EText-No. 2423 Title: Anecdotes of Samuel Johnson Author: Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 1741-1821 Language: English Link: etext00/
EText-No. 15045 Title: Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) - Edited with notes and Introductory Account of her life and writings Author: Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 1741-1821 Language: English Link: 1/5/0/4/15045/ Link: 1/5/0/4/15045/
EText-No. 16445 Title: Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. I Author: Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 1741-1821 Language: English Link: 1/6/4/4/16445/ Link: 1/6/4/4/16445/
EText-No. 18456 Title: Enrico IV Author: Pirandello, Luigi, 1867-1936 Language: Italian Link: 1/8/4/5/18456/
EText-No. 18457 Title: Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore Author: Pirandello, Luigi, 1867-1936 Language: Italian Link: 1/8/4/5/18457/
EText-No. 17233 Title: Antiquit??s d'Herculanum, Tome III., (Vol. 3 of 6) Author: Piranesi, Francesco;Piroli, Tommaso, 1752-1824;Piranesi, Pietro Language: French Link: 1/7/2/3/17233/
EText-No. 17234 Title: Antiquit??s d'Herculanum, Tome IV., (Vol. 4 of 6) Author: Piranesi, Francesco;Piroli, Tommaso, 1752-1824;Piranesi, Pietro Language: French Link: 1/7/2/3/17234/
EText-No. 17235 Title: Antiquit??s d'Herculanum, Tome V., (Vol. 5 of 6) Author: Piranesi, Pietro;Piranesi, Francesco;Piroli, Tommaso, 1752-1824 Language: French Link: 1/7/2/3/17235/
EText-No. 17236 Title: Antiquit??s d'Herculanum, Tome VI., (Vol. 6 of 6) Author: Piranesi, Pietro;Piranesi, Francesco;Piroli, Tommaso, 1752-1824 Language: French Link: 1/7/2/3/17236/
EText-No. 17231 Title: Antiquit??s d'Herculanum, Tome I., (Vol. 1 of 6) Author: Piroli, Tommaso, 1752-1824;Piranesi, Francesco;Piranesi, Pietro Language: French Link: 1/7/2/3/17231/
EText-No. 17232 Title: Antiquit??s d'Herculanum, Tome II., (Vol. 2 of 6) Author: Piroli, Tommaso, 1752-1824;Piranesi, Francesco;Piranesi, Pietro Language: French Link: 1/7/2/3/17232/
EText-No. 18061 Title: Oeuvres po??tiques Tome 1 Author: Pisan, Christine de, 1364?-1431? Language: French Link: 1/8/0/6/18061/
EText-No. 12812 Title: Oeuvres po??tiques Tome 2 Author: Pisan, Christine de, 1364?-1431? Language: French Link: 1/2/8/1/12812/
EText-No. 18674 Title: A Chinese Wonder Book Author: Pitman, Norman Hinsdale Language: English Link: 1/8/6/7/18674/
EText-No. 18674 Title: A Chinese Wonder Book Author: Pitman, Norman Hinsdale Language: English Link: 1/8/6/7/18674/18674-h/18674-h.htm
EText-No. 15823 Title: Voyages abracadabrants du gros Phil??as Author: Pitray, Olga de Language: French Link: 1/5/8/2/15823/
EText-No. 7427 Title: Toasts and Forms of Public Address for Those Who Wish to Say the Right Thing in the Right Way Author: Pittenger, William Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 1452 Title: Native Life in South Africa Author: Plaatje, Sol (Solomon Tshekisho), 1876-1932 Language: English Link: etext98/
EText-No. 10069 Title: Account of the Romansh Language - In a Letter to Sir John Pringle, Bart. P. R. S. Author: Planta, Joseph, Esq. F. R. S., 1744-1827 Language: English Link: 1/0/0/6/10069/ Link: 1/0/0/6/10069/
EText-No. 1656 Title: Apology Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1580 Title: Charmides Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext98/
EText-No. 1616 Title: Cratylus Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1571 Title: Critias Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext98/
EText-No. 1657 Title: Crito Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1598 Title: Euthydemus Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1642 Title: Euthyphro Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1672 Title: Gorgias Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1635 Title: Ion Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1584 Title: Laches Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext98/
EText-No. 1750 Title: Laws Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1579 Title: Lysis Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext98/
EText-No. 1682 Title: Menexenus Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1643 Title: Meno Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1687 Title: Parmenides Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1658 Title: Phaedo Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1636 Title: Phaedrus Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1744 Title: Philebus Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1591 Title: Protagoras Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1735 Title: Sophist Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1738 Title: Statesman Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1600 Title: Symposium Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 150 Title: The Republic Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext94/
