Author: Cobb, Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury), 1876-1944
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 17475
Title: The Lobster Fishery of Maine - Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, Vol. 19, Pages 241-265, 1899
Author: Cobb, John N. (John Nathan), 1868-1930
Language: English
Link: 1/7/4/7/17475/

EText-No. 14528
Title: Discourse on Criticism and of Poetry (1707) - From Poems On Several Occasions (1707)
Author: Cobb, Samuel
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/2/14528/
Link: 1/4/5/2/14528/

EText-No. 18280
Title: Enter Bridget
Author: Cobb, Thomas, 1854-1932
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/8/18280/
Link: 1/8/2/8/18280/

EText-No. 13931
Title: Master of His Fate
Author: Cobban, J. Mclaren
Language: English
Link: 1/3/9/3/13931/
Link: 1/3/9/3/13931/

EText-No. 15510
Title: Advice to Young Men - And (Incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Youth, a Bachelor, a Lover, a Husband, a Father, a Citizen, or a Subject.
Author: Cobbett, William, 1763-1835
Language: English
Link: 1/5/5/1/15510/
Link: 1/5/5/1/15510/

EText-No. 6755
Title: Canada for Gentlemen
Author: Cockburn, James Seaton
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 7932
Title: Brook Farm
Author: Codman, John Thomas
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 16699
Title: Glen of the High North
Author: Cody, H. A. (Hiram Alfred), 1872-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/6/6/9/16699/
Link: 1/6/6/9/16699/

EText-No. 15382
Title: Jess of the Rebel Trail
Author: Cody, H. A. (Hiram Alfred), 1872-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/5/3/8/15382/

EText-No. 17227
Title: Rod of the Lone Patrol
Author: Cody, H. A. (Hiram Alfred), 1872-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/7/2/2/17227/

EText-No. 8198
Title: The Fourth Watch
Author: Cody, H. A. (Hiram Alfred), 1872-1948
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 16698
Title: The King's Arrow - A Tale of the United Empire Loyalists
Author: Cody, H. A. (Hiram Alfred), 1872-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/6/6/9/16698/
Link: 1/6/6/9/16698/

EText-No. 16714
Title: Under Sealed Orders
Author: Cody, H. A. (Hiram Alfred), 1872-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/6/7/1/16714/
Link: 1/6/7/1/16714/

EText-No. 11249
Title: Four Famous American Writers: Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, - James Russell Lowell, Bayard Taylor - A Book for Young Americans
Author: Cody, Sherwin
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/4/11249/
Link: 1/1/2/4/11249/

EText-No. 12740
Title: An Autobiography of Buffalo Bill (Colonel W. F. Cody)
Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
Language: English
Link: 1/2/7/4/12740/
Link: 1/2/7/4/12740/

EText-No. 10030
Title: The Life of Hon. William F. Cody - Known as Buffalo Bill the Famous Hunter, Scout and Guide
Author: Cody, William Frederick, 1846-1917
Language: English
Link: 1/0/0/3/10030/
Link: 1/0/0/3/10030/

EText-No. 6685
Title: Story Hour Readers — Book Three
Author: Coe, Ida;Dillon, Alice Julia Christie, 1876-
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 17503
Title: Os meus amores - contos e balladas
Author: Coelho, Trindade, 1861-1908
Language: Portuguese
Link: 1/7/5/0/17503/

EText-No. 16424
Title: Some Christian Convictions - A Practical Restatement in Terms of Present-Day Thinking
Author: Coffin, Henry Sloane
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/2/16424/
Link: 1/6/4/2/16424/

EText-No. 18601
Title: An Account of Some of the Principal Slave Insurrections, - and Others, Which Have Occurred, or Been Attempted, in the - United States and Elsewhere, During the Last Two Centuries.
Author: Coffin, Joshua, 1792-1864
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/0/18601/

EText-No. 16117
Title: Het land der Bagas en de Rio-Nuñez - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887
Author: Coffinières de Nordeck, Grégoire-Gaspard-Félix, 1811-1887
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/6/1/1/16117/

EText-No. 18002
Title: A Canadian Heroine, Volume 1 - A Novel
Author: Coghill, Harry, Mrs., 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: 1/8/0/0/18002/
Link: 1/8/0/0/18002/

EText-No. 18122
Title: A Canadian Heroine, Volume 2 - A Novel
Author: Coghill, Harry, Mrs., 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: 1/8/1/2/18122/
Link: 1/8/1/2/18122/

EText-No. 18132
Title: A Canadian Heroine, Volume 3 - A Novel
Author: Coghill, Harry, Mrs., 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: 1/8/1/3/18132/
Link: 1/8/1/3/18132/

EText-No. 3455
Title: Nederlandsche Sagen en Legenden
Author: Cohen, Josef, 1886-1965
Language: Dutch
Link: 3/4/5/3455/

EText-No. 11043
Title: Midnight
Author: Cohen, Octavus Roy
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/4/11043/
Link: 1/1/0/4/11043/

EText-No. 12034
Title: Knights of Malta, 1523-1798
Author: Cohen, R., 1895-1981
Language: English
Link: 1/2/0/3/12034/
Link: 1/2/0/3/12034/

EText-No. 497
Title: Tracks of a Rolling Stone
Author: Coke, Henry J. (Henry John), 1827-1916
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 5146
Title: The Fighting Governer : A Chronicle of Frontenac
Author: Colby, Charles William, 1867-1955
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 4213
Title: The Founder of New France : A chronicle of Champlain
Author: Colby, Charles William, 1867-1955
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 15420
Title: Broken Homes - A Study of Family Desertion and its Social Treatment
Author: Colcord, Joanna C.
Language: English
Link: 1/5/4/2/15420/
Link: 1/5/4/2/15420/

EText-No. 7017
Title: A Study in Tinguian Folk-Lore
Author: Cole, Fay-Cooper, 1881-1961
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12849
Title: The Tinguian - Social, Religious, and Economic Life of a Philippine Tribe
Author: Cole, Fay-Cooper, 1881-1961
Language: English
Link: 1/2/8/4/12849/
Link: 1/2/8/4/12849/

EText-No. 18273
Title: The Wild Tribes of Davao District, Mindanao - The R. F. Cummings Philippine Expedition
Author: Cole, Fay-Cooper, 1881-1961
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/7/18273/
Link: 1/8/2/7/18273/

EText-No. 12545
Title: Traditions of the Tinguian: a Study in Philippine Folk-Lore
Author: Cole, Fay-Cooper, 1881-1961
Language: English
Link: 1/2/5/4/12545/
Link: 1/2/5/4/12545/

EText-No. 7429
Title: Trials and Triumphs of Faith
Author: Cole, Mary
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8210
Title: Biographia Epistolaris, Volume 1.
Author: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 6081
Title: Biographia Literaria
Author: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10801
Title: Coleridge's Literary Remains, Volume 4.
Author: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834
Language: English
Link: 1/0/8/0/10801/
Link: 1/0/8/0/10801/

EText-No. 2575
Title: Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit and Some Miscellaneous Pieces
Author: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 8488
Title: Literary Remains, Volume 1
Author: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8533
Title: Literary Remains, Volume 2
Author: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 11101
Title: Rime of the ancient mariner;Coleridge's Ancient Mariner and Select Poems
Author: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834
Language: English
Link: 1/1/1/0/11101/
Link: 1/1/1/0/11101/

EText-No. 8489
Title: Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Author: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 151
Title: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Author: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834
Language: English
Link: 1/5/151/

EText-No. 13785
Title: The Glory of English Prose - Letters to My Grandson
Author: Coleridge, Stephen
Language: English
Link: 1/3/7/8/13785/
Link: 1/3/7/8/13785/

EText-No. 11737
Title: Barks and Purrs
Author: Colette, 1873-1954
Language: English
Link: 1/1/7/3/11737/
Link: 1/1/7/3/11737/

EText-No. 6484
Title: Chéri
Author: Colette, 1873-1954
Language: French
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 13703
Title: La maison de Claudine
Author: Colette, 1873-1954
Language: French
Link: 1/3/7/0/13703/

