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Author: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Unknown Other
Title: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z Other


EText-No. 8883
Title: A Love Story
Author: A Bushman
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 11861
Title: Radio Boys Cronies
Author: Aaron, S. F.;Whipple, Wayne
Language: English
Link: 1/1/8/6/11861/
Link: 1/1/8/6/11861/

EText-No. 10338
Title: With the Turks in Palestine
Author: Aaronsohn, Alexander
Language: English
Link: 1/0/3/3/10338/
Link: 1/0/3/3/10338/

EText-No. 16791
Title: The English Church in the Eighteenth Century
Author: Abbey, Charles J.;Overton, John H.
Language: English
Link: 1/6/7/9/16791/
Link: 1/6/7/9/16791/

EText-No. 15648
Title: American Merchant Ships and Sailors
Author: Abbot, Willis J., 1863-1934
Language: English
Link: 1/5/6/4/15648/
Link: 1/5/6/4/15648/

EText-No. 4955
Title: Leah Mordecai
Author: Abbott, Belle K. (Belle Kendrick)
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 97
Title: Flatland: a romance of many dimensions
Author: Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926
Language: English
Link: etext94/

EText-No. 201
Title: Flatland: a romance of many dimensions (Illustrated)
Author: Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926
Language: English
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 15660
Title: Little Eve Edgarton
Author: Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell, 1872-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/5/6/6/15660/
Link: 1/5/6/6/15660/

EText-No. 18665
Title: Molly Make-Believe
Author: Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell, 1872-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/6/18665/
Link: 1/8/6/6/18665/

EText-No. 15728
Title: The Indiscreet Letter
Author: Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell, 1872-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/5/7/2/15728/

EText-No. 14506
Title: The White Linen Nurse
Author: Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell, 1872-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/0/14506/

EText-No. 13226
Title: The Common People of Ancient Rome - Studies of Roman Life and Literature
Author: Abbott, Frank Frost, 1860-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/3/2/2/13226/
Link: 1/3/2/2/13226/
Link: 1/3/2/2/13226/

EText-No. 10992
Title: Cleopatra
Author: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/9/10992/
Link: 1/0/9/9/10992/

EText-No. 11667
Title: Gentle Measures in the Management and Training of the Young - Or, the Principles on Which a Firm Parental Authority May Be - Established and Maintained, Without Violence or Anger, and the Right - Development of the Moral and Mental Capacities Be Promoted by Methods - in Harmony with the Structure and the Characteristics of the Juvenile - Mind
Author: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879
Language: English
Link: 1/1/6/6/11667/

EText-No. 11688
Title: History of Julius Caesar
Author: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879
Language: English
Link: 1/1/6/8/11688/

EText-No. 6659
Title: History of King Charles the Second of England
Author: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12260
Title: Jonas on a Farm in Winter
Author: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879
Language: English
Link: 1/2/2/6/12260/

EText-No. 16545
Title: King Alfred of England - Makers of History
Author: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879
Language: English
Link: 1/6/5/4/16545/
Link: 1/6/5/4/16545/

EText-No. 11681
Title: Marco Paul's Voyages and Travels; Vermont
Author: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879
Language: English
Link: 1/1/6/8/11681/

EText-No. 14475
Title: Mary Erskine
Author: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879
Language: English
Link: 1/4/4/7/14475/

EText-No. 11140
Title: Rollo at Play - Safe Amusements
Author: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879
Language: English
Link: 1/1/1/4/11140/

EText-No. 12291
Title: The Teacher
Author: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879
Language: English
Link: 1/2/2/9/12291/

EText-No. 6860
Title: Keineth
Author: Abbott, Jane
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 14243
Title: Christopher Carson
Author: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877
Language: English
Link: 1/4/2/4/14243/
Link: 1/4/2/4/14243/

EText-No. 18066
Title: Columbus - De ontdekker van Amerika
Author: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/8/0/6/18066/

EText-No. 4355
Title: David Crockett
Author: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 3775
Title: Napoleon Bonaparte
Author: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 13811
Title: Peter Stuyvesant, the Last Dutch Governor of New Amsterdam
Author: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/1/13811/
Link: 1/3/8/1/13811/

EText-No. 18533
Title: The Child at Home - The Principles of Filial Duty, Familiarly Illustrated
Author: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/3/18533/

EText-No. 16070
Title: The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power
Author: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/7/16070/
Link: 1/6/0/7/16070/

EText-No. 15269
Title: The Empire of Russia
Author: Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/6/15269/
Link: 1/5/2/6/15269/

EText-No. 18434
Title: A Melody in Silver
Author: Abbott, Keene, 1876-1941
Language: English
Link: 1/8/4/3/18434/

EText-No. 4667
Title: Seven Wives and Seven Prisons; Or, Experiences in the Life of a Matrimonial Monomaniac. a True Story
Author: Abbott, L. A., 1813-
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4954
Title: Laicus; Or, the Experiences of a Layman in a Country Parish.
Author: Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12541
Title: The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War
Author: Abel, Annie Heloise
Language: English
Link: 1/2/5/4/12541/
Link: 1/2/5/4/12541/

EText-No. 14268
Title: Historia Calamitatum
Author: Abelard, Peter, 1079-1142
Language: English
Link: 1/4/2/6/14268/
Link: 1/4/2/6/14268/

EText-No. 15472
Title: Emblems Of Love
Author: Abercrombie, Lascelles, 1881-1938
Language: English
Link: 1/5/4/7/15472/
Link: 1/5/4/7/15472/

EText-No. 10716
Title: The Epic - An Essay
Author: Abercrombie, Lascelles, 1881-1938
Language: English
Link: 1/0/7/1/10716/
Link: 1/0/7/1/10716/

EText-No. 13068
Title: Twenty-One Days in India; and, the Teapot Series
Author: Aberigh-Mackay, George Robert, 1848-1881
Language: English
Link: 1/3/0/6/13068/
Link: 1/3/0/6/13068/

EText-No. 7377
Title: Five Lectures on Reincarnation
Author: Abhedananda, Swami, 1866-1939
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 18092
Title: Germaine
Author: About, Edmond, 1828-1885
Language: French
Link: 1/8/0/9/18092/

EText-No. 13704
Title: L'homme ?? l'oreille cass??e
Author: About, Edmond, 1828-1885
Language: French
Link: 1/3/7/0/13704/

EText-No. 14381
Title: The Roman Question
Author: About, Edmond, 1828-1885
Language: English
Link: 1/4/3/8/14381/
Link: 1/4/3/8/14381/

EText-No. 13678
Title: Chapters on Jewish Literature
Author: Abrahams, Israel, 1858-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/3/6/7/13678/
Link: 1/3/6/7/13678/

EText-No. 6971
Title: Judaism
Author: Abrahams, Israel, 1858-1925
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 9886
Title: The Book of Delight and Other Papers
Author: Abrahams, Israel, 1858-1925
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 17955
Title: The Trials of the Soldier's Wife - A Tale of the Second American Revolution
Author: Abrams, Alex St. Clair
Language: English
Link: 1/7/9/5/17955/
Link: 1/7/9/5/17955/

EText-No. 15047
Title: Bases da ortografia portuguesa
Author: Abreu, Guilherme de Vasconcelos, 1842-1907;Viana, Gon??alves, 1840-1914
Language: Portuguese
Link: 1/5/0/4/15047/
Link: 1/5/0/4/15047/

EText-No. 17808
Title: Belle-Rose
Author: Achard, Am??d??e, 1814-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/7/8/0/17808/

EText-No. 16901
Title: Madame Rose; Pierre de Villergl??
Author: Achard, Am??d??e, 1814-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/6/9/0/16901/

EText-No. 10774
Title: R??cits d'un soldat - Une Arm??e Prisonni??re; Une Campagne Devant Paris
Author: Achard, Am??d??e, 1814-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/0/7/7/10774/
Link: 1/0/7/7/10774/

EText-No. 15734
Title: Aus Kroatien - Skizzen und Erz??hlungen
Author: Achleitner, Arthur, 1858-1927
Language: German
Link: 1/5/7/3/15734/
Link: 1/5/7/3/15734/

EText-No. 14225
Title: Bergrichters Erdenwallen
Author: Achleitner, Arthur, 1858-1927
Language: German
Link: 1/4/2/2/14225/
Link: 1/4/2/2/14225/

EText-No. 13953
Title: Celsissimus
Author: Achleitner, Arthur, 1858-1927
Language: German
Link: 1/3/9/5/13953/
Link: 1/3/9/5/13953/
Link: 1/3/9/5/13953/

EText-No. 14105
Title: Im gr??nen Tann
Author: Achleitner, Arthur, 1858-1927
Language: German
Link: 1/4/1/0/14105/
Link: 1/4/1/0/14105/

EText-No. 15770
Title: Germany, The Next Republic?
Author: Ackerman, Carl W. (Carl William), 1890-1970
Language: English
Link: 1/5/7/7/15770/
Link: 1/5/7/7/15770/

EText-No. 4598
Title: Story of Creation as Told By Theology and By Science
Author: Ackland, T. S. (Thomas Suter), 1817-1892
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 16112
Title: Edward Barnett; a Neglected Child of South Carolina, Who Rose to Be a Peer of Great Britain,???and the Stormy Life of His Grandfather, Captain Williams - or, The Earle's Victims: with an Account of the Terrible End of the Proud Earl De Montford, the Lamentable Fate of the Victim of His Passion, and the Shadow's Punishment
Author: Aconite, Tobias
Language: English
Link: 1/6/1/1/16112/
Link: 1/6/1/1/16112/

EText-No. 18685
Title: Lectures on Modern history
Author: Acton, Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/8/18685/

EText-No. 8661
Title: An Algonquin Maiden - A Romance of the Early Days of Upper Canada
Author: Adam, G. Mercer (Graeme Mercer), 1830-1912
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 17737
Title: The Schemes of the Kaiser
Author: Adam, Juliette
Language: English
Link: 1/7/7/3/17737/
Link: 1/7/7/3/17737/

EText-No. 17400
Title: The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462)
Author: Adam, of Cobsam
Language: English
Link: 1/7/4/0/17400/
Link: 1/7/4/0/17400/

EText-No. 15943
Title: Le conte futur
Author: Adam, Paul, 1862-1920
Language: French
Link: 1/5/9/4/15943/

EText-No. 12919
Title: A Texas Matchmaker
Author: Adams, Andy, 1859-1935
Language: English
Link: 1/2/9/1/12919/
Link: 1/2/9/1/12919/

EText-No. 12281
Title: Cattle Brands - A Collection of Western Camp-fire Stories
Author: Adams, Andy, 1859-1935
Language: English
Link: 1/2/2/8/12281/
Link: 1/2/2/8/12281/

EText-No. 12884
Title: Reed Anthony, Cowman
Author: Adams, Andy, 1859-1935
Language: English
Link: 1/2/8/8/12884/
Link: 1/2/8/8/12884/

EText-No. 12797
Title: The Log of a Cowboy - A Narrative of the Old Trail Days
Author: Adams, Andy, 1859-1935
Language: English
Link: 1/2/7/9/12797/
Link: 1/2/7/9/12797/

EText-No. 1987
Title: The Outlet
Author: Adams, Andy, 1859-1935
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 12791
Title: Wells Brothers - The Young Cattle Kings
Author: Adams, Andy, 1859-1935
Language: English
Link: 1/2/7/9/12791/
Link: 1/2/7/9/12791/

EText-No. 6706
Title: The Emancipation of Massachusetts
Author: Adams, Brooks, 1848-1927
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10613
Title: The Theory of Social Revolutions
Author: Adams, Brooks, 1848-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/0/6/1/10613/
Link: 1/0/6/1/10613/

EText-No. 9996
Title: "'Tis Sixty Years Since" - Address of Charles Francis Adams; Founders' Day, January 16, 1913
Author: Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 16542
Title: "Imperialism" and "The Tracks of Our Forefathers"
Author: Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915
Language: English
Link: 1/6/5/4/16542/
Link: 1/6/5/4/16542/

EText-No. 10517
Title: Government and Rebellion
Author: Adams, E. E.
Language: English
Link: 1/0/5/1/10517/

EText-No. 5624
Title: The Inhumanity of Socialism
Author: Adams, Edward Francis, 1839-
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 13789
Title: Great Britain and the American Civil War
Author: Adams, Ephraim Douglass
Language: English
Link: 1/3/7/8/13789/
Link: 1/3/7/8/13789/

EText-No. 4958
Title: Justice in the By-Ways, a Tale of Life
Author: Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn)
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 4680
Title: Manuel Pereira
Author: Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn)
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4677
Title: Our World, Or, the Slaveholder's Daughter
Author: Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn)
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4668
Title: Siege of Washington, D.C., written expressly for little people
Author: Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn)
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4959
Title: The Life and Adventures of Maj. Roger Sherman Potter
Author: Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn)
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 18549
Title: The Von Toodleburgs - Or, The History of a Very Distinguished Family
Author: Adams, F. Colburn (Francis Colburn)
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/4/18549/
Link: 1/8/5/4/18549/