EText-No. 1497 Title: The Republic Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext98/
EText-No. 1726 Title: Theaetetus Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1572 Title: Timaeus Author: Plato, 427? BC-347? BC Language: English Link: etext98/
EText-No. 1676 Title: Alcibiades I Author: Plato, circa 427-347 BC. Spurious and doubtful works Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1677 Title: Alcibiades II Author: Plato, circa 427-347 BC. Spurious and doubtful works Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1681 Title: Eryxias Author: Plato, circa 427-347 BC. Spurious and doubtful works Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 1673 Title: Lesser Hippias Author: Plato, circa 427-347 BC. Spurious and doubtful works Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 398 Title: Bible. O. T. Apocryphal books. English;First Book of Adam and Eve Author: Platt, Rutherford Hayes, 1894-1975 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 16564 Title: Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi - Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two - Bacchises, The Captives Author: Plautus, Titus Maccius, 254 BC-184 BC Language: English Link: 1/6/5/6/16564/ Link: 1/6/5/6/16564/
EText-No. 7282 Title: The Captiva and the Mostellaria Author: Plautus, Titus Maccius, 254 BC-184 BC Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 16575 Title: An Inquiry into the Permanent Causes of the Decline and Fall of Powerful and Wealthy Nations. - Designed To Shew How The Prosperity Of The British Empire - May Be Prolonged Author: Playfair, William, 1759-1823 Language: English Link: 1/6/5/7/16575/
EText-No. 3234 Title: Letters of the Younger Pliny, First Series ??? Volume 1 Author: Pliny, the Younger, 62?-113 Language: English Link: etext02/
EText-No. 2811 Title: The Letters of Pliny the Younger Author: Pliny, the Younger, 62?-113 Language: English Link: etext01/
EText-No. 2810 Title: Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: a series of very plain talks on very practical politics, delivered by ex-Senator George Washington Plunkitt, the Tammany philosopher, from his rostrum???the New York County court house bootblack stand; Recorded by William L. Riordon Author: Plunkitt, George Washington, 1842-1924 Language: English Link: etext01/
EText-No. 3052 Title: Complete Works of Plutarch ??? Volume 3: Essays and Miscellanies Author: Plutarch, 46-120? Language: English Link: etext02/
EText-No. 2484 Title: The Boys' and Girls' Plutarch; being parts of the "Lives" of Plutarch, edited for boys and girls Author: Plutarch, 46-120? Language: English Link: etext01/
EText-No. 674 Title: Plutarch: Lives of the noble Grecians and Romans Author: Plutarch, 46-120?;Clough, Arthur Hugh, 1819-1861 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 18282 Title: Buhay at Mga Ginawa ni Dr. Jose Rizal Author: Poblete, Pascual Hicaro, 1857-1921 Language: Tagalog Link: 1/8/2/8/18282/
EText-No. 1062 Title: First Project Gutenberg Collection of Edgar Allan Poe Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Language: English Link: etext97/
EText-No. 932 Title: The Fall of the House of Usher Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Language: English Link: etext97/
EText-No. 17425 Title: The Fall of the House of Usher $e Esperanto;La Falo de U??ero-Domo Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Language: Esperanto Link: 1/7/4/2/17425/ Link: 1/7/4/2/17425/
EText-No. 14082 Title: The Raven $l English $l French;Le Corbeau - The Raven Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Language: French Link: 1/4/0/8/14082/
EText-No. 2147 Title: The Works of Edgar Allan Poe ??? Volume 1 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Language: English Link: etext00/
EText-No. 2148 Title: The Works of Edgar Allan Poe ??? Volume 2 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Language: English Link: etext00/
EText-No. 2149 Title: The Works of Edgar Allan Poe ??? Volume 3 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Language: English Link: etext00/