EText-No. 17713
Title: Ars grammaticae Iaponicae linguae
Author: Collado, Diego, -1638
Language: Latin
Link: 1/7/7/1/17713/
Link: 1/7/7/1/17713/

EText-No. 14223
Title: Untersuchungen über Goethes Faust in seiner ältesten Gestalt
Author: Collin, Joseph
Language: German
Link: 1/4/2/2/14223/
Link: 1/4/2/2/14223/

EText-No. 17022
Title: The First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea - Being The Narrative of Portuguese and Spanish Discoveries in the Australasian Regions, between the Years 1492-1606, with Descriptions of their Old Charts.
Author: Collingridge, George, 1847-1931
Language: English
Link: 1/7/0/2/17022/
Link: 1/7/0/2/17022/

EText-No. 11483
Title: The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C. L. Dodgson)
Author: Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson, 1870-1937
Language: English
Link: 1/1/4/8/11483/
Link: 1/1/4/8/11483/

EText-No. 13076
Title: The Life of John Ruskin
Author: Collingwood, W. G. (William Gershom), 1854-1932
Language: English
Link: 1/3/0/7/13076/
Link: 1/3/0/7/13076/

EText-No. 6934
Title: The Radio Amateur's Hand Book
Author: Collins, A. Frederick (Archie Frederick), 1869-
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12565
Title: An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Volume 1 - With Remarks on the Dispositions, Customs, Manners, Etc. of The - Native Inhabitants of That Country. to Which Are Added, Some - Particulars of New Zealand; Compiled, By Permission, From - The Mss. of Lieutenant-Governor King.
Author: Collins, David, 1754-1810
Language: English
Link: 1/2/5/6/12565/
Link: 1/2/5/6/12565/

EText-No. 12668
Title: An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Volume 2
Author: Collins, David, 1754-1810
Language: English
Link: 1/2/6/6/12668/
Link: 1/2/6/6/12668/

EText-No. 6668
Title: Annette, the Metis Spy
Author: Collins, J. E. (Joseph Edmund), 1855-1892
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6738
Title: Four Canadian Highwaymen
Author: Collins, J. E. (Joseph Edmund), 1855-1892
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10399
Title: The Story of Louis Riel: the Rebel Chief
Author: Collins, J. E. (Joseph Edmund), 1855-1892
Language: English
Link: 1/0/3/9/10399/

EText-No. 14599
Title: Light On The Path and Through the Gates of Gold
Author: Collins, Mabel, 1851-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/9/14599/
Link: 1/4/5/9/14599/

EText-No. 11448
Title: Cicero - Ancient Classics for English Readers
Author: Collins, Rev. W. Lucas, 1817-1887
Language: English
Link: 1/1/4/4/11448/
Link: 1/1/4/4/11448/

EText-No. 2006
Title: A Fair Penitent
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 1588
Title: A Rogue's Life
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/1588/

EText-No. 1626
Title: After Dark
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 3606
Title: Antonina
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 1895
Title: Armadale
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 4605
Title: Basil
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 7890
Title: Blind Love
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 7892
Title: Heart and Science - A Story of the Present Time
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 7893
Title: Hide and Seek
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 1629
Title: I Say No
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 3633
Title: Jezebel's Daughter
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 15060
Title: L'hôtel hanté
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: French
Link: 1/5/0/6/15060/

EText-No. 1630
Title: Little Novels
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 1586
Title: Man and Wife
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/1586/

EText-No. 1621
Title: Miss or Mrs?
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: 1/6/2/1621/

EText-No. 1628
Title: My Lady's Money
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: 1/6/2/1628/

EText-No. 1438
Title: No Name
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: 1/4/3/1438/

EText-No. 3632
Title: Poor Miss Finch
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 1587
Title: The Black Robe
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/1587/

EText-No. 7891
Title: The Dead Alive
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 1627
Title: The Evil Genius
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 7894
Title: The Fallen Leaves
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 1625
Title: The Frozen Deep
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 3634
Title: The Guilty River
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 170
Title: The Haunted Hotel
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext94/

EText-No. 1622
Title: The Law and the Lady
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 1975
Title: The Legacy of Cain
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 155
Title: The Moonstone
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: 1/5/155/

EText-No. 1623
Title: The New Magdalen
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 1917
Title: The Queen of Hearts
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 1624
Title: The Two Destinies
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 583
Title: The Woman in White
Author: Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 17190
Title: Greek and Roman Ghost Stories
Author: Collison-Morley, Lacy, 1875-
Language: English
Link: 1/7/1/9/17190/
Link: 1/7/1/9/17190/

EText-No. 500
Title: Adventures of Pinocchio
Author: Collodi, Carlo, 1826-1890
Language: English
Link: 5/0/500/

EText-No. 16865
Title: Pinocchio - The Tale of a Puppet
Author: Collodi, Carlo, 1826-1890
Language: English
Link: 1/6/8/6/16865/
Link: 1/6/8/6/16865/

EText-No. 11333
Title: The Pearl Story Book - A Collection of Tales, Original and Selected
Author: Colman, Mrs.
Language: English
Link: 1/1/3/3/11333/

EText-No. 17852
Title: Senz'Amore
Author: Colombi, marchesa, 1840-1920
Language: Italian
Link: 1/7/8/5/17852/

EText-No. 17907
Title: Tempesta e bonaccia - Romanzo senza eroi
Author: Colombi, marchesa, 1840-1920
Language: Italian
Link: 1/7/9/0/17907/

EText-No. 18459
Title: Hypnerotomachia - The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
Author: Colonna, Francesco, -1527
Language: English
Link: 1/8/4/5/18459/
Link: 1/8/4/5/18459/
Link: 1/8/4/5/18459/

EText-No. 18052
Title: Medoline Selwyn's Work
Author: Colter, Hattie E.
Language: English
Link: 1/8/0/5/18052/
Link: 1/8/0/5/18052/

EText-No. 6862
Title: The Belted Seas
Author: Colton, Arthur Willis
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16867
Title: The Adventures of Odysseus and The Tales of Troy
Author: Colum, Padraic, 1881-1972
Language: English
Link: 1/6/8/6/16867/
Link: 1/6/8/6/16867/
Link: 1/6/8/6/16867/

EText-No. 2395
Title: The Golden Fleece and the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles
Author: Colum, Padraic, 1881-1972
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 3495
Title: The King of Ireland's Son
Author: Colum, Padraic, 1881-1972
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 11878
Title: Three Plays
Author: Colum, Padraic, 1881-1972
Language: English
Link: 1/1/8/7/11878/

EText-No. 14125
Title: Amerikan löytöretken päiväkirja
Author: Columbus, Christopher, 1451-1506
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/4/1/2/14125/

EText-No. 11655
Title: Fate Knocks at the Door - A Novel
Author: Comfort, Will Levington, 1878-1932
Language: English
Link: 1/1/6/5/11655/
Link: 1/1/6/5/11655/

EText-No. 6351
Title: Red Fleece
Author: Comfort, Will Levington, 1878-1932
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 11206
Title: Compendio di Chimica Fisiologica
Author: Cominelli, A.
Language: Italian
Link: 1/1/2/0/11206/
Link: 1/1/2/0/11206/

EText-No. 12247
Title: Le Circuit de l'Est
Author: Commune de Amiens/Nancy
Language: French
Link: 1/2/2/4/12247/
Link: 1/2/2/4/12247/

EText-No. 14858
Title: The Man Thou Gavest
Author: Comstock, Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa), 1860-
Language: English
Link: 1/4/8/5/14858/

EText-No. 18488
Title: The Place Beyond the Winds
Author: Comstock, Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa), 1860-
Language: English
Link: 1/8/4/8/18488/
Link: 1/8/4/8/18488/

EText-No. 18225
Title: The Shield of Silence
Author: Comstock, Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa), 1860-
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/2/18225/
Link: 1/8/2/2/18225/

EText-No. 16156
Title: Then Marched the Brave
Author: Comstock, Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa), 1860-
Language: English
Link: 1/6/1/5/16156/