EText-No. 14633
Title: The Transgressors - Story of a Great Sin
Author: Adams, Francis A.
Language: English
Link: 1/4/6/3/14633/

EText-No. 6122
Title: Tobogganing on Parnassus
Author: Adams, Franklin P., 1881-1960
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 15247
Title: John Henry Smith - A Humorous Romance of Outdoor Life
Author: Adams, Frederick Upham
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/4/15247/
Link: 1/5/2/4/15247/

EText-No. 8556
Title: The History of England from the Norman Conquest - to the Death of John (1066-1216)
Author: Adams, George Burton, 1851-1925
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 4794
Title: Dawn
Author: Adams, Harriet A., -1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 7980
Title: The Sewerage of Sea Coast Towns
Author: Adams, Henry C., 1873-1952
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2815
Title: Democracy, an American novel
Author: Adams, Henry, 1838-1918
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 14409
Title: Esther
Author: Adams, Henry, 1838-1918
Language: English
Link: 1/4/4/0/14409/
Link: 1/4/4/0/14409/

EText-No. 4584
Title: Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
Author: Adams, Henry, 1838-1918
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 2044
Title: The Education of Henry Adams
Author: Adams, Henry, 1838-1918
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 15895
Title: Allegories of Life
Author: Adams, J. S., Mrs., 1845-1885
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/9/15895/

EText-No. 896
Title: Orations
Author: Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 4669
Title: Town and Country; or, life at home and abroad, without and within us
Author: Adams, John S. (John Stowell), -1893
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 16114
Title: The Knight of the Golden Melice - A Historical Romance
Author: Adams, John Turvill
Language: English
Link: 1/6/1/1/16114/
Link: 1/6/1/1/16114/

EText-No. 15328
Title: The Lost Hunter - A Tale of Early Times
Author: Adams, John Turvill
Language: English
Link: 1/5/3/2/15328/
Link: 1/5/3/2/15328/

EText-No. 15485
Title: Catharine
Author: Adams, Nehemiah, 1806-1878
Language: English
Link: 1/5/4/8/15485/

EText-No. 14615
Title: The Sable Cloud - A Southern Tale With Northern Comments (1861)
Author: Adams, Nehemiah, 1806-1878
Language: English
Link: 1/4/6/1/14615/
Link: 1/4/6/1/14615/

EText-No. 6864
Title: Average Jones
Author: Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 1871-1958
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10944
Title: From a Bench in Our Square
Author: Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 1871-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/4/10944/
Link: 1/0/9/4/10944/

EText-No. 15431
Title: Success - A Novel
Author: Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 1871-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/5/4/3/15431/
Link: 1/5/4/3/15431/

EText-No. 16447
Title: The Clarion
Author: Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 1871-1958
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/4/16447/
Link: 1/6/4/4/16447/

EText-No. 5009
Title: The Unspeakable Perk
Author: Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 1871-1958
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10008
Title: The Mystery
Author: Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 1871-1958;White, Stewart Edward, 1873-1946
Language: English
Link: 1/0/0/0/10008/
Link: 1/0/0/0/10008/

EText-No. 2092
Title: The Writings of Samuel Adams - Volume 2
Author: Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2093
Title: The Writings of Samuel Adams - Volume 3
Author: Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 2094
Title: The Writings of Samuel Adams - Volume 4
Author: Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 7801
Title: Five Little Friends
Author: Adams, Sherred Willcox
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 15221
Title: A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil
Author: Addams, Jane, 1860-1935
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/2/15221/
Link: 1/5/2/2/15221/

EText-No. 15487
Title: Democracy and Social Ethics
Author: Addams, Jane, 1860-1935
Language: English
Link: 1/5/4/8/15487/
Link: 1/5/4/8/15487/

EText-No. 16221
Title: The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets
Author: Addams, Jane, 1860-1935
Language: English
Link: 1/6/2/2/16221/
Link: 1/6/2/2/16221/

EText-No. 1325
Title: Twenty Years at Hull House; with autobiographical notes
Author: Addams, Jane, 1860-1935
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 16345
Title: Ellen Walton - The Villain and His Victims
Author: Addison, Alvin
Language: English
Link: 1/6/3/4/16345/

EText-No. 16676
Title: Eveline Mandeville - The Horse Thief Rival
Author: Addison, Alvin
Language: English
Link: 1/6/6/7/16676/

EText-No. 2791
Title: Essays and Tales
Author: Addison, Joseph, 1672-1719
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 3318
Title: Days with Sir Roger De Coverley,
Author: Addison, Joseph, 1672-1719;Steele, Richard, Sir, 1672-1729
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 18212
Title: Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages - A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
Author: Addison, Julia de Wolf Gibbs, 1866-
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/1/18212/
Link: 1/8/2/1/18212/

EText-No. 11930
Title: More Fables
Author: Ade, George, 1866-1944
Language: English
Link: 1/1/9/3/11930/

EText-No. 13543
Title: People You Know
Author: Ade, George, 1866-1944
Language: English
Link: 1/3/5/4/13543/
Link: 1/3/5/4/13543/

EText-No. 11279
Title: The Slim Princess
Author: Ade, George, 1866-1944
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/7/11279/
Link: 1/1/2/7/11279/

EText-No. 17544
Title: Lou catounet gascoun
Author: Ader, Guillaume, 1575?-1628
Link: 1/7/5/4/17544/
Link: 1/7/5/4/17544/

EText-No. 13816
Title: The Jericho Road
Author: Adkins, W. Bion
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/1/13816/

EText-No. 14172
Title: Willis the Pilot
Author: Adrien, Paul
Language: English
Link: 1/4/1/7/14172/
Link: 1/4/1/7/14172/

EText-No. 7021
Title: Indian Frontier Policy; an historical sketch
Author: Adye, John Miller, Sir, 1819-1900
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 8714
Title: Suppliant Maidens and Other Plays
Author: Aeschylus, 525 BC-456 BC
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 14417
Title: The Agamemnon of Aeschylus - Translated into English Rhyming Verse with Explanatory Notes
Author: Aeschylus, 525 BC-456 BC
Language: English
Link: 1/4/4/1/14417/
Link: 1/4/4/1/14417/

EText-No. 8604
Title: The House of Atreus
Author: Aeschylus, 525 BC-456 BC
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 17996
Title: ???????? ?????? ??????????
Author: Aeschylus, 525 BC-456 BC
Language: Greek
Link: 1/7/9/9/17996/
Link: 1/7/9/9/17996/

EText-No. 18732
Title: Aesop's Fables - A New Revised Version From Original Sources
Author: Aesop, 620? BC-563? BC
Language: English
Link: 1/8/7/3/18732/
Link: 1/8/7/3/18732/
Link: 1/8/7/3/18732/

EText-No. 21
Title: Aesop's Fables
Author: Aesop, 620? BC-563? BC
Language: English
Link: etext91/

EText-No. 28
Title: Aesop's Fables
Author: Aesop, 620? BC-563? BC
Language: English
Link: etext92/

EText-No. 11339
Title: Aesop's Fables; a new translation
Author: Aesop, 620? BC-563? BC
Language: English
Link: 1/1/3/3/11339/
Link: 1/1/3/3/11339/

EText-No. 6078
Title: Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence
Author: Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873;Agassiz, Elizabeth Cabot Cary, 1822-1907
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12253
Title: Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals
Author: Agency, D. D. Cottrell's Subscription
Language: English
Link: 1/2/2/5/12253/

EText-No. 17638
Title: Hattu - Yksin??yt??ksinen huvin??ytelm??
Author: Agrell, Alfhild, 1849-1923
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/7/6/3/17638/

EText-No. 17986
Title: Dialogo sopra la generatione de venti, baleni, tuoni, fulgori, fiumi, laghi, valli et montagne
Author: Agrippa, Camillo, 16th cent.
Language: Italian
Link: 1/7/9/8/17986/

EText-No. 18387
Title: The Days of Bruce Vol 1 - A Story from Scottish History
Author: Aguilar, Grace, 1816-1847
Language: English
Link: 1/8/3/8/18387/
Link: 1/8/3/8/18387/

EText-No. 12361
Title: The Mother's Recompense, Volume 1 - A Sequel to Home Influence
Author: Aguilar, Grace, 1816-1847
Language: English
Link: 1/2/3/6/12361/
Link: 1/2/3/6/12361/

EText-No. 12362
Title: The Mother's Recompense, Volume 2 - A Sequel to Home Influence
Author: Aguilar, Grace, 1816-1847
Language: English
Link: 1/2/3/6/12362/
Link: 1/2/3/6/12362/

EText-No. 12725
Title: The Vale of Cedars
Author: Aguilar, Grace, 1816-1847
Language: English
Link: 1/2/7/2/12725/
Link: 1/2/7/2/12725/

EText-No. 15334
Title: Mindanao: Su Historia y Geograf??a
Author: Aguilar, Jos?? Nieto
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/5/3/3/15334/

EText-No. 14307
Title: Rese??a Veridica de la Revoluci??n Filipina
Author: Aguinaldo, Emilio, 1869-1964
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/4/3/0/14307/

EText-No. 12996
Title: True Version of the Philippine Revolution
Author: Aguinaldo, Emilio, 1869-1964
Language: English
Link: 1/2/9/9/12996/
Link: 1/2/9/9/12996/

EText-No. 13564
Title: Ensimm??iset novellit
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/5/6/13564/

EText-No. 13581
Title: Hellmannin herra; Esimerkin vuoksi; Maailman murjoma
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/5/8/13581/
Link: 1/3/5/8/13581/

EText-No. 13580
Title: Helsinkiin
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/5/8/13580/

EText-No. 10863
Title: Juha
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/0/8/6/10863/

EText-No. 13768
Title: Katajainen kansani
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/7/6/13768/

EText-No. 13920
Title: Kev??t ja takatalvi
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/9/2/13920/

EText-No. 13691
Title: Lastuja I-III
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/6/9/13691/

EText-No. 13745
Title: Lastuja IV-VII
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/7/4/13745/

EText-No. 13769
Title: Lohilastuja ja kalakaskuja
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/7/6/13769/

EText-No. 13780
Title: Mink?? mit??kin Italiasta
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/7/8/13780/

EText-No. 13779
Title: Mink?? mit??kin Tyrolista
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/7/7/13779/

EText-No. 9082
Title: Muistatko
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 13919
Title: Muistelmia ja matkakuvia
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/9/1/13919/

EText-No. 13566
Title: Muuan markkinamies
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/5/6/13566/

EText-No. 8494
Title: Omatunto - Saaristokertomus
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 13850
Title: Panu
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/8/5/13850/

EText-No. 13849
Title: Panu: N??ytelm??
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/8/4/13849/

EText-No. 13663
Title: Papin rouva
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/6/6/13663/

EText-No. 13662
Title: Papin tyt??r
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/6/6/13662/

EText-No. 13874
Title: Rauhan erakko
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/8/7/13874/

EText-No. 10481
Title: Rautatie
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/0/4/8/10481/

EText-No. 11967
Title: Sanomalehtimiesajoiltani
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/1/9/6/11967/

EText-No. 13873
Title: Tuomio
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/8/7/13873/

EText-No. 13593
Title: Yksin
Author: Aho, Juhani, 1861-1921
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/5/9/13593/

EText-No. 18393
Title: Haapakoskelaiset - Romaani It??-Suomesta
Author: Ahrenberg, Jacob, 1847-1914
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/8/3/9/18393/

EText-No. 18627
Title: Notre-Dame-d'Amour
Author: Aicard, Jean, 1848-1921
Language: French
Link: 1/8/6/2/18627/

EText-No. 1246
Title: The House of Dust; a symphony
Author: Aiken, Conrad Potter, 1889-1973
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 4055
Title: The Future of the Colored Race in America - Being an article in the Presbyterian quarterly review of July, 1862
Author: Aikman, William, 1824-1909
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 13598
Title: Jim l'indien
Author: Aimard, Gustave, 1818-1883;d'Auriac, Jules Berlioz
Language: French
Link: 1/3/5/9/13598/
Link: 1/3/5/9/13598/

EText-No. 18153
Title: Oscar - The Boy Who Had His Own Way
Author: Aimwell, Walter, [pseud.], 1822-1859
Language: English
Link: 1/8/1/5/18153/
Link: 1/8/1/5/18153/

EText-No. 17924
Title: Iltalampun ????ress?? I
Author: Aina, 1856-1928
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/7/9/2/17924/

EText-No. 17931
Title: Iltalampun ????ress?? II - Uusia kertomuksia
Author: Aina, 1856-1928
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/7/9/3/17931/

EText-No. 18710
Title: Kotona Kerttulassa - Kertomus nuorisolle
Author: Aina, 1856-1928
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/8/7/1/18710/

EText-No. 11088
Title: English Men of Letters: Crabbe
Author: Ainger, Alfred, 1837-1904
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/8/11088/
Link: 1/1/0/8/11088/