EText-No. 2150 Title: The Works of Edgar Allan Poe ??? Volume 4 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Language: English Link: etext00/
EText-No. 2151 Title: The Works of Edgar Allan Poe ??? Volume 5 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Language: English Link: etext00/
EText-No. 6087 Title: The Vampyre; a Tale Author: Polidori, John William, 1795-1821 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 7189 Title: A Short History of the Great War Author: Pollard, A. F. (Albert Pollard), 1869-1948 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 6358 Title: The History of England - a Study in Political Evolution Author: Pollard, A. F. (Albert Pollard), 1869-1948 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 56 Title: NREN Author: Polly, Jean Armour Language: English Link: etext93/
EText-No. 49 Title: Surfing the Internet Author: Polly, Jean Armour Language: English Link: etext93/
EText-No. 15811 Title: Le serment des hommes rouges - Aventures d'un enfant de Paris Author: Ponson du Terrail, 1829-1871 Language: French Link: 1/5/8/1/15811/
EText-No. 15146 Title: Les mis??res de Londres - 1. La nourrisseuse d'enfants Author: Ponson du Terrail, 1829-1871 Language: French Link: 1/5/1/4/15146/
EText-No. 16817 Title: Les mis??res de Londres - 2. L'enfant perdu Author: Ponson du Terrail, 1829-1871 Language: French Link: 1/6/8/1/16817/
EText-No. 16818 Title: Les mis??res de Londres - 3. La cage aux oiseaux Author: Ponson du Terrail, 1829-1871 Language: French Link: 1/6/8/1/16818/
EText-No. 16819 Title: Les mis??res de Londres - 4. Les tribulations de Shoking Author: Ponson du Terrail, 1829-1871 Language: French Link: 1/6/8/1/16819/
EText-No. 7409 Title: An Essay on Criticism Author: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744 Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 2428 Title: An Essay on Man Author: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744 Language: English Link: etext00/
EText-No. 9413 Title: The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Volume 1 Author: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 9601 Title: The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Volume 2 Author: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744 Language: English Link: etext06/ Link: etext06/
EText-No. 9800 Title: The Rape of the Lock and Other Poems Author: Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744 Language: English Link: etext06/ Link: etext06/
EText-No. 18046 Title: Una notte fatale - ovvero il racconto dell'esiliato / bozzetti milanesi Author: Porati, R. A. Language: Italian Link: 1/8/0/4/18046/
EText-No. 14904 Title: Constitui????o politica da Monarchia portugueza Author: Portugal, Legislation of Language: Portuguese Link: 1/4/9/0/14904/
EText-No. 17089 Title: The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/7/0/8/17089/17089-h/17089-h.htm
EText-No. 14304 Title: The Tale of Peter Rabbit Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/3/0/14304/
EText-No. 14838 Title: The Tale of Peter Rabbit Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/8/3/14838/
EText-No. 14838 Title: The Tale of Peter Rabbit Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/8/3/14838/14838-h/14838-h.htm
EText-No. 14304 Title: The Tale of Peter Rabbit Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/3/0/14304/14304-h/14304-h.htm
EText-No. 15575 Title: The Tale of Samuel Whiskers - The Roly-Poly Pudding Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/5/5/7/15575/
EText-No. 15575 Title: The Tale of Samuel Whiskers - The Roly-Poly Pudding Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/5/5/7/15575/15575-h/15575-h.htm
EText-No. 14872 Title: The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/8/7/14872/
EText-No. 14872 Title: The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/8/7/14872/14872-h/14872-h.htm
EText-No. 14220 Title: The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/2/2/14220/
EText-No. 14220 Title: The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/2/2/14220/14220-h/14220-h.htm
EText-No. 15234 Title: The Tale of the Pie and the Patty Pan Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/5/2/3/15234/
EText-No. 15234 Title: The Tale of the Pie and the Patty Pan Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/5/2/3/15234/15234-h/15234-h.htm
EText-No. 14797 Title: The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/7/9/14797/
EText-No. 14797 Title: The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/7/9/14797/14797-h/14797-h.htm