EText-No. 17267
Title: Angéline de Montbrun
Author: Conan, Laure [pseud.], 1845-1924
Language: French
Link: 1/7/2/6/17267/

EText-No. 14537
Title: Un amour vrai
Author: Conan, Laure [pseud.], 1845-1924
Language: French
Link: 1/4/5/3/14537/

EText-No. 16449
Title: The Number Concept - Its Origin and Development
Author: Conant, Levi Leonard
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/4/16449/
Link: 1/6/4/4/16449/

EText-No. 9559
Title: Ride to the Lady - And Other Poems
Author: Cone, Helen Gray
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 3330
Title: The Analects of Confucius (from the Chinese Classics)
Author: Confucius, 551 BC-479 BC
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 2363
Title: Incognita; or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd
Author: Congreve, William, 1670-1729
Language: English
Link: 2/3/6/2363/

EText-No. 1244
Title: Love for Love: a Comedy
Author: Congreve, William, 1670-1729
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 1191
Title: The Double-Dealer, a comedy
Author: Congreve, William, 1670-1729
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 1192
Title: The Old Bachelor: a Comedy
Author: Congreve, William, 1670-1729
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 1292
Title: The Way of the World
Author: Congreve, William, 1670-1729
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 1612
Title: Poems By a Little Girl
Author: Conkling, Hilda, 1910-1986
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 4962
Title: The Story of Germ Life
Author: Conn, H. W. (Herbert William)
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16487
Title: The Story of the Living Machine - A Review of the Conclusions of Modern Biology in Regard - to the Mechanism Which Controls the Phenomena of Living - Activity
Author: Conn, H. W. (Herbert William)
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/8/16487/
Link: 1/6/4/8/16487/

EText-No. 6144
Title: Report of Commemorative Services with the Sermons and Addresses at the Seabury Centenary, 1883-1885.
Author: Connecticut, Diocese Of
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 13836
Title: Wide Courses
Author: Connolly, James Brendan, 1868-1957
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/3/13836/
Link: 1/3/8/3/13836/

EText-No. 3245
Title: Black Rock: a Tale of the Selkirks
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: 3/2/4/3245/

EText-No. 3241
Title: Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police; a tale of the Macleod trail
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: 3/2/4/3241/

EText-No. 3243
Title: Glengarry School Days: a story of early days in Glengarry
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: 3/2/4/3243/

EText-No. 3242
Title: The Doctor : a Tale of the Rockies
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: 3/2/4/3242/

EText-No. 3466
Title: The Foreigner - A Tale of Saskatchewan
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: 3/4/6/3466/

EText-No. 3249
Title: The Major
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: 3/2/4/3249/

EText-No. 3287
Title: The Man from Glengarry; a tale of the Ottawa
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: 3/2/8/3287/

EText-No. 3247
Title: The Patrol of the Sun Dance Trail
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: 3/2/4/3247/

EText-No. 3658
Title: The Prospector
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 3288
Title: The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: 3/2/8/3288/

EText-No. 3248
Title: The Sky Pilot, a Tale of the Foothills
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: 3/2/4/3248/

EText-No. 3244
Title: To Him That Hath: a Tale of the West of Today
Author: Connor, Ralph, Pseudonym, 1860-1937
Language: English
Link: 3/2/4/3244/

EText-No. 15242
Title: Desert Love
Author: Conquest, Joan
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/4/15242/
Link: 1/5/2/4/15242/

EText-No. 15841
Title: Leonie of the Jungle
Author: Conquest, Joan
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/4/15841/
Link: 1/5/8/4/15841/

EText-No. 15721
Title: The Hawk of Egypt
Author: Conquest, Joan
Language: English
Link: 1/5/7/2/15721/
Link: 1/5/7/2/15721/

EText-No. 687
Title: A Personal Record
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 6/8/687/

EText-No. 2305
Title: A Set of Six
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 2/3/0/2305/

EText-No. 720
Title: Almayer's Folly: a story of an Eastern river
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 7/2/720/

EText-No. 495
Title: Amy Foster
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 4/9/495/

EText-No. 638
Title: An Outcast of the Islands
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 6/3/638/

EText-No. 1476
Title: Chance
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/4/7/1476/

EText-No. 493
Title: Falk
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 4/9/493/

EText-No. 8736
Title: Gaspar Ruiz
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 219
Title: Heart of Darkness
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 2/1/219/

EText-No. 526
Title: Heart of Darkness
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 5/2/526/

EText-No. 5658
Title: Lord Jim
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 5/6/5/5658/

EText-No. 2021
Title: Nostromo, a Tale of the Seaboard
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 2/0/2/2021/

EText-No. 1143
Title: Notes on Life and Letters
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/1/4/1143/

EText-No. 17621
Title: One Day More - A Play In One Act
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/7/6/2/17621/

EText-No. 1316
Title: Some Reminiscences
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/3/1/1316/

EText-No. 17732
Title: Tales Of Hearsay
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/7/7/3/17732/

EText-No. 1202
Title: Tales of Unrest
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/2/0/1202/

EText-No. 1083
Title: The Arrow of Gold
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 527
Title: The End of the Tether
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 5/2/527/

EText-No. 1058
Title: The Mirror of the Sea
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 17731
Title: The Nigger Of The "Narcissus" - A Tale Of The Forecastle
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/7/7/3/17731/
Link: 1/7/7/3/17731/

EText-No. 17620
Title: The Point Of Honor - A Military Tale
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/7/6/2/17620/
Link: 1/7/6/2/17620/

EText-No. 1712
Title: The Rescue
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/7/1/1712/

EText-No. 974
Title: The Secret Agent; a Simple Tale
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 9/7/974/

EText-No. 220
Title: The Secret Sharer
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 2/2/220/

EText-No. 451
Title: The Shadow Line; a confession
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 4/5/451/

EText-No. 494
Title: To-morrow
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 4/9/494/

EText-No. 1055
Title: Twixt Land and Sea
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 1142
Title: Typhoon
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/1/4/1142/

EText-No. 2480
Title: Under Western Eyes
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 2/4/8/2480/

EText-No. 6378
Title: Victory
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 6/3/7/6378/

EText-No. 1053
Title: Within the Tides
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 525
Title: Youth, a Narrative
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Language: English
Link: 5/2/525/

EText-No. 17642
Title: Romance
Author: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924;Ford, Ford Madox, 1873-1939
Language: English
Link: 1/7/6/4/17642/
Link: 1/7/6/4/17642/

EText-No. 17298
Title: Argent et Noblesse
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: French
Link: 1/7/2/9/17298/
Link: 1/7/2/9/17298/

EText-No. 13595
Title: Avondstonden
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/3/5/9/13595/
Link: 1/3/5/9/13595/

EText-No. 13596
Title: Bavo en Lieveken
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/3/5/9/13596/
Link: 1/3/5/9/13596/

EText-No. 13378
Title: De baanwachter
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/3/3/7/13378/
Link: 1/3/3/7/13378/

EText-No. 13625
Title: De Kerels van Vlaanderen
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/3/6/2/13625/
Link: 1/3/6/2/13625/

EText-No. 15682
Title: De Leeuw van Vlaanderen - Of de Slag der Gulden Sporen
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/5/6/8/15682/

EText-No. 11287
Title: De omwenteling van 1830
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/1/2/8/11287/
Link: 1/1/2/8/11287/

EText-No. 17072
Title: Eene Gekkenwereld!
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/7/0/7/17072/

EText-No. 17248
Title: Histoire de deux enfants d'ouvrier
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: French
Link: 1/7/2/4/17248/
Link: 1/7/2/4/17248/

EText-No. 17242
Title: La tombe de fer
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: French
Link: 1/7/2/4/17242/
Link: 1/7/2/4/17242/

EText-No. 10384
Title: Le Pays de l'or
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: French
Link: 1/0/3/8/10384/
Link: 1/0/3/8/10384/

EText-No. 11207
Title: Redevoeringen
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/1/2/0/11207/
Link: 1/1/2/0/11207/