EText-No. 13267
Title: The Threshold Grace
Author: Ainsworth, Percy C.
Language: English
Link: 1/3/2/6/13267/
Link: 1/3/2/6/13267/

EText-No. 16215
Title: Jack Sheppard - A Romance
Author: Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-1882
Language: English
Link: 1/6/2/1/16215/
Link: 1/6/2/1/16215/

EText-No. 11082
Title: Old Saint Paul's - A Tale of the Plague and the Fire
Author: Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-1882
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/8/11082/
Link: 1/1/0/8/11082/

EText-No. 15493
Title: The Lancashire Witches - A Romance of Pendle Forest
Author: Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-1882
Language: English
Link: 1/5/4/9/15493/
Link: 1/5/4/9/15493/

EText-No. 12396
Title: The Star-Chamber, Volume 1 - An Historical Romance
Author: Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-1882
Language: English
Link: 1/2/3/9/12396/
Link: 1/2/3/9/12396/

EText-No. 12397
Title: The Star-Chamber, Volume 2 - An Historical Romance
Author: Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-1882
Language: English
Link: 1/2/3/9/12397/
Link: 1/2/3/9/12397/

EText-No. 2866
Title: Windsor Castle
Author: Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-1882
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 10655
Title: Autobiography of Sir George Biddell Airy
Author: Airy, George Biddell, 1801-1892
Language: English
Link: 1/0/6/5/10655/
Link: 1/0/6/5/10655/

EText-No. 13645
Title: The Tatler, Volume 1, 1899
Author: Aitken, George A.
Language: English
Link: 1/3/6/4/13645/
Link: 1/3/6/4/13645/
Link: 1/3/6/4/13645/

EText-No. 9814
Title: Poetical Works of Akenside
Author: Akenside, Mark, 1721-1770
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 9456
Title: Opera Stories from Wagner
Author: Akin, Florence, 1878-
Language: English
Link: 9/4/5/9456/

EText-No. 1982
Title: Rashomon
Author: Akutagawa, Ryunosuke, 1892-1927
Language: Japanese
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 6110
Title: Das hohe Ziel der Erkenntnis
Author: Al-Raschid, Omar bey, -1910
Language: German
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5781
Title: Le Grand Meaulnes
Author: Alain-Fournier, 1886-1914
Language: French
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 18580
Title: Los favores del mundo
Author: Alarc??n, Juan Ruiz de, 1581?-1639
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/8/5/8/18580/

EText-No. 15532
Title: Novelas Cortas
Author: Alarc??n, Pedro Antonio de, 1833-1891
Language: English
Link: 1/5/5/3/15532/
Link: 1/5/5/3/15532/

EText-No. 17073
Title: La Regenta
Author: Alas, Leopoldo, 1852-1901
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/7/0/7/17073/

EText-No. 17341
Title: Su ??nico hijo
Author: Alas, Leopoldo, 1852-1901
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/7/3/4/17341/

EText-No. 5830
Title: A Garland for Girls
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 3806
Title: A Modern Cinderella
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 2787
Title: An Old-Fashioned Girl
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 8677
Title: Behind a Mask, or a Woman's Power
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2726
Title: Eight Cousins
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 163
Title: Flower Fables
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext94/

EText-No. 3837
Title: Hospital Sketches
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 2786
Title: Jack and Jill
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 3499
Title: Jo's Boys
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 10360
Title: Kitty's Class Day and Other Stories
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: 1/0/3/6/10360/
Link: 1/0/3/6/10360/

EText-No. 2788
Title: Little Men
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 514
Title: Little Women
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 17337
Title: Little Women;Onder Moeders Vleugels
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/7/3/3/17337/

EText-No. 5352
Title: Marjorie's Three Gifts
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 17665
Title: Mia Kontrabandulo - My Contraband
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: Esperanto
Link: 1/7/6/6/17665/
Link: 1/7/6/6/17665/

EText-No. 4960
Title: On Picket Duty, and Other Tales
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 8384
Title: Pauline's Passion and Punishment
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2804
Title: Rose in Bloom
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 8694
Title: The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation - A Christmas Story
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 7425
Title: The Louisa Alcott Reader: a Supplementary Reader for the Fourth Year of School
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8188
Title: The Mysterious Key and What It Opened
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 3795
Title: Under the Lilacs
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4770
Title: Work: a Story of Experience
Author: Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 10482
Title: The Young Mother - Management of Children in Regard to Health
Author: Alcott, William A., 1789-1859
Language: English
Link: 1/0/4/8/10482/
Link: 1/0/4/8/10482/

EText-No. 9054
Title: The Young Woman's Guide
Author: Alcott, William A., 1789-1859
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 14978
Title: A Village Ophelia and Other Stories
Author: Aldrich, Anne Reeve, 1866-1892
Language: English
Link: 1/4/9/7/14978/
Link: 1/4/9/7/14978/

EText-No. 11011
Title: A Hilltop on the Marne
Author: Aldrich, Mildred, 1853-1928
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/1/11011/

EText-No. 11947
Title: On the Edge of the War Zone - From the Battle of the Marne to the Entrance of the Stars and Stripes
Author: Aldrich, Mildred, 1853-1928
Language: English
Link: 1/1/9/4/11947/
Link: 1/1/9/4/11947/

EText-No. 18004
Title: Told in a French Garden - August, 1914
Author: Aldrich, Mildred, 1853-1928
Language: English
Link: 1/8/0/0/18004/
Link: 1/8/0/0/18004/

EText-No. 1861
Title: An Old Town By the Sea
Author: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/1861/
Link: 1/8/6/1861/

EText-No. 1757
Title: Cruise of the Dolphin
Author: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 1758
Title: Majorie Daw
Author: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 625
Title: Ponkapog Papers
Author: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: 6/2/625/

EText-No. 5705
Title: The Queen of Sheba & My Cousin the Colonel
Author: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 595
Title: The Sisters' Tragedy
Author: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 5435
Title: The Stillwater Tragedy
Author: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 1948
Title: The Story of a Bad Boy
Author: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: 1/9/4/1948/

EText-No. 1830
Title: Wyndham Towers
Author: Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 13577
Title: The Meadow-Brook Girls Afloat
Author: Aldridge, Janet
Language: English
Link: 1/3/5/7/13577/

EText-No. 17099
Title: The Meadow-Brook Girls by the Sea - Or The Loss of The Lonesome Bar
Author: Aldridge, Janet
Language: English
Link: 1/7/0/9/17099/

EText-No. 17865
Title: The Meadow-Brook Girls in the Hills - The Missing Pilot of the White Mountains
Author: Aldridge, Janet
Language: English
Link: 1/7/8/6/17865/

EText-No. 14889
Title: The Meadow-Brook Girls Under Canvas
Author: Aldridge, Janet
Language: English
Link: 1/4/8/8/14889/
Link: 1/4/8/8/14889/

EText-No. 17200
Title: Angel Agnes - The Heroine of the Yellow Fever Plague in Shreveport
Author: Alexander, Charles Wesley, 1837-1927
Language: English
Link: 1/7/2/0/17200/

EText-No. 15923
Title: The Boy and the Sunday School - A Manual of Principle and Method for the Work of the Sunday - School with Teen Age Boys
Author: Alexander, John L.
Language: English
Link: 1/5/9/2/15923/

EText-No. 18418
Title: A Crooked Path - A Novel
Author: Alexander, Mrs., 1825-1902
Language: English
Link: 1/8/4/1/18418/
Link: 1/8/4/1/18418/

EText-No. 18581
Title: Adrift in New York - Tom and Florence Braving the World
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/8/18581/

EText-No. 14831
Title: Andy Grant's Pluck
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/4/8/3/14831/

EText-No. 5977
Title: Bound to Rise
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 9990
Title: Brave and Bold - The Fortunes of Robert Rushton
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 399
Title: Cast Upon the Breakers
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 3/9/399/

EText-No. 5747
Title: Do and Dare ??? a Brave Boy's Fight for Fortune
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 530
Title: Driven from Home, or Carl Crawford's Experience
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 5/3/530/

EText-No. 6461
Title: Facing the World
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 1573
Title: Frank's Campaign, or, Farm and Camp
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 14964
Title: From Canal Boy to President - Or the Boyhood and Manhood of James A. Garfield
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/4/9/6/14964/
Link: 1/4/9/6/14964/

EText-No. 1919
Title: Grand'ther Baldwin's Thanksgiving with Other Ballads and Poems
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 5674
Title: Hector's Inheritance, Or, the Boys of Smith Institute
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5833
Title: Helping Himself
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6162
Title: Herbert Carter's Legacy
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10729
Title: Jack's Ward
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/0/7/2/10729/

EText-No. 528
Title: Joe the Hotel Boy
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 5/2/528/

EText-No. 12823
Title: Joe's Luck - Always Wide Awake
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/2/8/2/12823/

EText-No. 13803
Title: Making His Way - Frank Courtney's Struggle Upward
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/0/13803/

EText-No. 5868
Title: Nothing to Eat
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 11111
Title: Only an Irish Boy - Andy Burke's Fortunes
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/1/1/1/11111/

EText-No. 293
Title: Paul Prescott's Charge
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 2/9/293/

EText-No. 659
Title: Paul the Peddler, or the Fortunes of a Young Street Merchant
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 6/5/659/

EText-No. 671
Title: Phil, the Fiddler
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 6/7/671/

EText-No. 5348
Title: Ragged Dick, Or, Street Life in New York with the Boot-Blacks
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 5/3/4/5348/

EText-No. 12741
Title: Risen from the Ranks - Harry Walton's Success
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/2/7/4/12741/

EText-No. 5417
Title: Struggling Upward, or Luke Larkin's Luck
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 296
Title: The Cash Boy
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 2/9/296/

EText-No. 462
Title: The Errand Boy
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 4/6/462/

EText-No. 10724
Title: The Store Boy
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/0/7/2/10724/

EText-No. 5623
Title: The Young Explorer
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5673
Title: The Young Musician ; Or, Fighting His Way
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 4660
Title: Timothy Crump's Ward - A Story of American Life
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 5778
Title: Try and Trust
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5993
Title: Walter Sherwood's Probation
Author: Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 13127
Title: Observations on the Mussulmauns of India
Author: Ali, Mrs. Meer Hassan
Language: English
Link: 1/3/1/2/13127/
Link: 1/3/1/2/13127/

EText-No. 14349
Title: Jaakko Jaakonpoika
Author: Alkio, Santeri, 1862-1930
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/4/3/4/14349/

EText-No. 14292
Title: Murtavia voimia
Author: Alkio, Santeri, 1862-1930
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/4/2/9/14292/

EText-No. 13991
Title: Puukkojunkkarit
Author: Alkio, Santeri, 1862-1930
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/3/9/9/13991/

EText-No. 13834
Title: ?? se tordre
Author: Allais, Alphonse, 1854-1905
Language: French
Link: 1/3/8/3/13834/
Link: 1/3/8/3/13834/

EText-No. 18262
Title: Contes humoristiques - Tome I
Author: Allais, Alphonse, 1854-1905
Language: French
Link: 1/8/2/6/18262/

EText-No. 16407
Title: Under the Dragon Flag - My Experiences in the Chino-Japanese War
Author: Allan, James
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/0/16407/
Link: 1/6/4/0/16407/

EText-No. 6160
Title: Fletcher of Madeley
Author: Allen, Brigadier Margaret
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10267
Title: The Outdoor Chums - The First Tour of the Rod, Gun and Camera Club
Author: Allen, Captain Quincy [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: 1/0/2/6/10267/

EText-No. 15188
Title: The Outdoor Chums After Big Game - Or, Perilous Adventures in the Wilderness
Author: Allen, Captain Quincy [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: 1/5/1/8/15188/
Link: 1/5/1/8/15188/

EText-No. 14130
Title: The Outdoor Chums on the Gulf
Author: Allen, Captain Quincy [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: 1/4/1/3/14130/

EText-No. 8427
Title: Home Missions in Action
Author: Allen, Edith H.
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 18680
Title: Practical Forestry in the Pacific Northwest - Protecting Existing Forests and Growing New Ones, from the Standpoint of the Public and That of the Lumberman, with an Outline of Technical Methods
Author: Allen, Edward Tyson
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/8/18680/
Link: 1/8/6/8/18680/

EText-No. 2873
Title: The Prehistoric World; or, Vanished races
Author: Allen, Emory Adams, 1853-
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 4715
Title: An African Millionaire - Episodes in the Life of the Illustrious Colonel Clay
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: etext03/
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4529
Title: Biographies of Working Men
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 6492
Title: Biographies of Working Men
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16790
Title: Early Britain - Anglo-Saxon Britain
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/6/7/9/16790/
Link: 1/6/7/9/16790/
Link: 1/6/7/9/16790/

EText-No. 16807
Title: Falling in Love - With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/6/8/0/16807/
Link: 1/6/8/0/16807/