EText-No. 14837 Title: The Tale of Tom Kitten Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/8/3/14837/
EText-No. 14837 Title: The Tale of Tom Kitten Author: Potter, Beatrix, 1866-1943 Language: English Link: 1/4/8/3/14837/14837-h/14837-h.htm
EText-No. 16979 Title: The Discipline of War - Nine Addresses on the Lessons of the War in Connection with Lent Author: Potter, John Hasloch, 1847-1935 Language: English Link: 1/6/9/7/16979/ Link: 1/6/9/7/16979/
EText-No. 15006 Title: Historic Papers on the Causes of the Civil War Author: Potts, Mrs. Eugenia Dunlap Language: English Link: 1/5/0/0/15006/
EText-No. 18253 Title: Discovery of Witches - The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster Author: Potts, Thomas Language: English Link: 1/8/2/5/18253/ Link: 1/8/2/5/18253/
EText-No. 8094 Title: Certain Noble Plays of Japan - From the manuscripts of Ernest Fenollosa Author: Pound, Ezra, 1885-1972 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 14055 Title: Food Guide for War Service at Home - Prepared under the direction of the United States Food Administration in co-operation with the United States Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of Education, with a preface by Herbert Hoover Author: Powdermaker, Florence;Blunt, Katharine;Swain, Frances L. Language: English Link: 1/4/0/5/14055/ Link: 1/4/0/5/14055/
EText-No. 17286 Title: Indian Linguistic Families Of America, North Of Mexico - Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the - Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1885-1886, - Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891, pages 1-142 Author: Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902 Language: English Link: 1/7/2/8/17286/ Link: 1/7/2/8/17286/ Link: 1/7/2/8/17286/
EText-No. 4051 Title: Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land: a story of Australian life Author: Praed, Campbell, Mrs., 1851-1935 Language: English Link: etext03/
EText-No. 16744 Title: Pratt's Practical Pointers on the Care of Livestock and Poultry Author: Pratt Food Co. Language: English Link: 1/6/7/4/16744/
EText-No. 15152 Title: Saint-Pierre & Miquelon Author: Premio-Real, Comte de Language: French Link: 1/5/1/5/15152/
EText-No. 7898 Title: Mouser Cats' Story Author: Prentice, Amy Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 7897 Title: The Gray Goose's Story Author: Prentice, Amy Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 2515 Title: Stepping Heavenward Author: Prentiss, E. (Elizabeth), 1818-1878 Language: English Link: etext01/
EText-No. 1084 Title: Recipes Tried and True Author: Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Language: English Link: etext97/
EText-No. 13200 Title: Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive Author: Presbytery, The Reformed Language: English Link: 1/3/2/0/13200/ Link: 1/3/2/0/13200/
EText-No. 12381 Title: The Auchensaugh Renovation of the National Covenant and - Solemn League and Covenant - With the Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, as They - Were Renewed at Auchensaugh, Near Douglas, July 24, 1712. (Compared - With the Editions of Paisley, 1820, and Belfast, 1835.) Also, The - Renovation of These Public Federal Deeds Ordained at Philadelphia, - October 8, 1880, by the Reformed Presbytery, with Accommodation of - the Original Covenants, in Both Transactions, to Their Times and - Positions Respectively Author: Presbytery, The Reformed Language: English Link: 1/2/3/8/12381/
EText-No. 1209 Title: History of the Conquest of Peru Author: Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859 Language: English Link: etext98/
EText-No. 1323 Title: History of the Conquest of Peru; with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas Author: Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859 Language: English Link: etext98/
EText-No. 6918 Title: The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic ??? Volume 1 Author: Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859 Language: English Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
EText-No. 6967 Title: The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic ??? Volume 2 Author: Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859 Language: English Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
EText-No. 6968 Title: The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic ??? Volume 3 Author: Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859 Language: English Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