EText-No. 13835
Title: The Amulet
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/3/13835/
Link: 1/3/8/3/13835/

EText-No. 13576
Title: The Poor Gentleman
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: English
Link: 1/3/5/7/13576/
Link: 1/3/5/7/13576/

EText-No. 11209
Title: Wat eene moeder lijden kan
Author: Conscience, Hendrik, 1812-1883
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/1/2/0/11209/
Link: 1/1/2/0/11209/

EText-No. 13861
Title: Adolphe
Author: Constant, Benjamin, 1767-1830
Language: French
Link: 1/3/8/6/13861/

EText-No. 10808
Title: Consumers' Cooperative Societies in New York State
Author: Consumers' League of New York, The
Language: English
Link: 1/0/8/0/10808/

EText-No. 2362
Title: The Story of Wellesley
Author: Converse, Florence, 1871-1967
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 17395
Title: The Book of Art for Young People
Author: Conway, Agnes Ethel, 1885-1950;Conway, William Martin, Sir, 1856-1937
Language: English
Link: 1/7/3/9/17395/

EText-No. 12029
Title: George Washington's Rules of Civility - Traced to their Sources and Restored by Moncure D. Conway
Author: Conway, Moncure D., 1832-1907
Language: English
Link: 1/2/0/2/12029/
Link: 1/2/0/2/12029/

EText-No. 368
Title: Acres of Diamonds: our every-day opportunities
Author: Conwell, Russell Herman, 1843-1925
Language: English
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 12910
Title: Early Britain—Roman Britain
Author: Conybeare, Edward
Language: English
Link: 1/2/9/1/12910/
Link: 1/2/9/1/12910/

EText-No. 15151
Title: A Book of the Play - Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
Author: Cook, Dutton, 1829-1883
Language: English
Link: 1/5/1/5/15151/
Link: 1/5/1/5/15151/

EText-No. 12307
Title: Giorgione
Author: Cook, Herbert, 1868-1939
Language: English
Link: 1/2/3/0/12307/
Link: 1/2/3/0/12307/

EText-No. 15869
Title: A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume 2
Author: Cook, James, 1728-1779
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/6/15869/
Link: 1/5/8/6/15869/

EText-No. 15777
Title: A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1
Author: Cook, James, 1728-1779
Language: English
Link: 1/5/7/7/15777/
Link: 1/5/7/7/15777/

EText-No. 8106
Title: Captain Cook's Journal During the First Voyage Round the World
Author: Cook, James, 1728-1779
Language: English
Link: 8/1/0/8106/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 9900
Title: The Grand Old Man
Author: Cook, Richard B.
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 13347
Title: Wildflowers of the Farm
Author: Cooke, Arthur Owens
Language: English
Link: 1/3/3/4/13347/

EText-No. 11680
Title: George Eliot; a Critical Study of Her Life, Writings & Philosophy
Author: Cooke, George Willis, 1848-1923
Language: English
Link: 1/1/6/8/11680/
Link: 1/1/6/8/11680/

EText-No. 8605
Title: Unitarianism in America
Author: Cooke, George Willis, 1848-1923
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 10068
Title: The Power and the Glory
Author: Cooke, Grace MacGowan, 1863-1944
Language: English
Link: 1/0/0/6/10068/
Link: 1/0/0/6/10068/

EText-No. 10692
Title: A Life of Gen. Robert E. Lee
Author: Cooke, John Esten, 1830-1886
Language: English
Link: 1/0/6/9/10692/
Link: 1/0/6/9/10692/

EText-No. 8424
Title: Mohun, or, the Last Days of Lee
Author: Cooke, John Esten, 1830-1886
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 10560
Title: The Last of the Foresters - Or, Humors on the Border; A story of the Old Virginia Frontier
Author: Cooke, John Esten, 1830-1886
Language: English
Link: 1/0/5/6/10560/
Link: 1/0/5/6/10560/

EText-No. 11197
Title: Bambi
Author: Cooke, Marjorie Benton, 1876-1920
Language: English
Link: 1/1/1/9/11197/
Link: 1/1/1/9/11197/

EText-No. 13748
Title: Have faith in Massachusetts; 2d ed. - A Collection of Speeches and Messages
Author: Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/3/7/4/13748/
Link: 1/3/7/4/13748/

EText-No. 15798
Title: Clover
Author: Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905
Language: English
Link: 1/5/7/9/15798/
Link: 1/5/7/9/15798/

EText-No. 4560
Title: Verses
Author: Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 8994
Title: What Katy Did
Author: Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 5141
Title: What Katy Did at School
Author: Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 8995
Title: What Katy Did Next
Author: Coolidge, Susan, 1835-1905
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 67
Title: The Black Experience in America
Author: Coombs, Norman, 1932-
Language: English
Link: etext93/

EText-No. 6734
Title: Drusilla with a Million
Author: Cooper, Elizabeth, 1877-1945
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 15103
Title: The Imaginary Marriage
Author: Cooper, Henry St. John
Language: English
Link: 1/5/1/0/15103/

EText-No. 13982
Title: Cap'n Abe, Storekeeper
Author: Cooper, James A.
Language: English
Link: 1/3/9/8/13982/

EText-No. 14563
Title: Sheila of Big Wreck Cove - A Story of Cape Cod
Author: Cooper, James A.
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/6/14563/
Link: 1/4/5/6/14563/

EText-No. 12990
Title: A Residence in France - With an Excursion Up the Rhine, and a Second Visit to Switzerland
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/2/9/9/12990/
Link: 1/2/9/9/12990/

EText-No. 8647
Title: Afloat and Ashore - A Sea Tale
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2329
Title: Autobiography of a Pocket-Handkerchief
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 10149
Title: Home as Found
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/0/1/4/10149/
Link: 1/0/1/4/10149/

EText-No. 9826
Title: Homeward Bound - or, the Chase
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 4796
Title: Jack Tier
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext03/
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 16236
Title: Le dernier des mohicans - Le roman de Bas-de-cuir
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: French
Link: 1/6/2/3/16236/
Link: 1/6/2/3/16236/

EText-No. 11243
Title: Miles Wallingford - Sequel to "Afloat and Ashore"
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/4/11243/
Link: 1/1/2/4/11243/

EText-No. 9788
Title: Ned Myers - or, a Life Before the Mast
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 2482
Title: New York
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 4215
Title: Oak Openings
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 1880
Title: Pathfinder; or, the inland sea
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 10365
Title: Precaution
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/0/3/6/10365/
Link: 1/0/3/6/10365/

EText-No. 8880
Title: Satanstoe
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2282
Title: Tales for Fifteen, or, Imagination and Heart
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 10363
Title: The Bravo
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/0/3/6/10363/
Link: 1/0/3/6/10363/

EText-No. 11573
Title: The Crater
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/1/5/7/11573/
Link: 1/1/5/7/11573/

EText-No. 3285
Title: The Deerslayer
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 10938
Title: The Headsman - The Abbaye des Vignerons
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/3/10938/
Link: 1/0/9/3/10938/

EText-No. 2328
Title: The Lake Gun
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 940
Title: The Last of the Mohicans; A narrative of 1757
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 9/4/940/
Link: 9/4/940/

EText-No. 4092
Title: The Monikins
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 7974
Title: The Pilot
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2275
Title: The Pioneers
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 6450
Title: The Prairie
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 11409
Title: The Red Rover
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/1/4/0/11409/
Link: 1/1/4/0/11409/

EText-No. 10545
Title: The Sea Lions - The Lost Sealers
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/0/5/4/10545/
Link: 1/0/5/4/10545/

EText-No. 9845
Title: The Spy
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 12445
Title: The Water-Witch or, the Skimmer of the Seas
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/4/12445/
Link: 1/2/4/4/12445/

EText-No. 8888
Title: The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 11957
Title: The Wing-and-Wing - Le Feu-Follet
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/1/9/5/11957/
Link: 1/1/9/5/11957/

EText-No. 10434
Title: Wyandotte
Author: Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Language: English
Link: 1/0/4/3/10434/
Link: 1/0/4/3/10434/