EText-No. 4903
Title: Hilda Wade, a Woman with Tenacity of Purpose
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: 4/9/0/4903/

EText-No. 5869
Title: Michael's Crag
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6060
Title: Philistia
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 18788
Title: Post-Prandial Philosophy
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/8/7/8/18788/
Link: 1/8/7/8/18788/

EText-No. 5832
Title: Recalled to Life
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16325
Title: Science in Arcady
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/6/3/2/16325/
Link: 1/6/3/2/16325/

EText-No. 4340
Title: The British Barbarians
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 13876
Title: The Great Taboo
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/7/13876/
Link: 1/3/8/7/13876/

EText-No. 4396
Title: The Woman Who Did
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 6010
Title: What's Bred in the Bone
Author: Allen, Grant, 1848-1899
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 15385
Title: A Cathedral Singer
Author: Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/5/3/8/15385/

EText-No. 11532
Title: A Kentucky Cardinal
Author: Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/1/5/3/11532/

EText-No. 13554
Title: Aftermath
Author: Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/3/5/5/13554/

EText-No. 9179
Title: Bride of the Mistletoe
Author: Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2316
Title: The Choir Invisible
Author: Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 12482
Title: The Mettle of the Pasture
Author: Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/8/12482/

EText-No. 3791
Title: The Reign of Law; a tale of the Kentucky hemp fields
Author: Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4507
Title: As a Man Thinketh
Author: Allen, James, 1864-1912
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 10740
Title: The Way of Peace
Author: Allen, James, 1864-1912
Language: English
Link: 1/0/7/4/10740/
Link: 1/0/7/4/10740/

EText-No. 15810
Title: The Age of Erasmus - Lectures Delivered in the Universities of Oxford and London
Author: Allen, P. S. (Percy Stafford), 1869-1933
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/1/15810/
Link: 1/5/8/1/15810/

EText-No. 13360
Title: Missionary Survey As An Aid To Intelligent Co-Operation In Foreign Missions
Author: Allen, Roland, 1869-1947
Language: English
Link: 1/3/3/6/13360/
Link: 1/3/3/6/13360/

EText-No. 5609
Title: The Corporation of London, Its Rights and Privileges
Author: Allen, William Ferneley
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 17875
Title: The American Prejudice Against Color - An Authentic Narrative, Showing How Easily The Nation Got - Into An Uproar.
Author: Allen, William G.
Language: English
Link: 1/7/8/7/17875/
Link: 1/7/8/7/17875/

EText-No. 16839
Title: Sixteen Poems
Author: Allingham, William, 1824-1889
Language: English
Link: 1/6/8/3/16839/
Link: 1/6/8/3/16839/

EText-No. 18100
Title: Roads from Rome
Author: Allinson, Anne C. E. (Anne Crosby Emery), 1871-1932
Language: English
Link: 1/8/1/0/18100/

EText-No. 13887
Title: The Allinson Vegetarian Cookery Book
Author: Allinson, Thomas R.
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/8/13887/
Link: 1/3/8/8/13887/

EText-No. 7799
Title: An American Robinson Crusoe
Author: Allison, Samuel Buell
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8686
Title: The Delicious Vice
Author: Allison, Young E.
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 11391
Title: Lectures on Art
Author: Allston, Washington, 1779-1843
Language: English
Link: 1/1/3/9/11391/
Link: 1/1/3/9/11391/

EText-No. 11059
Title: The Sylphs of the Season with Other Poems
Author: Allston, Washington, 1779-1843
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/5/11059/
Link: 1/1/0/5/11059/

EText-No. 17255
Title: The Wings of Icarus - Being the Life of one Emilia Fletcher
Author: Alma-Tadema, Laurence, 1865?-1940
Language: English
Link: 1/7/2/5/17255/
Link: 1/7/2/5/17255/

EText-No. 14794
Title: Ang Mananayaw
Author: Almario, Rosauro, 1886-1933
Language: Tagalog
Link: 1/4/7/9/14794/

EText-No. 14670
Title: Det g??r an
Author: Almqvist, Carl Jonas Love, 1793-1866
Language: Swedish
Link: 1/4/6/7/14670/

EText-No. 17080
Title: Proeve van Kleine Gedigten voor Kinderen
Author: Alphen, Hieronymus van, 1746-1803
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/7/0/8/17080/

EText-No. 18197
Title: Notes d'une m??re - Cours d'??ducation maternelle
Author: Alq, Louise d', 1840?-1901?
Language: French
Link: 1/8/1/9/18197/
Link: 1/8/1/9/18197/

EText-No. 8521
Title: Maintaining Health - Formerly Health and Efficiency
Author: Alsaker, R. L.
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 10825
Title: La Navidad en las Monta??as
Author: Altamirano, Ignacio Manuel, 1834-1893
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/0/8/2/10825/

EText-No. 15760
Title: The Forest of Swords - A Story of Paris and the Marne
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/5/7/6/15760/
Link: 1/5/7/6/15760/

EText-No. 14876
Title: The Forest Runners - A Story of the Great War Trail in Early Kentucky
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/4/8/7/14876/
Link: 1/4/8/7/14876/

EText-No. 15055
Title: The Free Rangers - A Story of the Early Days Along the Mississippi
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/5/0/5/15055/
Link: 1/5/0/5/15055/

EText-No. 3653
Title: The Guns of Bull Run - A story of the civil war's eve
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 5207
Title: The Guns of Shiloh - A Story of the Great Western Campaign
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 15285
Title: The Hosts of the Air
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/8/15285/
Link: 1/5/2/8/15285/

EText-No. 14890
Title: The Hunters of the Hills
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/4/8/9/14890/
Link: 1/4/8/9/14890/

EText-No. 11961
Title: The Lords of the Wild - A Story of the Old New York Border
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/1/9/6/11961/
Link: 1/1/9/6/11961/

EText-No. 11311
Title: The Masters of the Peaks - A Story of the Great North Woods
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/1/3/1/11311/
Link: 1/1/3/1/11311/

EText-No. 9745
Title: The Rock of Chickamauga - A Story of the Western Crisis
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 14891
Title: The Rulers of the Lakes - A Story of George and Champlain
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/4/8/9/14891/
Link: 1/4/8/9/14891/

EText-No. 6094
Title: The Scouts of Stonewall - The Story of the Great Valley Campaign
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 1078
Title: The Scouts of the Valley
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 12532
Title: The Shades of the Wilderness - A Story of Lee's Great Stand
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/2/5/3/12532/

EText-No. 11881
Title: The Shadow of the North - A Story of Old New York and a Lost Campaign
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/1/8/8/11881/
Link: 1/1/8/8/11881/

EText-No. 3811
Title: The Star of Gettysburg - A Story of Southern High Tide
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 18774
Title: The Sun Of Quebec - A Story of a Great Crisis
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/8/7/7/18774/
Link: 1/8/7/7/18774/

EText-No. 7862
Title: The Sword of Antietam - A Story of the Nation's Crisis
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 15767
Title: The Texan Scouts - A Story of the Alamo and Goliad
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/5/7/6/15767/
Link: 1/5/7/6/15767/

EText-No. 15852
Title: The Texan Star - The Story of a Great Fight for Liberty
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/5/15852/
Link: 1/5/8/5/15852/

EText-No. 17677
Title: The Tree of Appomattox
Author: Altsheler, Joseph A. (Joseph Alexander), 1862-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/7/6/7/17677/

EText-No. 14865
Title: Gwaith Alun
Author: Alun, 1797-1841
Language: Welsh
Link: 1/4/8/6/14865/

EText-No. 10347
Title: Free from School
Author: Alvares, Rahul
Language: English
Link: 1/0/3/4/10347/

EText-No. 16109
Title: Do??a Clarines y Ma??ana de Sol
Author: Alvarez Quintero, Joaquin, 1873-1944;Alvarez Quintero, Serafin, 1871-1938
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/6/1/0/16109/

EText-No. 14027
Title: Abydos - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1906
Author: Am??lineau, ??mile Cl??ment, 1850-1915
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/4/0/2/14027/
Link: 1/4/0/2/14027/

EText-No. 15684
Title: The Summer Holidays - A Story for Children
Author: Amerel
Language: English
Link: 1/5/6/8/15684/

EText-No. 11275
Title: The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Author: American Anti-Slavery Society
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/7/11275/
Link: 1/1/2/7/11275/

EText-No. 11271
Title: The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
Author: American Anti-Slavery Society
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/7/11271/
Link: 1/1/2/7/11271/

EText-No. 11272
Title: The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 2 of 4
Author: American Anti-Slavery Society
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/7/11272/
Link: 1/1/2/7/11272/

EText-No. 11273
Title: The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
Author: American Anti-Slavery Society
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/7/11273/
Link: 1/1/2/7/11273/

EText-No. 11274
Title: The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 4 of 4
Author: American Anti-Slavery Society
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/7/11274/

EText-No. 13990
Title: The Fugitive Slave Law and Its Victims - Anti-Slavery Tracts No. 18
Author: American Anti-Slavery Society
Language: English
Link: 1/3/9/9/13990/
Link: 1/3/9/9/13990/

EText-No. 8083
Title: The Allis Family; or, Scenes of Western Life
Author: American Sunday School Union
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 15782
Title: Scenes in Switzerland
Author: American Tract Society, The
Language: English
Link: 1/5/7/8/15782/
Link: 1/5/7/8/15782/

EText-No. 1052
Title: Step by Step; or Tidy's Way to Freedom
Author: American Tract Society, The
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 4101
Title: The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 ??? Volume 1
Author: Ames, Azel, 1845-1908
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4102
Title: The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 ??? Volume 2
Author: Ames, Azel, 1845-1908
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4103
Title: The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 ??? Volume 3
Author: Ames, Azel, 1845-1908
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4104
Title: The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 ??? Volume 4
Author: Ames, Azel, 1845-1908
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4105
Title: The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 ??? Volume 5
Author: Ames, Azel, 1845-1908
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4106
Title: The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 ??? Volume 6
Author: Ames, Azel, 1845-1908
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 8545
Title: Amiel's Journal
Author: Amiel, Henri Fr??d??ric
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 13014
Title: The Talking Deaf Man - A Method Proposed, Whereby He Who is Born Deaf, May Learn to Speak, 1692
Author: Amman, John Conrade
Language: English
Link: 1/3/0/1/13014/
Link: 1/3/0/1/13014/

EText-No. 14269
Title: Aan de Zuidpool - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1913
Author: Amundsen, Roald, 1872-1928
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/4/2/6/14269/

EText-No. 4229
Title: The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian Antarctic expedition in the "Fram," 1910-12 ??? Volume 1 and Volume 2
Author: Amundsen, Roald, 1872-1928
Language: English
Link: etext03/
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 3414
Title: The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian antarctic expedition in the "Fram," 1910-1912 ??? Volume 1
Author: Amundsen, Roald, 1872-1928
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3415
Title: The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian antarctic expedition in the "Fram," 1910-1912 ??? Volume 2
Author: Amundsen, Roald, 1872-1928
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 7384
Title: Carta da Companhia
Author: Anchieta, Jos?? de, 1534-1597
Language: Portuguese
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 1597
Title: Andersen's Fairy Tales
Author: Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 18244
Title: Contes merveilleux, Tome I
Author: Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/8/2/4/18244/

EText-No. 18245
Title: Contes merveilleux, Tome II
Author: Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875
Language: French
Link: 1/8/2/4/18245/

EText-No. 7513
Title: O. T. a Danish Romance
Author: Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 12313
Title: Pictures of Sweden
Author: Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875
Language: English
Link: 1/2/3/1/12313/
Link: 1/2/3/1/12313/

EText-No. 17860
Title: Stories from Hans Andersen
Author: Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875
Language: English
Link: 1/7/8/6/17860/
Link: 1/7/8/6/17860/

EText-No. 18604
Title: The Ice-Maiden: and Other Tales.
Author: Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/0/18604/
Link: 1/8/6/0/18604/

EText-No. 7007
Title: True Story of My Life
Author: Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 13343
Title: The Rim of the Desert
Author: Anderson, Ada Woodruff, 1860-
Language: English
Link: 1/3/3/4/13343/
Link: 1/3/3/4/13343/

EText-No. 16534
Title: A Young Folks' History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Author: Anderson, Nephi, 1865-1923
Language: English
Link: 1/6/5/3/16534/

EText-No. 17249
Title: Added Upon - A Story
Author: Anderson, Nephi, 1865-1923
Language: English
Link: 1/7/2/4/17249/

EText-No. 12684
Title: Dorian
Author: Anderson, Nephi, 1865-1923
Language: English
Link: 1/2/6/8/12684/

EText-No. 13756
Title: Story of Chester Lawrence
Author: Anderson, Nephi, 1865-1923
Language: English
Link: 1/3/7/5/13756/
Link: 1/3/7/5/13756/