EText-No. 14833 Title: Varney the Vampire - Or the Feast of Blood Author: Prest, Thomas Preskett Language: English Link: 1/4/8/3/14833/
EText-No. 8156 Title: Twilight and Dawn - Simple Talks on the Six Days of Creation Author: Pridham, Caroline Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 11545 Title: Travels in the United States of America - Commencing in the Year 1793, and Ending in 1797. - With the Author's Journals of his Two Voyages - Across the Atlantic. Author: Priest, William Language: English Link: 1/1/5/4/11545/
EText-No. 16088 Title: The Record of a Quaker Conscience, Cyrus Pringle's Diary - With an Introduction by Rufus M. Jones Author: Pringle, Cyrus Language: English Link: 1/6/0/8/16088/ Link: 1/6/0/8/16088/
EText-No. 2303 Title: Legends and Lyrics - Part 1 Author: Procter, Adelaide Anne, 1825-1864 Language: English Link: 2/3/0/2303/
EText-No. 2304 Title: Legends and Lyrics - Part 2 Author: Procter, Adelaide Anne, 1825-1864 Language: English Link: 2/3/0/2304/
EText-No. 2324 Title: A House to Let Author: Procter, Adelaide Anne, 1825-1864;Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870;Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 1810-1865;Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889 Language: English Link: 2/3/2/2324/
EText-No. 16767 Title: Half-hours with the Telescope - Being a Popular Guide to the Use of the Telescope as a - Means of Amusement and Instruction. Author: Proctor, Richard Anthony, 1837-1888 Language: English Link: 1/6/7/6/16767/ Link: 1/6/7/6/16767/
EText-No. 673 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary Author: Project Gutenberg Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 200 Title: The Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia - Volume 1 of 28 Author: Project Gutenberg Language: English Link: etext95/
EText-No. 660 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Section A and B Author: Project Gutenberg;Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 661 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Section C Author: Project Gutenberg;Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 662 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Section D and E Author: Project Gutenberg;Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 663 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Section F, G and H Author: Project Gutenberg;Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 664 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Section I, J, K, and L Author: Project Gutenberg;Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 665 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Section M, N, and O Author: Project Gutenberg;Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 666 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Section P and Q Author: Project Gutenberg;Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 667 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Section R Author: Project Gutenberg;Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 668 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Section S Author: Project Gutenberg;Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 669 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Section T, U, V, and W Author: Project Gutenberg;Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 670 Title: The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Section X, Y, and Z Author: Project Gutenberg;Webster, Noah, 1758-1843 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 237 Title: Sexti Properti Carmina Author: Propertius, Sextus, circa 50-16 BC Language: Latin Link: etext95/
EText-No. 444 Title: The Philosophy of Misery Author: Proudhon, P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph), 1809-1865 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 360 Title: What is Property? Author: Proudhon, P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph), 1809-1865 Language: English Link: etext95/
EText-No. 2998 Title: A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs ??? Volume 1 Author: Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922 Language: French Link: etext01/
EText-No. 2999 Title: A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs ??? Volume 2 Author: Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922 Language: French Link: etext01/
EText-No. 3000 Title: A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs ??? Volume 3 Author: Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922 Language: French Link: etext01/