EText-No. 13464
Title: Essays on Taste
Author: Cooper, John Gilbert;Armstrong, John, 1709-1779
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/6/13464/

EText-No. 7020
Title: Louis Agassiz as a Teacher; illustrative extracts on his method of instruction
Author: Cooper, Lane
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 11583
Title: The Runaway Asteroid
Author: Cooper, Michael D., [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: 1/1/5/8/11583/

EText-No. 1927
Title: Elinor Wyllys, Volume 1
Author: Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 1928
Title: Elinor Wyllys, Volume 2
Author: Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 2157
Title: Female Suffrage: a Letter to the Christian Women of America
Author: Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2164
Title: The Lumley Autograph
Author: Cooper, Susan Fenimore, 1813-1894
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 18712
Title: Levels of Living - Essays on Everyday Ideals
Author: Cope, Henry Frederick, 1870-1923
Language: English
Link: 1/8/7/1/18712/
Link: 1/8/7/1/18712/

EText-No. 17570
Title: Religious Education in the Family
Author: Cope, Henry Frederick, 1870-1923
Language: English
Link: 1/7/5/7/17570/
Link: 1/7/5/7/17570/

EText-No. 16709
Title: Contes rapides
Author: Coppée, François, 1842-1908
Language: French
Link: 1/6/7/0/16709/

EText-No. 16499
Title: Henriette
Author: Coppée, François, 1842-1908
Language: French
Link: 1/6/4/9/16499/

EText-No. 15324
Title: Promenades et intérieurs
Author: Coppée, François, 1842-1908
Language: French
Link: 1/5/3/2/15324/

EText-No. 3958
Title: Romance of Youth, a — Volume 1
Author: Coppée, François, 1842-1908
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 3959
Title: Romance of Youth, a — Volume 2
Author: Coppée, François, 1842-1908
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 3960
Title: Romance of Youth, a — Volume 3
Author: Coppée, François, 1842-1908
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 3961
Title: Romance of Youth, a — Volume 4
Author: Coppée, François, 1842-1908
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 15176
Title: English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History - Designed as a Manual of Instruction
Author: Coppee, Henry
Language: English
Link: 1/5/1/7/15176/
Link: 1/5/1/7/15176/
Link: 1/5/1/7/15176/

EText-No. 18616
Title: Moral Principles and Medical Practice - The Basis of Medical Jurisprudence
Author: Coppens, Charles, 1835-1920
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/1/18616/
Link: 1/8/6/1/18616/
Link: 1/8/6/1/18616/

EText-No. 10474
Title: The Lost Naval Papers
Author: Copplestone, Bennet, 1867-1932
Language: English
Link: 1/0/4/7/10474/
Link: 1/0/4/7/10474/

EText-No. 16695
Title: Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 - Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. XXIX.
Author: Corbett, Julian S. (Julian Stafford), 1854-1922
Language: English
Link: 1/6/6/9/16695/
Link: 1/6/6/9/16695/

EText-No. 15076
Title: Some Principles of Maritime Strategy
Author: Corbett, Julian S. (Julian Stafford), 1854-1922
Language: English
Link: 1/5/0/7/15076/
Link: 1/5/0/7/15076/

EText-No. 15732
Title: Contes de bord
Author: Corbière, Édouard, 1793-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/5/7/3/15732/

EText-No. 17353
Title: La mer et les marins - Scènes maritimes
Author: Corbière, Édouard, 1793-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/7/3/5/17353/

EText-No. 17714
Title: Le Négrier, Vol. I - Aventures de mer
Author: Corbière, Édouard, 1793-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/7/7/1/17714/

EText-No. 17715
Title: Le Négrier, Vol. II - Aventures de mer
Author: Corbière, Édouard, 1793-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/7/7/1/17715/

EText-No. 17716
Title: Le Négrier, Vol. III - Aventures de mer
Author: Corbière, Édouard, 1793-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/7/7/1/17716/

EText-No. 17717
Title: Le Négrier, Vol. IV - Aventures de mer
Author: Corbière, Édouard, 1793-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/7/7/1/17717/

EText-No. 15885
Title: Les pilotes de l'Iroise
Author: Corbière, Édouard, 1793-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/5/8/8/15885/

EText-No. 18111
Title: Scènes de mer, Tome I
Author: Corbière, Édouard, 1793-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/8/1/1/18111/

EText-No. 18296
Title: Scènes de mer, Tome II
Author: Corbière, Édouard, 1793-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/8/2/9/18296/

EText-No. 16883
Title: Les amours jaunes
Author: Corbière, Tristan, 1845-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/6/8/8/16883/

EText-No. 4394
Title: A Romance of Two Worlds
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 5114
Title: Ardath
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 4653
Title: God's Good Man
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 5165
Title: Innocent : her fancy and his fact
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6921
Title: Temporal Power
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 4251
Title: The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4285
Title: The Master-Christian
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 3831
Title: The Secret Power
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 18449
Title: The Treasure of Heaven - A Romance of Riches
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/8/4/4/18449/
Link: 1/8/4/4/18449/

EText-No. 3823
Title: Thelma
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4360
Title: Vendetta: a story of one forgotten
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 5079
Title: Ziska
Author: Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 13331
Title: Bell's Cathedrals: Chichester (1901) - A Short History & Description Of Its Fabric With An Account Of The - Diocese And See
Author: Corlette, Hubert C.
Language: English
Link: 1/3/3/3/13331/
Link: 1/3/3/3/13331/

EText-No. 13762
Title: Report of Mr. W. E. Cormack's journey in search of the Red Indians in Newfoundland
Author: Cormack, W. E. (William Epps), 1796-1868
Language: English
Link: 1/3/7/6/13762/

EText-No. 2543
Title: Polyeucte
Author: Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684
Language: English
Link: 2/5/4/2543/

EText-No. 14954
Title: The Cid
Author: Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684
Language: English
Link: 1/4/9/5/14954/
Link: 1/4/9/5/14954/

EText-No. 11099
Title: More Seeds of Knowledge; Or, Another Peep at Charles
Author: Corner, Julia, 1798-1875
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/9/11099/

EText-No. 14610
Title: Miss Elliot's Girls
Author: Corning, Mrs Mary Spring
Language: English
Link: 1/4/6/1/14610/
Link: 1/4/6/1/14610/

EText-No. 8682
Title: The Naturalist on the Thames
Author: Cornish, C. J., 1859-1906
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 6166
Title: Charles Lamb
Author: Cornwall, Barry, [pseud.], 1787-1874
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 11772
Title: Narrative of a Voyage to Senegal in 1816 - Undertaken by Order of the French Government, Comprising an Account - of the Shipwreck of the Medusa, the Sufferings of the Crew, and the - Various Occurrences on Board the Raft, in the Desert of Zaara, at - St. Louis, and at the Camp of Daccard. to Which Are Subjoined - Observations Respecting the Agriculture of the Western Coast of - Africa, from Cape Blanco to the Mouth of the Gambia.
Author: Corréard, Alexander;Savigny, J. B. Henry
Language: English
Link: 1/1/7/7/11772/
Link: 1/1/7/7/11772/

EText-No. 12539
Title: Observations Upon the Windward Coast of Africa
Author: Corry, Joseph
Language: English
Link: 1/2/5/3/12539/
Link: 1/2/5/3/12539/

EText-No. 14523
Title: Sister Carmen
Author: Corvus, M.
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/2/14523/

EText-No. 3291
Title: John Marshall and the Constitution; a chronicle of the Supreme court
Author: Corwin, Edward Samuel, 1878-1963
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 5947
Title: Billy Bunny and Uncle Bull Frog
Author: Cory, David Magie, 1872-1966
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 18655
Title: The Cruise of the Noah's Ark
Author: Cory, David Magie, 1872-1966
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/5/18655/

EText-No. 2325
Title: The Iceberg Express
Author: Cory, David Magie, 1872-1966
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 11208
Title: De legende en de heldhaftige, vroolijke en roemrijke daden van Uilenspiegel en Lamme Goedzak in Vlaanderenland en elders
Author: Coster, Charles Théodore Henri de, 1827-1879
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/1/2/0/11208/
Link: 1/1/2/0/11208/