EText-No. 7505
Title: Half-Past Seven Stories
Author: Anderson, Robert Gordon
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 7802
Title: Seven O'Clock Stories
Author: Anderson, Robert Gordon
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 7045
Title: Marching Men
Author: Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 7414
Title: Poor White
Author: Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 7048
Title: Triumph of the Egg, and Other Stories
Author: Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 7443
Title: Windy McPherson's Son
Author: Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 416
Title: Winesburg, Ohio; a group of tales of Ohio small town life
Author: Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941
Language: English
Link: 4/1/416/

EText-No. 18317
Title: David Ramms arv
Author: Andersson, Dan, 1888-1920
Language: Swedish
Link: 1/8/3/1/18317/
Link: 1/8/3/1/18317/

EText-No. 11356
Title: A Tale of One City: the New Birmingham - Papers Reprinted from the "Midland Counties Herald"
Author: Anderton, Thomas
Language: English
Link: 1/1/3/5/11356/
Link: 1/1/3/5/11356/

EText-No. 4981
Title: Minnesota and Dacotah
Author: Andrews, C. C. (Christopher Columbus), 1829-1922
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12631
Title: The Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball - That Floats in the Air
Author: Andrews, Jane, 1833-1887
Language: English
Link: 1/2/6/3/12631/

EText-No. 5792
Title: The Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children
Author: Andrews, Jane, 1833-1887
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 15906
Title: A Good Samaritan
Author: Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman, 1860-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/5/9/0/15906/

EText-No. 15796
Title: Joy in the Morning
Author: Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman, 1860-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/5/7/9/15796/
Link: 1/5/7/9/15796/

EText-No. 5825
Title: The Courage of the Commonplace
Author: Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman, 1860-1936
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 15894
Title: The Lifted Bandage
Author: Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman, 1860-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/9/15894/
Link: 1/5/8/9/15894/

EText-No. 15496
Title: The Militants - Stories of Some Parsons, Soldiers, and Other Fighters in the World
Author: Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman, 1860-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/5/4/9/15496/
Link: 1/5/4/9/15496/

EText-No. 12830
Title: The Perfect Tribute
Author: Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman, 1860-1936
Language: English
Link: 1/2/8/3/12830/

EText-No. 18529
Title: August First
Author: Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman, 1860-1936;Murray, Roy Irving
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/2/18529/
Link: 1/8/5/2/18529/

EText-No. 12296
Title: Camps and Trails in China - A Narrative of Exploration, Adventure, and Sport in Little-Known China
Author: Andrews, Roy Chapman, 1884-1960;Andrews, Yvette Borup
Language: English
Link: 1/2/2/9/12296/
Link: 1/2/2/9/12296/

EText-No. 13147
Title: Savva and the Life of Man - Two plays by Leonid Andreyev
Author: Andreyev, Leonid Nikolayevich, 1871-1919
Language: English
Link: 1/3/1/4/13147/
Link: 1/3/1/4/13147/

EText-No. 6722
Title: Seven Who Were Hanged
Author: Andreyev, Leonid Nikolayevich, 1871-1919
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5779
Title: The Crushed Flower and Other Stories
Author: Andreyev, Leonid Nikolayevich, 1871-1919
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 9842
Title: Y Gododin - A Poem of the Battle of Cattraeth
Author: Aneurin
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 13386
Title: Vechter
Author: Angelkot, Hermannus, Jr., 1688-1727
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/3/3/8/13386/
Link: 1/3/3/8/13386/

EText-No. 11895
Title: Peace Theories and the Balkan War
Author: Angell, Norman, 1872-1967
Language: English
Link: 1/1/8/9/11895/
Link: 1/1/8/9/11895/

EText-No. 3676
Title: The Firefly of France
Author: Angellotti, Marion Polk, 1894-1979
Language: English
Link: 3/6/7/3676/

EText-No. 9053
Title: Po??sies du troubadour Peire Raimon de Toulouse - Texte et traduction
Author: Anglade, Joseph
Language: French
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 13265
Title: A Book of Fruits and Flowers
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/3/2/6/13265/
Link: 1/3/2/6/13265/

EText-No. 16728
Title: A Catechism of Familiar Things; - Their History, and the Events Which Led to Their Discovery. - With a Short Explanation of Some of the Principal Natural Phenomena. For the Use of Schools and Families. Enlarged and Revised Edition.
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/6/7/2/16728/
Link: 1/6/7/2/16728/

EText-No. 18682
Title: A Declaration of the Causes, which mooved the chiefe Commanders of the Nauie of her most excellent Maiestie the Queene of England, in their voyage and expedition for Portingal, to take and arrest in the mouth of the Riuer of Lisbone, certaine Shippes of corne and other prouisions of warre bound for the said Citie - Prepared for the seruices of the King of Spaine, in the Ports and Prouinces within and about the Sownde, the 30. day of Iune, in the yeere of our Lord 1589. and of her Maiesties raigne the one and thirtie
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/6/8/18682/

EText-No. 14047
Title: A Letter to A.H. Esq.; Concerning the Stage (1698) and The Occasional Paper No. IX (1698)
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/4/14047/

EText-No. 13870
Title: A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/7/13870/

EText-No. 15576
Title: A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe - Being A Graduated Course Of Analysis For The Use Of Students And All Those Engaged In The Examination Of Metallic Combinations
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/5/5/7/15576/
Link: 1/5/5/7/15576/

EText-No. 10108
Title: A Treatise of Daunses - Wherin It Is Shewed, That They Are as It Were Accessories And - Dependants (Or Thynges Annexed) to Whoredome, (1581)
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/1/0/10108/

EText-No. 752
Title: A Young Girl's Diary
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 7/5/752/

EText-No. 17083
Title: Adventures of a Sixpence in Guernsey by A Native
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/0/8/17083/
Link: 1/7/0/8/17083/

EText-No. 11884
Title: Aenmerkinge op de Missive van Parnas
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/1/8/8/11884/
Link: 1/1/8/8/11884/

EText-No. 14830
Title: Aljaska en de Canada-spoorweg - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1892
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/4/8/3/14830/

EText-No. 17604
Title: Amusing Trial in which a Yankee Lawyer Renders a Just Verdict
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/6/0/17604/

EText-No. 18281
Title: An Account of the Proceedings on the Trial of Susan B. Anthony, on the Charge of Illegal Voting
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/8/18281/
Link: 1/8/2/8/18281/

EText-No. 15941
Title: An Englishwoman's Love-Letters
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/5/9/4/15941/
Link: 1/5/9/4/15941/

EText-No. 18521
Title: An Expository Outline of the "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" - With a Notice of the Author's "Explanations:" A Sequel to the Vestiges
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/2/18521/
Link: 1/8/5/2/18521/

EText-No. 11000
Title: An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/0/11000/11000-h/11000-h.htm

EText-No. 11000
Title: An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/0/11000/11000-8.txt

EText-No. 11461
Title: Armenian Literature
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/4/6/11461/
Link: 1/1/4/6/11461/

EText-No. 10888
Title: Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/8/8/10888/

EText-No. 11148
Title: Aunt Harding's Keepsakes - The Two Bibles
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/1/4/11148/

EText-No. 11065
Title: Aunt Mary's Primer
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/6/11065/

EText-No. 16681
Title: Baby Chatterbox
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/6/6/8/16681/

EText-No. 10887
Title: Babylonian and Assyrian Literature
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/8/8/10887/
Link: 1/0/8/8/10887/

EText-No. 14551
Title: Baltimore Catechism No. 1 (of 4)
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/5/14551/

EText-No. 14552
Title: Baltimore Catechism No. 2 (of 4)
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/5/14552/

EText-No. 14553
Title: Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4)
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/5/14553/

EText-No. 17374
Title: Bank of the Manhattan Company - Chartered 1799: A Progressive Commercial Bank
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/3/7/17374/

EText-No. 981
Title: Beowulf
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 18243
Title: Bezoek aan den berg Athos - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1873
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/8/2/4/18243/

EText-No. 13590
Title: British Folk-Music Settings Nr. 4, "Shepherd's Hey"
Author: Anonymous
Link: 1/3/5/9/13590/13590-mid.mid

EText-No. 13590
Title: British Folk-Music Settings Nr. 4, "Shepherd's Hey"
Author: Anonymous
Link: 1/3/5/9/13590/13590-pdf.pdf

EText-No. 13590
Title: British Folk-Music Settings Nr. 4, "Shepherd's Hey"
Author: Anonymous
Link: 1/3/5/9/13590/13590-readme.txt
Link: 1/3/5/9/13590/13590.txt

EText-No. 16386
Title: B??hay na Pinagdaanan ni Juan Tamad na Anac ni Fabio at ni Sofia - Sa Caharian nang Portugal, na Hinan??go sa Novela
Author: Anonymous
Language: Tagalog
Link: 1/6/3/8/16386/

EText-No. 1304
Title: Bulchevy's Book of English Verse
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 16388
Title: Bulletin de Lille, 1915-12 - Publi?? sous le contr??le de l'autorit?? allemande
Author: Anonymous
Language: French
Link: 1/6/3/8/16388/

EText-No. 15212
Title: Bulletin de Lille, 1916-01 - Publi?? sous le contr??le de l'autorit?? allemande
Author: Anonymous
Language: French
Link: 1/5/2/1/15212/

EText-No. 18771
Title: Bulletin de Lille, 1916-03 - Publi?? sous le contr??le de l'autorit?? allemande
Author: Anonymous
Language: French
Link: 1/8/7/7/18771/

EText-No. 7309
Title: Business Correspondence
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 18528
Title: Carta de hum cidadam de Genova a hum seu correspondente em Londres
Author: Anonymous
Language: Portuguese
Link: 1/8/5/2/18528/

EText-No. 16844
Title: Catalogue of the William Loring Andrews Collection of Early Books in the Library of Yale University
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/6/8/4/16844/
Link: 1/6/8/4/16844/
Link: 1/6/8/4/16844/

EText-No. 16486
Title: Celebrated Claimants from Perkin Warbeck to Arthur Orton
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/8/16486/
Link: 1/6/4/8/16486/

EText-No. 17365
Title: Child's Book of Water Birds
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/3/6/17365/

EText-No. 12227
Title: Child's First Picture Book
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/2/2/2/12227/

EText-No. 10981
Title: Child's New Story Book; - Tales and Dialogues for Little Folks
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/8/10981/

EText-No. 18701
Title: Choice Readings for the Home Circle
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/7/0/18701/

EText-No. 1599
Title: Cinderella; or, the Little Glass Slipper
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 14014
Title: Dangers on the Ice Off the Coast of Labrador
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/1/14014/

EText-No. 16970
Title: De kasteelen van Koning Lodewijk II van Beieren - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/6/9/7/16970/

EText-No. 17527
Title: De Verdelgingsoorlog der Yankees tegen de Apachen-indianen - De Aarde en haar Volken, Jaargang 1873
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/7/5/2/17527/

EText-No. 16569
Title: De Villa's der Medici in den omtrek van Florence - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1886
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/6/5/6/16569/

EText-No. 16590
Title: De Zaan en Waterland: Een kijkje in Noord Holland - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/6/5/9/16590/

EText-No. 18546
Title: Denslow's Mother Goose
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/4/18546/

EText-No. 124
Title: Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible - Apocrypha
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext94/

EText-No. 13938
Title: Discours prodigieux et espouventable de trois Espaignols et une Espagnolle,
Author: Anonymous
Language: French
Link: 1/3/9/3/13938/
Link: 1/3/9/3/13938/

EText-No. 16119
Title: Doctrina Christiana - The first book printed in the Philippines, Manila, 1593.
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/6/1/1/16119/
Link: 1/6/1/1/16119/

EText-No. 14177
Title: Dramas in de wolken: Luchtreizen en luchtreizigers - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1875
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/4/1/7/14177/

EText-No. 17946
Title: Eirik the Red's Saga
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/9/4/17946/
Link: 1/7/9/4/17946/
Link: 1/7/9/4/17946/

EText-No. 15879
Title: Elene; Judith; Athelstan, or the Fight at Brunanburh; Byrhtnoth, or the Fight at Maldon; and the Dream of the Rood - Anglo-Saxon Poems
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/7/15879/
Link: 1/5/8/7/15879/

EText-No. 10766
Title: Enquire Within Upon Everything - The Great Victorian Domestic Standby
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/7/6/10766/
Link: 1/0/7/6/10766/

EText-No. 18518
Title: F??te a??rostatique, qui sera c??l??br??e aujourd'hui au champ de Mars; Ar??ostation: ??tablissement d'une compagnie a??ronautique
Author: Anonymous
Language: French
Link: 1/8/5/1/18518/

EText-No. 5206
Title: Fires and Firemen: from the Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science and Art, Vol XXXV No. 1, May 1855
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 17071
Title: Folk-Lore and Legends - Scotland
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/0/7/17071/

EText-No. 10979
Title: Footsteps on the Road to Learning; - The Alphabet in Rhyme
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/7/10979/

EText-No. 11150
Title: Gems Gathered in Haste - A New Year's Gift for Sunday Schools
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/1/5/11150/