EText-No. 8580
Title: Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey
Author: Cottle, Joseph, 1770-1853
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 1903
Title: Everybody's Guide to Money Matters: with a description of the various investments chiefly dealt in on the stock exchange, and the mode of dealing therein
Author: Cotton, William, 1786-1866
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 17230
Title: Alsace, Lorraine et France rhénane - Exposé des droits historiques de la France sur toute la rive gauche du Rhin
Author: Coubé, Stephen, 1857-1938
Language: French
Link: 1/7/2/3/17230/
Link: 1/7/2/3/17230/

EText-No. 8074
Title: La Cité Antique - Étude sur Le Culte, Le Droit, Les Institutions de la Grèce et de Rome
Author: Coulanges, Fustel de, 1830-1889
Language: French
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 1221
Title: North American Species of Cactus
Author: Coulter, John Merle, 1851-1928
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 11555
Title: Our Farm of Four Acres and the Money we Made by it
Author: Coulton, Miss
Language: English
Link: 1/1/5/5/11555/
Link: 1/1/5/5/11555/

EText-No. 15283
Title: Disease and Its Causes
Author: Councilman, William Thomas
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/8/15283/
Link: 1/5/2/8/15283/

EText-No. 12003
Title: Extaze - Een Boek van Geluk
Author: Couperus, Louis, 1863-1923
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/2/0/0/12003/
Link: 1/2/0/0/12003/

EText-No. 14850
Title: Het zwevende schaakbord
Author: Couperus, Louis, 1863-1923
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/4/8/5/14850/

EText-No. 17431
Title: Korte Arabesken - Bébert le Boucher en André le Pêcheur
Author: Couperus, Louis, 1863-1923
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/7/4/3/17431/

EText-No. 17659
Title: Noodlot
Author: Couperus, Louis, 1863-1923
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/7/6/5/17659/

EText-No. 17158
Title: Armageddon—And After
Author: Courtney, W. L. (William Leonard), 1850-1928
Language: English
Link: 1/7/1/5/17158/
Link: 1/7/1/5/17158/

EText-No. 13240
Title: A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
Author: Cousin, John W.
Language: English
Link: 1/3/2/4/13240/
Link: 1/3/2/4/13240/

EText-No. 7814
Title: Daybreak; a Romance of an Old World
Author: Cowan, James
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 7122
Title: The Emigrant Mechanic and Other Tales in Verse Together with Numerous Songs Upon Canadian Subjects
Author: Cowherd, Thomas, 1817-1907
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 3549
Title: Cowley's Essays
Author: Cowley, Abraham, 1618-1667
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3698
Title: Task and Other Poems
Author: Cowper, William, 1731-1800
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 11979
Title: The Diverting History of John Gilpin
Author: Cowper, William, 1731-1800
Language: English
Link: 1/1/9/7/11979/

EText-No. 9782
Title: Female Scripture Biographies, Volume I
Author: Cox, Francis Augustus, 1783-1853
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 9783
Title: Female Scripture Biographies, Volume II
Author: Cox, Francis Augustus, 1783-1853
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 6961
Title: Military Reminiscences of the Civil War, Volume 1 - April 1861-November 1863
Author: Cox, Jacob Dolson, 1828-1900
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6962
Title: Military Reminiscences of the Civil War, Volume 2 - November 1863-June 1865
Author: Cox, Jacob Dolson, 1828-1900
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10857
Title: My Native Land - The United States: its Wonders, its Beauties, and its People; - with Descriptive Notes, Character Sketches, Folk Lore, Traditions, - Legends and History, for the Amusement of the Old and the - Instruction of the Young
Author: Cox, James, 1851-1901
Language: English
Link: 1/0/8/5/10857/
Link: 1/0/8/5/10857/

EText-No. 16655
Title: Artist and Public - And Other Essays On Art Subjects
Author: Cox, Kenyon, 1856-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/6/6/5/16655/
Link: 1/6/6/5/16655/

EText-No. 9112
Title: The Dare Boys of 1776
Author: Cox, Stephen Angus
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 10810
Title: The Young Trail Hunters - Or, the Wild Riders of the Plains. The Veritable Adventures of Hal Hyde and Ned Brown, on Their Journey Across the Great Plains of the South-West
Author: Cozzens, Samuel Woodworth, 1834-1878
Language: English
Link: 1/0/8/1/10810/
Link: 1/0/8/1/10810/

EText-No. 5181
Title: Inebriety and the Candidate
Author: Crabbe, George, 1754-1832
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5209
Title: Miscellaneous Poems
Author: Crabbe, George, 1754-1832
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5217
Title: Tales
Author: Crabbe, George, 1754-1832
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5210
Title: The Borough
Author: Crabbe, George, 1754-1832
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5198
Title: The Library
Author: Crabbe, George, 1754-1832
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5208
Title: The Parish Register
Author: Crabbe, George, 1754-1832
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5203
Title: The Village and the Newspaper
Author: Crabbe, George, 1754-1832
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 585
Title: Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom; or, the escape of William and Ellen Craft from slavery
Author: Craft, William;Craft, Ellen
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 6867
Title: Lineage, Life and Labors of José Rizal, Philippine Patriot
Author: Craig, Austin
Language: English
Link: 6/8/6/6867/
Link: 6/8/6/6867/

EText-No. 8502
Title: Common Diseases of Farm Animals
Author: Craig, R. A., D. V. M.
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 14373
Title: A Noble Life
Author: Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887
Language: English
Link: 1/4/3/7/14373/

EText-No. 14687
Title: Christian's Mistake
Author: Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887
Language: English
Link: 1/4/6/8/14687/

EText-No. 2351
Title: John Halifax, Gentleman
Author: Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 13461
Title: Mistress and Maid
Author: Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/6/13461/

EText-No. 14708
Title: The Laurel Bush
Author: Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887
Language: English
Link: 1/4/7/0/14708/

EText-No. 496
Title: The Little Lame Prince
Author: Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock, 1826-1887
Language: English
Link: 4/9/496/

EText-No. 13760
Title: John Rutherford, the White Chief
Author: Craik, George Lillie, 1798-1866
Language: English
Link: 1/3/7/6/13760/
Link: 1/3/7/6/13760/

EText-No. 13305
Title: Alfgar the Dane or the Second Chronicle of Aescendune
Author: Crake, A. D. (Augustine David), 1836-1890
Language: English
Link: 1/3/3/0/13305/

EText-No. 13215
Title: Edwy the Fair or the First Chronicle of Aescendune
Author: Crake, A. D. (Augustine David), 1836-1890
Language: English
Link: 1/3/2/1/13215/

EText-No. 17012
Title: The House of Walderne - A Tale of the Cloister and the Forest in the Days of the Barons' Wars
Author: Crake, A. D. (Augustine David), 1836-1890
Language: English
Link: 1/7/0/1/17012/

EText-No. 13375
Title: The Rival Heirs; being the Third and Last Chronicle of Aescendune
Author: Crake, A. D. (Augustine David), 1836-1890
Language: English
Link: 1/3/3/7/13375/

EText-No. 10642
Title: Towards the Great Peace
Author: Cram, Ralph Adams, 1863-1942
Language: English
Link: 1/0/6/4/10642/
Link: 1/0/6/4/10642/

EText-No. 16442
Title: The Doctrine of Evolution - Its Basis and Its Scope
Author: Crampton, Henry Edward
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/4/16442/
Link: 1/6/4/4/16442/

EText-No. 6914
Title: Last of the Huggermuggers
Author: Cranch, Christopher Pearse, 1813-1892
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12559
Title: The Automobile Girls at Washington - Checkmating the Plots of Foreign Spies
Author: Crane, Laura Dent
Language: English
Link: 1/2/5/5/12559/
Link: 1/2/5/5/12559/