EText-No. 13675
Title: Goody Two-Shoes - A Facsimile Reproduction of the Edition of 1766
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/3/6/7/13675/
Link: 1/3/6/7/13675/

EText-No. 14507
Title: Het Vatikaan - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1873
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/4/5/0/14507/

EText-No. 9311
Title: Hetty's Strange History
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 11218
Title: Highroads of Geography
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/1/11218/

EText-No. 13424
Title: Honoring Parents
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/2/13424/

EText-No. 16157
Title: Ibong Adarna - Corrido at Buhay na Pinagdaanan nang tatlong Principeng Magcacapatid na Anac nang Haring Fernando at nang Reina Valeriana sa Cahariang Berbania
Author: Anonymous
Language: Tagalog
Link: 1/6/1/5/16157/

EText-No. 13157
Title: Is Ulster Right?
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/3/1/5/13157/
Link: 1/3/1/5/13157/

EText-No. 11007
Title: Jemmy Stubbins, or the Nailer Boy - Illustrations of the Law of Kindness
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/0/11007/

EText-No. 17764
Title: King Winter
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/7/6/17764/

EText-No. 15038
Title: Krakatau en de Straat Soenda - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1886
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/5/0/3/15038/

EText-No. 11744
Title: L'oppidum de Bibracte - Guide historique et arch??ologique au Mont Beuvray; d'apr??s les documents arch??ologiques les plus r??cents
Author: Anonymous
Language: French
Link: 1/1/7/4/11744/
Link: 1/1/7/4/11744/

EText-No. 825
Title: Latin Vulgate, Bible Book Titles and Names
Author: Anonymous
Language: Latin
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 828
Title: Latin Vulgate, Daniel: Prophetia Danielis
Author: Anonymous
Language: Latin
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 827
Title: Latin Vulgate, Esther
Author: Anonymous
Language: Latin
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 826
Title: Latin Vulgate, Esther: Liber Esther
Author: Anonymous
Language: Latin
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 17803
Title: Laxd??la Saga - Translated from the Icelandic
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/8/0/17803/
Link: 1/7/8/0/17803/

EText-No. 11494
Title: Les joies du pardon - Petites histoires contemporaines pour la consolation des coeurs chr??tiens
Author: Anonymous
Language: French
Link: 1/1/4/9/11494/
Link: 1/1/4/9/11494/

EText-No. 15371
Title: Les mille et une nuits - Tome premier
Author: Anonymous
Language: French
Link: 1/5/3/7/15371/

EText-No. 17316
Title: Letters of a Soldier - 1914-1915
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/3/1/17316/
Link: 1/7/3/1/17316/

EText-No. 11168
Title: Life of St. Declan of Ardmore and Life of St. Mochuda of Lismore
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/1/6/11168/

EText-No. 6883
Title: Life of Venerable Sister Margaret Bourgeois
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 11149
Title: Little Folded Hands - Prayers for Children
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/1/4/11149/

EText-No. 11230
Title: MacMillan's Reading Books - Book V
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/3/11230/
Link: 1/1/2/3/11230/

EText-No. 14408
Title: Manners and Conduct in School and Out
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/4/0/14408/
Link: 1/4/4/0/14408/

EText-No. 16149
Title: M??ximas Morales en Ilocano y Castellano - Para Uso de los Ni??os
Author: Anonymous
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/6/1/4/16149/

EText-No. 17826
Title: Memoir of Old Elizabeth, A Coloured Woman
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/8/2/17826/

EText-No. 17449
Title: Mining Laws of Ohio, 1921
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/4/4/17449/

EText-No. 16846
Title: Mjallhv??t - ??fint??ri Handa B??rnum
Author: Anonymous
Language: Icelandic
Link: 1/6/8/4/16846/
Link: 1/6/8/4/16846/

EText-No. 10085
Title: Moorish Literature
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/0/8/10085/
Link: 1/0/0/8/10085/

EText-No. 17163
Title: Mother Stories from the New Testament - A Book of the Best Stories from the New Testament that Mothers can tell their Children
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/1/6/17163/
Link: 1/7/1/6/17163/

EText-No. 17162
Title: Mother Stories from the Old Testament - A Book of the Best Stories from the Old Testament that Mothers can tell their Children
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/1/6/17162/

EText-No. 18226
Title: My Young Days
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/2/2/18226/
Link: 1/8/2/2/18226/

EText-No. 18316
Title: Notable Women of Olden Time
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/3/1/18316/

EText-No. 15548
Title: Novena nga Pagdaydayao Quen Aputayo ?? Jesus Nazareno
Author: Anonymous
Language: Iloko
Link: 1/5/5/4/15548/

EText-No. 14560
Title: Omzwervingen door de eilandenwereld van den Grooten Oceaan: De Fidji-eilanden - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1888
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/4/5/6/14560/

EText-No. 14559
Title: Omzwervingen door de eilandenwereld van den Grooten-oceaan - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/4/5/5/14559/

EText-No. 13776
Title: One Day - A sequel to 'Three Weeks'
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/3/7/7/13776/
Link: 1/3/7/7/13776/

EText-No. 10121
Title: Oriental Literature - The Literature of Arabia
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/1/2/10121/
Link: 1/0/1/2/10121/

EText-No. 10989
Title: Our Saviour
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/8/10989/

EText-No. 13902
Title: Pisa - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/3/9/0/13902/

EText-No. 987
Title: Popular Science Monthly - Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 ??? Volume 86
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 4317
Title: Prophetia Ionae
Author: Anonymous
Language: Latin
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 9947
Title: Queen Victoria - Story of Her Life and Reign, 1819-1901
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 5877
Title: Reina Valera New Testament of the Bible 1602
Author: Anonymous
Language: Spanish
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5878
Title: Reina Valera New Testament of the Bible 1858
Author: Anonymous
Language: Spanish
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5879
Title: Reina Valera New Testament of the Bible 1862
Author: Anonymous
Language: Spanish
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5880
Title: Reina Valera New Testament of the Bible 1865
Author: Anonymous
Language: Spanish
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5881
Title: Reina Valera New Testament of the Bible 1909
Author: Anonymous
Language: Spanish
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 16755
Title: Reis door Griekenland - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/6/7/5/16755/

EText-No. 10293
Title: Relacion historica de los sucesos de la rebelion de Jose Gabriel - Tupac-Amaru en las provincias del Peru, el ano de 1780
Author: Anonymous
Language: Spanish
Link: 1/0/2/9/10293/
Link: 1/0/2/9/10293/

EText-No. 17468
Title: Relikwie??n uit onzen Heldentijd - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1873
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/7/4/6/17468/

EText-No. 15656
Title: Representation of the Impiety and Immorality of the English Stage (1704); Some Thoughts Concerning the Stage in a Letter to a Lady (1704)
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/5/6/5/15656/

EText-No. 10131
Title: Required Poems for Reading and Memorizing - Third and Fourth Grades, Prescribed by State Courses of Study
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/1/3/10131/

EText-No. 18596
Title: Ride A Cock-Horse To Banbury Cross & A Farmer Went Trotting Upon His Grey Mare - R. Caldecott's Picture Books
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/9/18596/

EText-No. 12479
Title: San Zi Jing [220-581 A.D.]
Author: Anonymous
Language: Chinese
Link: 1/2/4/7/12479/

EText-No. 2378
Title: Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext00/
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 14568
Title: Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight - An Alliterative Romance-Poem (c. 1360 A.D.)
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/6/14568/
Link: 1/4/5/6/14568/

EText-No. 14899
Title: Some Remarks on the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Written by Mr. William Shakespeare (1736)
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/8/9/14899/
Link: 1/4/8/9/14899/

EText-No. 14401
Title: Suez - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1865
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/4/4/0/14401/

EText-No. 10987
Title: The Adventures of Little Bewildered Henry - The Extraordinary Adventures of Poor Little Bewildered Henry, - Who was shut up in an Old Abbey for Three Weeks: - A Story Founded on Fact
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/8/10987/

EText-No. 6869
Title: The American Goliah
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 18502
Title: The Annual Monitor for 1851 - or, Obituary of the members of the Society of Friends in Great - Britain and Ireland, for the year 1850
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/0/18502/

EText-No. 16081
Title: The Anti-Slavery Alphabet
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/6/0/8/16081/

EText-No. 5612
Title: The Arabian Nights Entertainments - Volume 01
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5664
Title: The Arabian Nights Entertainments ??? Volume 01
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5665
Title: The Arabian Nights Entertainments ??? Volume 02
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5666
Title: The Arabian Nights Entertainments ??? Volume 03
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 5667
Title: The Arabian Nights Entertainments ??? Volume 04
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 2143
Title: The Bible - New Testament - in Danish
Author: Anonymous
Language: Danish
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 8300
Title: The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete - The Challoner Revision
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 8/3/0/8300/
Link: 8/3/0/8300/

EText-No. 10
Title: The Bible, Old and New Testaments, King James Version
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext90/

EText-No. 11308
Title: The Book of Enterprise and Adventure - Being an Excitement to Reading. for Young People. a New and Condensed Edition.
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/3/0/11308/
Link: 1/1/3/0/11308/

EText-No. 3435
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 01
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3436
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 02
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3437
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 03
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3438
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 04
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3439
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 05
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3440
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 06
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3441
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 07
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3442
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 08
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3443
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 09
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3444
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 10
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3445
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 11 [Supplement]
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3446
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 12 [Supplement]
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3447
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 13
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3448
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 14
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3449
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 15
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3450
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night ??? Volume 16
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext02/
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 8655
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume I
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8656
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume II
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8657
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8658
Title: The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume IV
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 5984
Title: The British North America Act, 1867
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 5/9/8/5984/

EText-No. 17289
Title: The Dance (by An Antiquary) - Historic Illustrations of Dancing from 3300 B.C. to 1911 A.D.
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/2/8/17289/
Link: 1/7/2/8/17289/

EText-No. 7947
Title: The Diary of a U-boat Commander - With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by Etienne
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 11268
Title: The Flood
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/6/11268/

EText-No. 14501
Title: The Forest of Vazon - A Guernsey Legend of the Eighth Century
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/5/0/14501/
Link: 1/4/5/0/14501/

EText-No. 10994
Title: The Good Resolution
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/9/10994/

EText-No. 18558
Title: The Good Shepherd - A Life of Christ for Children
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/5/18558/
Link: 1/8/5/5/18558/

EText-No. 13603
Title: The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/3/6/0/13603/
Link: 1/3/6/0/13603/

EText-No. 750
Title: The High History of the Holy Graal
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 11092
Title: The History of Tom Thumb and Other Stories.
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/9/11092/

EText-No. 9331
Title: The Hunted Outlaw - or, Donald Morrison, the Canadian Rob Roy
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 10912
Title: The Infant's Delight: Poetry
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/1/10912/

EText-No. 17270
Title: The Interlude of Wealth and Health
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/2/7/17270/
Link: 1/7/2/7/17270/

EText-No. 14005
Title: The Ladies Delight
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/0/14005/

EText-No. 16479
Title: The Latin & Irish Lives of Ciaran - Translations Of Christian Literature. Series V. Lives Of - The Celtic Saints
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/6/4/7/16479/
Link: 1/6/4/7/16479/

EText-No. 437
Title: The Life of Lazarillo of Tormes; his fortunes and misfortunes as told by himself
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 8900
Title: The London and Country Brewer
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 15883
Title: The London-Bawd: With Her Character and Life - Discovering the Various and Subtle Intrigues of Lewd Women
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/5/8/8/15883/

EText-No. 5160
Title: The Mabinogion
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 10000
Title: The Magna Carta
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 16273
Title: The Manual of Heraldry; Fifth Edition - Being a Concise Description of the Several Terms Used, and Containing a Dictionary of Every Designation in the Science
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/6/2/7/16273/
Link: 1/6/2/7/16273/

EText-No. 13344
Title: The Moral Picture Book
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/3/3/4/13344/

EText-No. 18391
Title: The Moravians in Labrador
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/3/9/18391/
Link: 1/8/3/9/18391/

EText-No. 17569
Title: The New York Subway - Its Construction and Equipment
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/5/6/17569/
Link: 1/7/5/6/17569/

EText-No. 1151
Title: The Nibelungenlied
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 4901
Title: The Only True Mother Goose Melodies
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 11083
Title: The Parables of the Saviour - The Good Child's Library, Tenth Book
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/0/8/11083/

EText-No. 13800
Title: The Pleasures of a Single Life, Or, The Miseries of Matrimony
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/3/8/0/13800/

EText-No. 9177
Title: The Royal Game of the Ombre - Written at the Request of divers Honourable Persons???1665
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2388
Title: The Song celestial; or, Bhagabad-g??t?? (from the Mah??bh??rata) being a discourse between Arjuna, prince of India, and the Supreme Being under the form of Krishna
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 391
Title: The Song of Roland
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 17919
Title: The story of Burnt Njal - From the Icelandic of the Njals Saga
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/9/1/17919/
Link: 1/7/9/1/17919/

EText-No. 18037
Title: The Story of Ida Pfeiffer - and Her Travels in Many Lands
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/0/3/18037/

EText-No. 15621
Title: The Story of Jack and the Giants
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/5/6/2/15621/

EText-No. 12340
Title: The Story of the Herschels
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/2/3/4/12340/
Link: 1/2/3/4/12340/

EText-No. 12076
Title: The Story of the Prophet Jonas
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/2/0/7/12076/

EText-No. 1152
Title: The Story of the Volsungs
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 17783
Title: The Traveling Engineers' Association - To Improve The Locomotive Engine Service of American Railroads
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/7/8/17783/

EText-No. 14783
Title: The Twelve Tables
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/7/8/14783/
Link: 1/4/7/8/14783/

EText-No. 10831
Title: The Village in the Mountains; Conversion of Peter Bayssiere; and History of a Bible
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/8/3/10831/
Link: 1/0/8/3/10831/

EText-No. 8294
Title: The World English Bible (WEB):
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 10965
Title: The World Turned Upside Down - No News, and Strange News
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/6/10965/

EText-No. 14092
Title: The World's Fair
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/4/0/9/14092/
Link: 1/4/0/9/14092/

EText-No. 18522
Title: The Wreck
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/8/5/2/18522/

EText-No. 10983
Title: The Young Captives - A Narrative of the Shipwreck and Suffering of John and William Doyley
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/8/10983/

EText-No. 11107
Title: Theobald, the Iron-Hearted - Love to Enemies
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/1/0/11107/

EText-No. 18389
Title: Thuringen - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1873
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/8/3/8/18389/

EText-No. 17543
Title: Une Conf??d??ration Orientale comme solution de la Question d'Orient (1905)
Author: Anonymous
Language: French
Link: 1/7/5/4/17543/
Link: 1/7/5/4/17543/

EText-No. 14112
Title: Veneti?? - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1865
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/4/1/1/14112/

EText-No. 320
Title: Vida De Lazarillo De Tormes Y De Sus Fortunas Y Adversidades
Author: Anonymous
Language: Spanish
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 15403
Title: Wandelingen door Belgi?? - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1886
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/5/4/0/15403/

EText-No. 17685
Title: Wandelingen door Elzas-Lotharingen - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1886
Author: Anonymous
Language: Dutch
Link: 1/7/6/8/17685/

EText-No. 17021
Title: Watch and Clock Escapements - A Complete Study in Theory and Practice of the Lever, Cylinder and Chronometer Escapements, Together with a Brief Account of the Origin and Evolution of the Escapement in Horology
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/7/0/2/17021/
Link: 1/7/0/2/17021/

EText-No. 11241
Title: Wee Ones' Bible Stories
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: 1/1/2/4/11241/

EText-No. 6131
Title: Wonders of Creation
Author: Anonymous
Language: English
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 18041
Title: Celtic Religion - in Pre-Christian Times
Author: Anwyl, Edward, 1866-1914
Language: English
Link: 1/8/0/4/18041/

EText-No. 2189
Title: Der G'wissenswurm - Bauernkom??die in drei Akten
Author: Anzengruber, Ludwig, 1839-1889
Language: German
Link: etext00/
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 12486
Title: Indian Nullification of the Unconstitutional Laws of Massachusetts Relative to the Marshpee Tribe - Or, the Pretended Riot Explained
Author: Apes, William
Language: English
Link: 1/2/4/8/12486/
Link: 1/2/4/8/12486/

EText-No. 16439
Title: De re coquinaria;Apicii librorum X qui dicuntur De re coquinaria quae extant
Author: Apicius
Language: Latin
Link: 1/6/4/3/16439/
Link: 1/6/4/3/16439/
Link: 1/6/4/3/16439/

EText-No. 15462
Title: Alcools
Author: Apollinaire, Guillaume, 1880-1918
Language: French
Link: 1/5/4/6/15462/

EText-No. 18096
Title: The Social History of Smoking
Author: Apperson, George Latimer, 1857-1937
Language: English
Link: 1/8/0/9/18096/
Link: 1/8/0/9/18096/
Link: 1/8/0/9/18096/

EText-No. 10776
Title: The Moving Picture Boys at Panama - Stirring Adventures Along the Great Canal
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: 1/0/7/7/10776/
Link: 1/0/7/7/10776/

EText-No. 17744
Title: The Moving Picture Boys on the War Front - Or, The Hunt for the Stolen Army Films
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: 1/7/7/4/17744/
Link: 1/7/7/4/17744/

EText-No. 1282
Title: Tom Swift Among the Diamond Makers, or, the Secret of Phantom Mountain
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 1363
Title: Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters, or, Battling with Flames from the Air
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 1281
Title: Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship, or, the Naval Terror of the Seas
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 952
Title: Tom Swift and His Air Glider, or Seeking the Platinum Treasure
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 1284
Title: Tom Swift and His Air Scout, or, Uncle Sam's Mastery of the Sky
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 3005
Title: Tom Swift and His Airship
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 953
Title: Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel, or, the Hidden City of the Andes
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 1364
Title: Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive, or, Two Miles a Minute on the Rails
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 3777
Title: Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 950
Title: Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout, or, the Speediest Car on the Road
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 1361
Title: Tom Swift and His Giant Cannon, or, the Longest Shots on Record
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 4635
Title: Tom Swift and His Great Searchlight; or, on the border for Uncle Sam
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 2273
Title: Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat, or, the Rivals of Lake Carlopa
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 4230
Title: Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle, or, Fun and Adventures on the Road
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4532
Title: Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone or the Picture That Saved a Fortune
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 951
Title: Tom Swift and His Sky Racer, or, the Quickest Flight on Record
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 949
Title: Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat, or, under the Ocean for Sunken Treasure
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 1362
Title: Tom Swift and His Undersea Search, or, the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlantic
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 954
Title: Tom Swift and His War Tank, or, Doing His Bit for Uncle Sam
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 4227
Title: Tom Swift and His Wireless Message: or, the castaways of Earthquake island
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 1283
Title: Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera, or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 17985
Title: Tom Swift and The Visitor from Planet X
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: 1/7/9/8/17985/

EText-No. 4608
Title: Tom Swift in Captivity, or a Daring Escape By Airship
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 3734
Title: Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice, or, the Wreck of the Airship
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4711
Title: Tom Swift in the City of Gold, or, Marvelous Adventures Underground
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 499
Title: Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders, or, the Underground Search for the Idol of Gold
Author: Appleton, Victor [pseud.]
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 1666
Title: The Golden Asse
Author: Apuleius, Lucius
Language: English
Link: 1/6/6/1666/

EText-No. 17611
Title: Summa Theologica, Part I (Prima Pars) - From the Complete American Edition
Author: Aquinas, Thomas, Saint, 1225?-1274
Language: English
Link: 1/7/6/1/17611/

EText-No. 17897
Title: Summa Theologica, Part I-II (Pars Prima Secundae) - From the Complete American Edition
Author: Aquinas, Thomas, Saint, 1225?-1274
Language: English
Link: 1/7/8/9/17897/

EText-No. 18755
Title: Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae)
Author: Aquinas, Thomas, Saint, 1225?-1274
Language: English
Link: 1/8/7/5/18755/
Link: 1/8/7/5/18755/

EText-No. 13766
Title: Cobwebs of Thought
Author: Arachne
Language: English
Link: 1/3/7/6/13766/
Link: 1/3/7/6/13766/

EText-No. 16775
Title: Biographies of Distinguished Scientific Men
Author: Arago, Franc??ois, 1786-1853
Language: English
Link: 1/6/7/7/16775/
Link: 1/6/7/7/16775/

EText-No. 6938
Title: Rime di Tullia d'Aragona, cortigiana del secolo XVI
Author: Aragona, Tullia d', 1510-1556
Language: Italian
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 18178
Title: Rakontoj
Author: Arbes, Jakub, 1840-1914
Language: Esperanto
Link: 1/8/1/7/18178/
Link: 1/8/1/7/18178/

EText-No. 17288
Title: Herzegovina - Or, Omer Pacha and the Christian Rebels
Author: Arbuthnot, George, 1836-1912
Language: English
Link: 1/7/2/8/17288/
Link: 1/7/2/8/17288/
Link: 1/7/2/8/17288/

EText-No. 2643
Title: History of John Bull
Author: Arbuthnot, John, 1667-1735
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 14371
Title: The Portland Peerage Romance
Author: Archard, Charles J.
Language: English
Link: 1/4/3/7/14371/
Link: 1/4/3/7/14371/

EText-No. 11924
Title: The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry
Author: Archer, W. G., 1907-1979
Language: English
Link: 1/1/9/2/11924/
Link: 1/1/9/2/11924/

EText-No. 7997
Title: America To-day, Observations and Reflections
Author: Archer, William, 1856-1924
Language: English
Link: 7/9/9/7997/
Link: 7/9/9/7997/

EText-No. 10865
Title: Play-Making - A Manual of Craftsmanship
Author: Archer, William, 1856-1924
Language: English
Link: 1/0/8/6/10865/
Link: 1/0/8/6/10865/

EText-No. 7825
Title: Geometrical Solutions Derived from Mechanics; a Treatise of Archimedes
Author: Archimedes, 280? BC-211? BC
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 615
Title: Orlando Furioso
Author: Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 3747
Title: Orlando Furioso
Author: Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533
Language: Italian
Link: etext03/
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 18760
Title: Wee Peter Pug - The Story of a Bit of Mischief and What Came of It
Author: Aris, Ernest
Language: English
Link: 1/8/7/6/18760/

EText-No. 2562
Title: Clouds
Author: Aristophanes, 446? BC-385? BC
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 7700
Title: Lysistrata
Author: Aristophanes, 446? BC-385? BC
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 17814
Title: Lysistrata, Greek;????????????????????
Author: Aristophanes, 446? BC-385? BC
Language: Greek
Link: 1/7/8/1/17814/
Link: 1/7/8/1/17814/

EText-No. 2571
Title: Peace
Author: Aristophanes, 446? BC-385? BC
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 3012
Title: The Acharnians
Author: Aristophanes, 446? BC-385? BC
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 3013
Title: The Birds
Author: Aristophanes, 446? BC-385? BC
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 8688
Title: The Eleven Comedies, Volume 1
Author: Aristophanes, 446? BC-385? BC
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8689
Title: The Eleven Comedies, Volume 2
Author: Aristophanes, 446? BC-385? BC
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 7998
Title: The Frogs
Author: Aristophanes, 446? BC-385? BC
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 8438
Title: Ethics
Author: Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 6763
Title: Poetics. English;Aristotle on the art of poetry
Author: Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 1974
Title: Poetics. English;The Poetics of Aristotle
Author: Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 6762
Title: Politics: A Treatise on Government
Author: Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 2412
Title: The Categories
Author: Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC
Language: English
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 12699
Title: The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher - Containing his Complete Masterpiece and Family Physician; his Experienced Midwife, his Book of Problems and his Remarks on Physiognomy
Author: Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC
Language: English
Link: 1/2/6/9/12699/

EText-No. 16880
Title: ??ber die Dichtkunst beim Aristoteles - Neu ??bersetzt und mit Einleitung und einem erkl??renden Namen- und Sachverzeichnis versehen von Alfred Gudemann 1921
Author: Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC
Language: German
Link: 1/6/8/8/16880/

EText-No. 18145
Title: Lady Rosamond's Secret - A Romance of Fredericton
Author: Armour, Rebecca Agatha, 1846?-1891
Language: English
Link: 1/8/1/4/18145/
Link: 1/8/1/4/18145/

EText-No. 6945
Title: Marguerite Verne
Author: Armour, Rebecca Agatha, 1846?-1891
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 14963
Title: The World As I Have Found It - Sequel to Incidents in the Life of a Blind Girl
Author: Arms, Mary L. Day
Language: English
Link: 1/4/9/6/14963/
Link: 1/4/9/6/14963/

EText-No. 17562
Title: Trifles for the Christmas Holidays
Author: Armstrong, H. S.
Language: English
Link: 1/7/5/6/17562/
Link: 1/7/5/6/17562/

EText-No. 6724
Title: Kater Martinchen
Author: Arndt, Ernst Moritz, 1769-1860
Language: German
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6641
Title: M??rchen und Sagen
Author: Arndt, Ernst Moritz, 1769-1860
Language: German
Link: etext04/
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 12955
Title: Consanguineous Marriages in the American Population
Author: Arner, George B. Louis
Language: English
Link: 1/2/9/5/12955/
Link: 1/2/9/5/12955/

EText-No. 14646
Title: Christopher and Columbus
Author: Arnim, Elizabeth von, 1866-1941
Language: English
Link: 1/4/6/4/14646/
Link: 1/4/6/4/14646/

EText-No. 1327
Title: Elizabeth and Her German Garden
Author: Arnim, Elizabeth von, 1866-1941
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 16389
Title: The Enchanted April
Author: Arnim, Elizabeth von, 1866-1941
Language: English
Link: 1/6/3/8/16389/
Link: 1/6/3/8/16389/