EText-No. 2364
Title: Active Service
Author: Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 447
Title: Maggie, a Girl of the Streets
Author: Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 7239
Title: Men, Women, and Boats
Author: Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 73
Title: Red Badge of Courage
Author: Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900
Language: English
Link: etext93/

EText-No. 6979
Title: The Little Regiment
Author: Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 463
Title: The Red Badge of Courage
Author: Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 9870
Title: War is Kind
Author: Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 17282
Title: An Alphabet of Old Friends
Author: Crane, Walter, 1845-1915
Language: English
Link: 1/7/2/8/17282/

EText-No. 17283
Title: The Absurd ABC
Author: Crane, Walter, 1845-1915
Language: English
Link: 1/7/2/8/17283/
Link: 1/7/2/8/17283/

EText-No. 18344
Title: The Song of Sixpence - Picture Book
Author: Crane, Walter, 1845-1915
Language: English
Link: 1/8/3/4/18344/

EText-No. 390
Title: A Lute of Jade : selections from the classical poets of China
Author: Cranmer-Byng, L. (Launcelot), 1872-1945
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 18099
Title: Donatello, by Lord Balcarres
Author: Crawford, David Lindsay, Earl of, 1871-1940
Language: English
Link: 1/8/0/9/18099/
Link: 1/8/0/9/18099/

EText-No. 18651
Title: A Cigarette-Maker's Romance
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/5/18651/
Link: 1/8/6/5/18651/

EText-No. 12346
Title: A Roman Singer
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/2/3/4/12346/
Link: 1/2/3/4/12346/

EText-No. 13597
Title: A Tale of a Lonely Parish
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/3/5/9/13597/
Link: 1/3/5/9/13597/

EText-No. 7374
Title: An American Politician
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 15223
Title: Doctor Claudius, A True Story
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/2/15223/
Link: 1/5/2/2/15223/

EText-No. 13218
Title: Don Orsino
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/3/2/1/13218/
Link: 1/3/2/1/13218/

EText-No. 6446
Title: Greifenstein
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 13243
Title: In the Palace of the King - A Love Story of Old Madrid
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/3/2/4/13243/
Link: 1/3/2/4/13243/

EText-No. 16100
Title: Marietta - A Maid of Venice
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/6/1/0/16100/
Link: 1/6/1/0/16100/

EText-No. 16720
Title: Marzio's Crucifix and Zoroaster
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/6/7/2/16720/
Link: 1/6/7/2/16720/

EText-No. 13340
Title: Mr. Isaacs
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/3/3/4/13340/
Link: 1/3/3/4/13340/

EText-No. 5227
Title: Sant' Ilario
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 13757
Title: Saracinesca
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/3/7/5/13757/
Link: 1/3/7/5/13757/

EText-No. 11050
Title: Taquisara
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/5/11050/
Link: 1/1/0/5/11050/

EText-No. 15187
Title: The Children of the King
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/5/1/8/15187/
Link: 1/5/1/8/15187/

EText-No. 5847
Title: The Heart of Rome
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 14526
Title: The Little City of Hope - A Christmas Story
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/2/14526/
Link: 1/4/5/2/14526/

EText-No. 10521
Title: The Primadonna
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/0/5/2/10521/
Link: 1/0/5/2/10521/

EText-No. 3816
Title: The Witch of Prague
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 3/8/1/3816/

EText-No. 6350
Title: Via Crucis
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 13932
Title: Whosoever Shall Offend
Author: Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/3/9/3/13932/
Link: 1/3/9/3/13932/

EText-No. 6815
Title: Old Spookses' Pass, Malcolm's Katie, and other poems
Author: Crawford, Isabella Valancy, 1850-1887
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 4061
Title: The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: from Marathon to Waterloo
Author: Creasy, Edward Shepherd, Sir, 1812-1878
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 18472
Title: The Amours of Zeokinizul, King of the Kofirans - Translated from the Arabic of the famous Traveller Krinelbol
Author: Crébillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot de, 1707-1777
Language: English
Link: 1/8/4/7/18472/
Link: 1/8/4/7/18472/

EText-No. 17302
Title: Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 - The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad - The Terminal Station - West
Author: Cresson, Benjamin Franklin, 1873-1923
Language: English
Link: 1/7/3/0/17302/
Link: 1/7/3/0/17302/

EText-No. 6103
Title: Tales of the Road
Author: Crewdson, Charles N. (Charles Newman), 1870-
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 1233
Title: Origin and Nature of Emotions
Author: Crile, George W. (Washington), 1864-1943
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 15730
Title: A Short History of a Long Travel from Babylon to Bethel
Author: Crisp, Stephen, 1628-1692
Language: English
Link: 1/5/7/3/15730/

EText-No. 9306
Title: Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
Author: Croce, Benedetto, 1866-1952
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 13667
Title: Bog-Myrtle and Peat - Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895
Author: Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford), 1860-1914
Language: English
Link: 1/3/6/6/13667/
Link: 1/3/6/6/13667/

EText-No. 12191
Title: Red Axe
Author: Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford), 1860-1914
Language: English
Link: 1/2/1/9/12191/
Link: 1/2/1/9/12191/

EText-No. 17733
Title: The Black Douglas
Author: Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford), 1860-1914
Language: English
Link: 1/7/7/3/17733/
Link: 1/7/7/3/17733/

EText-No. 4918
Title: The Lilac Sunbonnet
Author: Crockett, S. R. (Samuel Rutherford), 1860-1914
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 13193
Title: Supreme Personality
Author: Croft, Delmer Eugene
Language: English
Link: 1/3/1/9/13193/

EText-No. 2013
Title: The Pit Prop Syndicate
Author: Crofts, Freeman Wills, 1879-1957
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 18239
Title: The Road to Mandalay - A Tale of Burma
Author: Croker, B. M. (Bithia Mary), 1849-1920
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/3/18239/
Link: 1/8/2/3/18239/

EText-No. 14422
Title: The Promise of American Life
Author: Croly, Herbert David, 1869-1930
Language: English
Link: 1/4/4/2/14422/
Link: 1/4/4/2/14422/

EText-No. 17125
Title: More William
Author: Crompton, Richmal, 1890-1969
Language: English
Link: 1/7/1/2/17125/
Link: 1/7/1/2/17125/

EText-No. 12007
Title: Cousin Hatty's Hymns and Twilight Stories
Author: Crosby, William;Nichols, H. P.
Language: English
Link: 1/2/0/0/12007/

EText-No. 10024
Title: Beneath the Banner
Author: Cross, F. J.
Language: English
Link: 1/0/0/2/10024/
Link: 1/0/0/2/10024/

EText-No. 13017
Title: Five Nights
Author: Cross, Victoria, 1868-1952
Language: English
Link: 1/3/0/1/13017/
Link: 1/3/0/1/13017/

EText-No. 13238
Title: Six Women
Author: Cross, Victoria, 1868-1952
Language: English
Link: 1/3/2/3/13238/
Link: 1/3/2/3/13238/

EText-No. 3609
Title: To-morrow?
Author: Cross, Victoria, 1868-1952
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 17972
Title: Round About the Carpathians
Author: Crosse, Andrew F.
Language: English
Link: 1/7/9/7/17972/
Link: 1/7/9/7/17972/
Link: 1/7/9/7/17972/

EText-No. 15866
Title: Humanly Speaking
Author: Crothers, Samuel McChord
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/6/15866/
Link: 1/5/8/6/15866/

EText-No. 14040
Title: Household Gods
Author: Crowley, Aleister
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/4/14040/

EText-No. 13324
Title: Apples, Ripe and Rosy, Sir
Author: Crowley, Mary Catherine
Language: English
Link: 1/3/3/2/13324/

EText-No. 10816
Title: The Giant Hands - or, the Reward of Industry
Author: Crowquill, Alfred, 1804-1872
Language: English
Link: 1/0/8/1/10816/

EText-No. 7525
Title: The History of Roman Literature - From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
Author: Cruttwell, Charles Thomas, 1847-1911
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 14822
Title: Kartilyang Makabayan - Mga Tanong at Sagot Ukol Kay Andrés Bonifacio at sa KKK
Author: Cruz, Hermenegildo, 1880-
Language: Tagalog
Link: 1/4/8/2/14822/