EText-No. 13141
Title: The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight
Author: Arnim, Elizabeth von, 1866-1941
Language: English
Link: 1/3/1/4/13141/
Link: 1/3/1/4/13141/

EText-No. 5991
Title: The Solitary Summer
Author: Arnim, Elizabeth von, 1866-1941
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 2190
Title: Isabella von ??gypten - Kaiser Karl des F??nften erste Jugendliebe
Author: Arnim, Ludwig Achim, Freiherr von, 1781-1831
Language: German
Link: etext00/
Link: etext00/

EText-No. 604
Title: Gulliver of Mars
Author: Arnold, Edwin Lester Linden, 1857-1935
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 8920
Title: The Light of Asia
Author: Arnold, Edwin, Sir, 1832-1904
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 5159
Title: Celtic Literature
Author: Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 4212
Title: Culture and Anarchy
Author: Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888
Language: English
Link: etext03/
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 13364
Title: Matthew Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems
Author: Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888
Language: English
Link: 1/3/3/6/13364/
Link: 1/3/3/6/13364/

EText-No. 12628
Title: Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold
Author: Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888
Language: English
Link: 1/2/6/2/12628/
Link: 1/2/6/2/12628/

EText-No. 13151
Title: The Christian Life - Its Course, Its Hindrances, And Its Helps
Author: Arnold, Thomas, 1795-1842
Language: English
Link: 1/3/1/5/13151/
Link: 1/3/1/5/13151/

EText-No. 9302
Title: Nana a Milano
Author: Arrighi, Cletto, 1830-1906
Language: Italian
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 11081
Title: Extracto de la gramatica mutsun
Author: Arroyo de la Cuesta, Felipe, -1842
Language: Nauru
Link: 1/1/0/8/11081/
Link: 1/1/0/8/11081/

EText-No. 17257
Title: Isa Pang Bayani
Author: Arsciwals, Juan L.
Language: Tagalog
Link: 1/7/2/5/17257/

EText-No. 15254
Title: Maxims and Opinions of Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke of Wellington, Selected From His Writings and Speeches During a Public Life of More Than Half a Century
Author: Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, 1769-1852
Language: English
Link: 1/5/2/5/15254/
Link: 1/5/2/5/15254/

EText-No. 4591
Title: After a Shadow and Other Stories
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4590
Title: After the Storm
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4589
Title: All's for the Best
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4592
Title: Cast Adrift
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4586
Title: Danger
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4587
Title: Finger Posts on the Way of Life
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 13509
Title: Grappling with the Monster - The Curse and the Cure of Strong Drink
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: 1/3/5/0/13509/
Link: 1/3/5/0/13509/

EText-No. 4595
Title: Heart-Histories and Life-Pictures
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4594
Title: Home Lights and Shadows
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4629
Title: Home Scenes and Home Influence; a series of tales and sketches
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4616
Title: Lessons in Life, for All Who Will Read Them
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4625
Title: Lizzy Glenn
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4626
Title: Married Life: its shadows and sunshine
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4624
Title: Off-Hand Sketches
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4744
Title: Ten Nights in a Bar Room
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4588
Title: The Allen House
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4632
Title: The Good Time Coming
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4631
Title: The Hand but Not the Heart
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4630
Title: The Home Mission
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4628
Title: The Iron Rule
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4627
Title: The Lights and Shadows of Real Life
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4623
Title: The Son of My Friend
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4621
Title: The Two Wives
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4620
Title: The Wedding Guest
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4622
Title: Trials and Confessions of a Housekeeper
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 15389
Title: True Riches - Or, Wealth Without Wings
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: 1/5/3/8/15389/
Link: 1/5/3/8/15389/

EText-No. 4617
Title: Woman's Trials
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4618
Title: Words for the Wise
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4619
Title: Words of Cheer for the Tempted, the Toiling, and the Sorrowing
Author: Arthur, T. S. (Timothy Shay), 1809-1885
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 9051
Title: Sanine
Author: Artzybashev, Mikhail Petrovich, 1878-1927
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 1844
Title: The Schoolmaster
Author: Ascham, Roger, 1515-1568
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 14731
Title: Hatchie, the Guardian Slave; or, The Heiress of Bellevue
Author: Ashton, Warren T.
Language: English
Link: 1/4/7/3/14731/
Link: 1/4/7/3/14731/

EText-No. 14459
Title: Proportional Representation Applied To Party Government
Author: Ashworth, T. R. (Thomas Ramsden);Ashworth, H. P. C.
Language: English
Link: 1/4/4/5/14459/
Link: 1/4/4/5/14459/

EText-No. 4321
Title: Margot Asquith, an Autobiography - Two Volumes in One
Author: Asquith, Margot, 1864-1945
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 17335
Title: Aventures merveilleuses mais authentiques du capitaine Corcoran - Deuxi??me partie
Author: Assollant, Alfred, 1827-1886
Language: French
Link: 1/7/3/3/17335/

EText-No. 16743
Title: Aventures merveilleuses mais authentiques du capitaine Corcoran, Premi??re Partie
Author: Assollant, Alfred, 1827-1886
Language: French
Link: 1/6/7/4/16743/

EText-No. 18583
Title: Brancas; Les amours de Quaterquem
Author: Assollant, Alfred, 1827-1886
Language: French
Link: 1/8/5/8/18583/

EText-No. 16874
Title: Claude et Juliette
Author: Assollant, Alfred, 1827-1886
Language: French
Link: 1/6/8/7/16874/

EText-No. 17106
Title: Histoire fantastique du c??l??bre Pierrot - ??crite par le magicien Alcofribas; traduite du sogdien par Alfred Assollant
Author: Assollant, Alfred, 1827-1886
Language: French
Link: 1/7/1/0/17106/

EText-No. 16789
Title: Hyacinthe
Author: Assollant, Alfred, 1827-1886
Language: French
Link: 1/6/7/8/16789/

EText-No. 17344
Title: Rose d'Amour
Author: Assollant, Alfred, 1827-1886
Language: French
Link: 1/7/3/4/17344/

EText-No. 1607
Title: A journey in other worlds - A romance of the future
Author: Astor, John Jacob, 1864-1912
Language: English
Link: etext99/

EText-No. 491
Title: Rezanov
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: etext96/

EText-No. 6091
Title: Senator North
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 6884
Title: Sleeping Fires: a Novel
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 7863
Title: The Avalanche
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: 7/8/6/7863/
Link: 7/8/6/7863/

EText-No. 14256
Title: The Bell in the Fog and Other Stories
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/4/2/5/14256/
Link: 1/4/2/5/14256/

EText-No. 13246
Title: The Conqueror
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/3/2/4/13246/
Link: 1/3/2/4/13246/

EText-No. 12270
Title: The Doomswoman - An Historical Romance of Old California
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/2/2/7/12270/
Link: 1/2/2/7/12270/

EText-No. 14197
Title: The Living Present
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/4/1/9/14197/
Link: 1/4/1/9/14197/

EText-No. 8535
Title: The Sisters-In-Law
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 12697
Title: The Splendid Idle Forties - Stories of Old California
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/2/6/9/12697/
Link: 1/2/6/9/12697/

EText-No. 3706
Title: The Valiant Runaways
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 13496
Title: The White Morning
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/3/4/9/13496/
Link: 1/3/4/9/13496/

EText-No. 12833
Title: What Dreams May Come
Author: Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948
Language: English
Link: 1/2/8/3/12833/
Link: 1/2/8/3/12833/

EText-No. 7928
Title: The Poet's Poet
Author: Atkins, Elizabeth
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 2693
Title: Greyfriars Bobby
Author: Atkinson, Eleanor Stackhouse, 1863-1942
Language: English
Link: etext01/

EText-No. 10479
Title: Our Churches and Chapels
Author: Atticus
Language: English
Link: 1/0/4/7/10479/

EText-No. 7460
Title: How Sammy Went to Coral-Land
Author: Atwater, Emily Paret
Language: English
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 13203
Title: Original Letters and Biographic Epitomes
Author: Atwood.Slater, J.
Language: English
Link: 1/3/2/0/13203/
Link: 1/3/2/0/13203/

EText-No. 15305
Title: L'influence d'un livre - Roman historique
Author: Aubert de Gasp??, Philippe, 1814-1841
Language: French
Link: 1/5/3/0/15305/

EText-No. 4254
Title: Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects
Author: Aubrey, John, 1626-1697
Language: English
Link: etext03/
Link: etext03/
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 4934
Title: The Natural History of Wiltshire
Author: Aubrey, John, 1626-1697
Language: English
Link: etext04/

EText-No. 18694
Title: Avojalka
Author: Auerbach, Berthold, 1812-1882
Language: Finnish
Link: 1/8/6/9/18694/

EText-No. 15989
Title: The Fatal Glove
Author: Augusta, Clara, 1839-1905
Language: English
Link: 1/5/9/8/15989/
Link: 1/5/9/8/15989/

EText-No. 3296
Title: The Confessions of St. Augustine
Author: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, 354-430
Language: English
Link: etext02/

EText-No. 8822
Title: Les grands orateurs de la R??volution - Mirabeau, Vergniaud, Danton, Robespierre
Author: Aulard, Fran??ois-Alphonse, 1849-1928
Language: French
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 18367
Title: Contes, Tome I
Author: Aulnoy, Madame d' (Marie-Catherine), 1650-1705
Language: French
Link: 1/8/3/6/18367/

EText-No. 18368
Title: Contes, Tome II
Author: Aulnoy, Madame d' (Marie-Catherine), 1650-1705
Language: French
Link: 1/8/3/6/18368/

EText-No. 158
Title: Emma
Author: Austen, Jane, 1775-1817
Language: English
Link: etext94/

EText-No. 946
Title: Lady Susan
Author: Austen, Jane, 1775-1817
Language: English
Link: etext97/

EText-No. 1212
Title: Love and Freindship
Author: Austen, Jane, 1775-1817
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 141
Title: Mansfield Park
Author: Austen, Jane, 1775-1817
Language: English
Link: etext94/

EText-No. 121
Title: Northanger Abbey
Author: Austen, Jane, 1775-1817
Language: English
Link: etext94/

EText-No. 105
Title: Persuasion
Author: Austen, Jane, 1775-1817
Language: English
Link: etext94/

EText-No. 1342
Title: Pride and Prejudice
Author: Austen, Jane, 1775-1817
Language: English
Link: etext98/

EText-No. 161
Title: Sense and Sensibility
Author: Austen, Jane, 1775-1817
Language: English
Link: etext94/

EText-No. 17797
Title: Memoir of Jane Austen
Author: Austen-Leigh, James Edward, 1798-1874
Language: English
Link: 1/7/7/9/17797/

EText-No. 4676
Title: Outpost
Author: Austin, Jane G. (Jane Goodwin), 1831-1894
Language: English
Link: etext03/

EText-No. 14239
Title: Golden Steps to Respectability, Usefulness and Happiness
Author: Austin, John Mather
Language: English
Link: 1/4/2/3/14239/

EText-No. 365
Title: The Land of Little Rain
Author: Austin, Mary Hunter, 1868-1934
Language: English
Link: etext95/

EText-No. 10217
Title: The Land of Little Rain
Author: Austin, Mary Hunter, 1868-1934
Language: English
Link: 1/0/2/1/10217/
Link: 1/0/2/1/10217/

EText-No. 9913
Title: The Trail Book
Author: Austin, Mary Hunter, 1868-1934
Language: English
Link: etext06/
Link: etext06/

EText-No. 10027
Title: The Triple Alliance - Its trials and triumphs
Author: Avery, Harold, 1867-1943
Language: English
Link: 1/0/0/2/10027/

EText-No. 18033
Title: The Boston Terrier and All About It - A Practical, Scientific, and Up to Date Guide to the Breeding of the American Dog
Author: Axtell, Edward
Language: English
Link: 1/8/0/3/18033/

EText-No. 8543
Title: The Great North-Western Conspiracy in All Its Startling Details
Author: Ayer, I. Windslow
Language: English
Link: etext05/
Link: etext05/

EText-No. 17446
Title: The Second Honeymoon
Author: Ayres, Ruby Mildred, 1883-1955
Language: English
Link: 1/7/4/4/17446/
Link: 1/7/4/4/17446/

EText-No. 10945
Title: Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers and Other Poems
Author: Aytoun, W. E. (William Edmondstoune), 1813-1865
Language: English
Link: 1/0/9/4/10945/
Link: 1/0/9/4/10945/

EText-No. 17639
Title: A Alma Nova
Author: Azevedo, Guilherme de, 1839-1882
Language: Portuguese
Link: 1/7/6/3/17639/

EText-No. 549
Title: The Underdogs, a Story of the Mexican Revolution
Author: Azuela, Mariano, 1873-1952
Language: English
Link: etext96/


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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia February 2008 (no images)

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