EText-No. 7521
Title: The History of Education; educational practice and progress considered as a phase of the development and spread of western civilization
Author: Cubberley, Ellwood Patterson
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 14756
Title: The Man in the Twilight
Author: Cullum, Ridgwell, 1867-1943
Language: English
Link: 1/4/7/5/14756/
Link: 1/4/7/5/14756/

EText-No. 14482
Title: The Story of the Foss River Ranch
Author: Cullum, Ridgwell, 1867-1943
Language: English
Link: 1/4/4/8/14482/
Link: 1/4/4/8/14482/

EText-No. 16926
Title: Skookum Chuck Fables - Bits of History, Through the Microscope
Author: Cumming, R. D. (Robert Dalziel), 1871-
Language: English
Link: 1/6/9/2/16926/
Link: 1/6/9/2/16926/

EText-No. 8446
Title: The Enormous Room
Author: Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin), 1894-1962
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8517
Title: Hormones and Heredity
Author: Cunningham, J. T., 1859-1935
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 1479
Title: A Vanished Arcadia: being some account of the Jesuits in Paraguay 1607-1767
Author: Cunninghame Graham, R. B. (Robert Bontine), 1852-1936
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 13689
Title: Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean
Author: Currey, E. Hamilton
Language: English
Link: 1/3/6/8/13689/
Link: 1/3/6/8/13689/

EText-No. 12418
Title: The Land of Deepening Shadow - Germany-at-War
Author: Curtin, D. Thomas
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/1/12418/

EText-No. 5696
Title: Yankee Girl at Fort Sumter
Author: Curtis, Alice Turner
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 18352
Title: Captured by the Navajos
Author: Curtis, Charles A. (Charles Albert), 1835-1907
Language: English
Link: 1/8/3/5/18352/
Link: 1/8/3/5/18352/

EText-No. 7445
Title: Ars Recte Vivendi; Being Essays Contributed to "The Easy Chair"
Author: Curtis, George William, 1824-1892
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8222
Title: Early Letters of George Wm. Curtis
Author: Curtis, George William, 1824-1892
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 7475
Title: From the Easy Chair — Volume 01
Author: Curtis, George William, 1824-1892
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8108
Title: Literary and Social Essays
Author: Curtis, George William, 1824-1892
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8645
Title: Prue and I
Author: Curtis, George William, 1824-1892
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 6453
Title: The Potiphar Papers
Author: Curtis, George William, 1824-1892
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 15498
Title: Trumps
Author: Curtis, George William, 1824-1892
Language: English
Link: 1/5/4/9/15498/
Link: 1/5/4/9/15498/

EText-No. 3778
Title: The Interdependence of Literature
Author: Curtis, Georgina Pell, 1859-1922
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 11212
Title: Modern India
Author: Curtis, William Eleroy, 1850-1911
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/1/11212/
Link: 1/1/2/1/11212/

EText-No. 17198
Title: The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 1 - Or, Flower-Garden Displayed
Author: Curtis, William, 1746-1799
Language: English
Link: 1/7/1/9/17198/
Link: 1/7/1/9/17198/

EText-No. 17531
Title: The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 2 - or Flower-Garden Displayed
Author: Curtis, William, 1746-1799
Language: English
Link: 1/7/5/3/17531/
Link: 1/7/5/3/17531/

EText-No. 17672
Title: The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 3 - Or, Flower-Garden Displayed
Author: Curtis, William, 1746-1799
Language: English
Link: 1/7/6/7/17672/
Link: 1/7/6/7/17672/

EText-No. 17979
Title: The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 4 - Or, Flower-Garden Displayed
Author: Curtis, William, 1746-1799
Language: English
Link: 1/7/9/7/17979/
Link: 1/7/9/7/17979/

EText-No. 16594
Title: A Short History of English Agriculture
Author: Curtler, W. H. R.
Language: English
Link: 1/6/5/9/16594/
Link: 1/6/5/9/16594/

EText-No. 4539
Title: Back to Gods Country and Other Stories
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4748
Title: Baree, Son of Kazan
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4703
Title: Flower of the North
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4585
Title: God's Country—And the Woman
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 6715
Title: Isobel : a Romance of the Northern Trail
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10084
Title: Kazan
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/0/0/8/10084/
Link: 1/0/0/8/10084/

EText-No. 4704
Title: Nomads of the North
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4633
Title: Philip Steele of the Royal Northwest mounted Police
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 11867
Title: The Alaskan
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/1/8/6/11867/
Link: 1/1/8/6/11867/

EText-No. 4743
Title: The Country Beyond
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 12388
Title: The Courage of Captain Plum
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/2/3/8/12388/

EText-No. 17745
Title: The Courage of Marge O'Doone
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/7/7/4/17745/
Link: 1/7/7/4/17745/

EText-No. 10696
Title: The Danger Trail
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/0/6/9/10696/

EText-No. 4702
Title: The Flaming Forest
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 11668
Title: The Gold Hunters - A Story of Life and Adventure in the Hudson Bay Wilds
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/1/6/6/11668/
Link: 1/1/6/6/11668/

EText-No. 4515
Title: The Golden Snare
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 10977
Title: The Grizzly King
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/7/10977/
Link: 1/0/9/7/10977/

EText-No. 5895
Title: The Honor of the Big Snows
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 11328
Title: The Hunted Woman
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/1/3/2/11328/
Link: 1/1/3/2/11328/

EText-No. 4747
Title: The River's End
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4707
Title: The Valley of Silent Men
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 12170
Title: The Wolf Hunters - A Tale of Adventure in the Wilderness
Author: Curwood, James Oliver, 1879-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/2/1/7/12170/

EText-No. 7228
Title: Laura Secord, the heroine of 1812. - A Drama. and Other Poems.
Author: Curzon, Sarah Anne, 1833-1898
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 14754
Title: An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800
Author: Cusack, Mary Frances, 1830-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/4/7/5/14754/
Link: 1/4/7/5/14754/

EText-No. 13986
Title: Speech of Mr. Cushing, of Massachusetts, on the Right of Petition, - as Connected with Petitions for the Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade - in the District of Columbia. In The House Of Representatives, January 25, 1836.
Author: Cushing, Caleb, 1800-1879
Language: English
Link: 1/3/9/8/13986/

EText-No. 17170
Title: A Study of Pueblo Pottery as Illustrative of Zuñi Culture Growth. - Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1882-83, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1886, pages 467-522
Author: Cushing, Frank Hamilton, 1857-1900
Language: English
Link: 1/7/1/7/17170/
Link: 1/7/1/7/17170/
Link: 1/7/1/7/17170/

EText-No. 5621
Title: Baron D'Holbach : a Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France
Author: Cushing, Max Pearson, 1886-1951
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 14946
Title: The Blossoming Rod
Author: Cutting, Mary Stewart Doubleday, 1851-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/4/9/4/14946/
Link: 1/4/9/4/14946/

EText-No. 16588
Title: Over the Top With the Third Australian Division
Author: Cuttriss, G. P.
Language: English
Link: 1/6/5/8/16588/
Link: 1/6/5/8/16588/

EText-No. 12549
Title: Recollections of a Long Life - An Autobiography
Author: Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard, 1822-1909
Language: English
Link: 1/2/5/4/12549/
Link: 1/2/5/4/12549/

EText-No. 14781
Title: Elene. English;The Elene of Cynewulf
Author: Cynewulf
Language: English
Link: 1/4/7/8/14781/
Link: 1/4/7/8/14781/

EText-No. 11047
Title: Libro segundo de lectura
Author: Cyr, Ellen M.
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/1/0/4/11047/
Link: 1/1/0/4/11047/

EText-No. 18160
Title: In the World War
Author: Czernin, Ottokar, 1872-1932
Language: English
Link: 1/8/1/6/18160/
Link: 1/8/1/6/18160/


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Richard Stallman - Personal Site

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Static Wikipedia 2007 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia February 2008 (no images)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu