EText-No. 12302 Title: All in It : K(1) Carries On - A Continuation of the First Hundred Thousand Author: Hay, Ian, 1876-1952 Language: English Link: 1/2/3/0/12302/ Link: 1/2/3/0/12302/
EText-No. 16321 Title: The Bread-winners - A Social Study Author: Hay, John, 1835-1905 Language: English Link: 1/6/3/2/16321/
EText-No. 11708 Title: Abraham Lincoln, a History ??? Volume 02 Author: Hay, John, 1835-1905;Nicolay, John George, 1832-1901 Language: English Link: 1/1/7/0/11708/ Link: 1/1/7/0/11708/
EText-No. 9466 Title: The Quest of Happy Hearts Author: Hay, Kathleen Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 17421 Title: Emperor Quartet op.76 no.3., 2nd movement - Arranged for solo guitar Author: Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809 Language: English Link: 1/7/4/2/17421/17421-mid/17421-mid.mid
EText-No. 17421 Title: Emperor Quartet op.76 no.3., 2nd movement - Arranged for solo guitar Author: Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809 Language: English Link: 1/7/4/2/17421/17421-pdf/17421-pdf.pdf
EText-No. 17421 Title: Emperor Quartet op.76 no.3., 2nd movement - Arranged for solo guitar Author: Haydn, Joseph, 1732-1809 Language: English Link: 1/7/4/2/17421/17421.txt
EText-No. 6417 Title: A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1. Author: Hayes, Carlton J. H., 1882-1964 Language: English Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
EText-No. 12682 Title: The Boy Allies in Great Peril Author: Hayes, Clair W. (Clair Wallace), 1887- Language: English Link: 1/2/6/8/12682/
EText-No. 12805 Title: The Boy Allies in the Balkan Campaign - The Struggle to Save a Nation Author: Hayes, Clair W. (Clair Wallace), 1887- Language: English Link: 1/2/8/0/12805/ Link: 1/2/8/0/12805/
EText-No. 12571 Title: The Boy Allies in the Trenches - Midst Shot and Shell Along the Aisne Author: Hayes, Clair W. (Clair Wallace), 1887- Language: English Link: 1/2/5/7/12571/ Link: 1/2/5/7/12571/
EText-No. 6083 Title: The Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders - Or, the Fighting Canadians of Vimy Ridge Author: Hayes, Clair W. (Clair Wallace), 1887- Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 3338 Title: Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland Author: Hayes, Edward, fl. 1580. Language: English Link: 3/3/3/3338/
EText-No. 14064 Title: Mohammed, The Prophet of Islam Author: Hayes, H. E. E. (Herbert Edward Elton) Language: English Link: 1/4/0/6/14064/
EText-No. 9048 Title: Ballads - Founded on Anecdotes Relating to Animals Author: Hayley, William, 1745-1820 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 8948 Title: Poems on Serious and Sacred Subjects - Printed only as Private Tokens of Regard, for the Particular - Friends of the Author Author: Hayley, William, 1745-1820 Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 10010 Title: The Eulogies of Howard Author: Hayley, William, 1745-1820 Language: English Link: 1/0/0/1/10010/
EText-No. 17440 Title: Amadigi di Gaula - Amadis of Gaul Author: Haym, Nicola Francesco, 1678-1729 Language: Italian Link: 1/7/4/4/17440/
EText-No. 13097 Title: Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences Author: Hayward, Arthur L. Language: English Link: 1/3/0/9/13097/ Link: 1/3/0/9/13097/
EText-No. 15455 Title: Life's Progress Through The Passions - Or, The Adventures of Natura Author: Haywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693-1756 Language: English Link: 1/5/4/5/15455/ Link: 1/5/4/5/15455/
EText-No. 10804 Title: The Fortunate Foundlings - Being the Genuine History of Colonel M??????Rs, and His Sister, - Madam Du P??????Y, the Issue of the Hon. Ch??????Es M??????Rs, - Son of the Late Duke of R?????? L??????D. Containing Many Wonderful - Accidents That Befel Them in Their Travels, and Interspersed with - the Characters and Adventures of Several Persons of Condition, - In the Most Polite Courts of Europe. the Whole Calculated for - the Entertainment and Improvement of the Youth of Both Sexes. Author: Haywood, Eliza Fowler, 1693-1756 Language: English Link: 1/0/8/0/10804/
EText-No. 915 Title: Library Work with Children Author: Hazeltine, Alice Isabel, 1878-1959 Language: English Link: etext97/
EText-No. 5085 Title: Characters of Shakespeare's Plays Author: Hazlitt, William, 1778-1830 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 16209 Title: Lectures on the English Poets - Delivered at the Surrey Institution Author: Hazlitt, William, 1778-1830 Language: English Link: 1/6/2/0/16209/
EText-No. 2049 Title: Liber Amoris, or, the New Pygmalion Author: Hazlitt, William, 1778-1830 Language: English Link: etext00/
EText-No. 17485 Title: History and Comprehensive Description of Loudoun County, Virginia Author: Head, James William, 1883- Language: English Link: 1/7/4/8/17485/ Link: 1/7/4/8/17485/
EText-No. 523 Title: Court Life in China Author: Headland, Isaac Taylor, 1859-1942 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 522 Title: The Chinese Boy and Girl Author: Headland, Isaac Taylor, 1859-1942 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 6856 Title: The Great Riots of New York, 1712 to 1873 Author: Headley, Joel Tyler, 1813-1897 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 15352 Title: Venereal Diseases in New Zealand (1922) - Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Health appointed by - the Hon. Minister of Health Author: Health, Committee Of The Board Of Language: English Link: 1/5/3/5/15352/ Link: 1/5/3/5/15352/ Link: 1/5/3/5/15352/
EText-No. 449 Title: Pathology of Lying, accusation, and swindling: a study in forensic psychology Author: Healy, William, 1869-1963;Healy, Mary Tenney Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 717 Title: Chita: a Memory of Last Island Author: Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 8130 Title: Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan - First Series Author: Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 8133 Title: Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan - Second Series Author: Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 15320 Title: The Romance of the Milky Way - And Other Studies & Stories Author: Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904 Language: English Link: 1/5/3/2/15320/ Link: 1/5/3/2/15320/
EText-No. 6381 Title: Two Years in the French West Indies Author: Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 4079 Title: Agnes Bernauer Author: Hebbel, Christian Friedrich, 1813-1863 Language: German Link: etext03/ Link: etext03/
EText-No. 4080 Title: Gyges und sein Ring Author: Hebbel, Christian Friedrich, 1813-1863 Language: German Link: etext03/ Link: etext03/
EText-No. 2887 Title: Herodes und Mariamne - Eine Trag??die in f??nf Akten Author: Hebbel, Christian Friedrich, 1813-1863 Language: German Link: etext01/ Link: etext01/
EText-No. 4083 Title: Mutter und Kind Author: Hebbel, Christian Friedrich, 1813-1863 Language: German Link: etext03/ Link: etext03/
EText-No. 3297 Title: Schnock - ein niederl??ndisches Gem??lde Author: Hebbel, Christian Friedrich, 1813-1863 Language: German Link: etext02/ Link: etext02/
EText-No. 13869 Title: In Roemeni?? - De Aarde en haar Volken, 1906 Author: Hebbelynck, Th. Language: Dutch Link: 1/3/8/6/13869/
EText-No. 7810 Title: Schatzk??stlein des rheinischen Hausfreundes - Eine Auswahl aus verschiedenen Quellen Author: Hebel, Johann Peter, 1760-1826 Language: German Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 7988 Title: A Thousand and One Afternoons in Chicago Author: Hecht, Ben, 1894-1964 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 11672 Title: A Short History of Women's Rights - From the Days of Augustus to the Present Time. with Special Reference - to England and the United States. Second Edition Revised, With - Additions. Author: Hecker, Eugene A. Language: English Link: 1/1/6/7/11672/ Link: 1/1/6/7/11672/
EText-No. 1739 Title: The Black Death - The Dancing Mania Author: Hecker, J. F. C. (Justus Friedrich Carl), 1795-1850 Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 7527 Title: The Little Daisy Girl and Other Poems Author: Hedge-Cheney, Jacquelyn;Cheney, Roland Jon Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 17450 Title: The Part Borne by the Dutch in the Discovery of Australia 1606-1765 Author: Heeres, J. E. (Jan Ernst), 1858-1932 Language: English Link: 1/7/4/5/17450/ Link: 1/7/4/5/17450/
EText-No. 10638 Title: The Youthful Wanderer - An Account of a Tour through England, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany Author: Heffner, George H. Language: English Link: 1/0/6/3/10638/ Link: 1/0/6/3/10638/
EText-No. 6698 Title: Ph??nomenologie des Geistes Author: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831 Language: German Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
EText-No. 6728 Title: Rede zum Schuljahresabschlu?? am 29. September 1809 Author: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831 Language: German Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
EText-No. 6729 Title: Wissenschaft der Logik ??? Band 1 Author: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831 Language: German Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
EText-No. 6834 Title: Wissenschaft der Logik ??? Band 2 Author: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831 Language: German Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
EText-No. 7044 Title: In the Courts of Memory, 1858 1875; from Contemporary Letters Author: Hegermann-Lindencrone, L. de (Lillie de) Language: English Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
EText-No. 18495 Title: The Drama of the Forests - Romance and Adventure Author: Heming, Arthur Henry Howard, 1870-1940 Language: English Link: 1/8/4/9/18495/ Link: 1/8/4/9/18495/
EText-No. 4383 Title: Maria Chapdelaine Author: H??mon, Louis, 1880-1913 Language: English Link: etext03/
EText-No. 13525 Title: Maria Chapdelaine Author: H??mon, Louis, 1880-1913 Language: French Link: 1/3/5/2/13525/
EText-No. 50 Title: Pi Author: Hemphill, Scott Language: English Link: etext93/
EText-No. 3315 Title: Down the Mother Lode Author: Hemphill, Vivia, 1889-1934 Language: English Link: etext02/
EText-No. 7335 Title: Jack Harkaway and His Son's Escape from the Brigand's of Greece Author: Hemyng, Bracebridge Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 6873 Title: Mark Twain Author: Henderson, Archibald, 1877-1963 Language: English Link: 6/8/7/6873/
EText-No. 2390 Title: The Conquest of the Old Southwest; the romantic story of the early pioneers into Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, and Kentucky, 1740-1790 Author: Henderson, Archibald, 1877-1963 Language: English Link: etext00/
EText-No. 16626 Title: Letters to Helen - Impressions of an Artist on the Western Front Author: Henderson, Keith Language: English Link: 1/6/6/2/16626/ Link: 1/6/6/2/16626/
EText-No. 3037 Title: The Age of Big Business; a chronicle of the captains of industry Author: Hendrick, Burton Jesse, 1870-1949 Language: English Link: etext02/
EText-No. 17017 Title: The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume I Author: Hendrick, Burton Jesse, 1870-1949 Language: English Link: 1/7/0/1/17017/ Link: 1/7/0/1/17017/
EText-No. 17018 Title: The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume II Author: Hendrick, Burton Jesse, 1870-1949 Language: English Link: 1/7/0/1/17018/ Link: 1/7/0/1/17018/
EText-No. 18366 Title: The Challenge of the North Author: Hendryx, James B., 1880-1963 Language: English Link: 1/8/3/6/18366/
EText-No. 13216 Title: Diario historico de la rebelion y guerra de los pueblos Guaranis situados en la costa oriental del Rio Uruguay, del a??o de 1754 Author: Henis, Tadeo Xavier Language: Spanish Link: 1/3/2/1/13216/ Link: 1/3/2/1/13216/
EText-No. 1568 Title: Poems Author: Henley, William Ernest, 1849-1903 Language: English Link: etext98/
EText-No. 719 Title: Plays of William E. Henley and R.L. Stevenson Author: Henley, William Ernest, 1849-1903;Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1850-1894 Language: English Link: etext96/
EText-No. 12289 Title: Quelques ??crivains fran??ais - Flaubert, Zola, Hugo, Goncourt, Huysmans, etc. Author: Hennequin, ??mile Language: French Link: 1/2/2/8/12289/ Link: 1/2/2/8/12289/
EText-No. 2141 Title: Strictly business: more stories of the four million Author: Henry, O., 1862-1910 Language: English Link: etext00/ Link: etext00/
EText-No. 3707 Title: The Trimmed Lamp, and other Stories of the Four Million Author: Henry, O., 1862-1910 Language: English Link: etext03/ Link: etext03/
EText-No. 1444 Title: The Voice of the City: Further Stories of the Four Million Author: Henry, O., 1862-1910 Language: English Link: 1/4/4/1444/ Link: 1/4/4/1444/
EText-No. 2295 Title: Waifs and Strays - Part 1 Author: Henry, O., 1862-1910 Language: English Link: etext00/
EText-No. 6 Title: Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death Author: Henry, Patrick, 1736-1799 Language: English Link: etext90/
EText-No. 18184 Title: Animal Carvings from Mounds of the Mississippi Valley - Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the - Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880-81, - Government Printing Office, Washington, 1883, pages 117-166 Author: Henshaw, Henry W. (Henry Wetherbee), 1850-1930 Language: English Link: 1/8/1/8/18184/ Link: 1/8/1/8/18184/
Being the Adventures of a Young Englishman in the Service of Charles the Twelfth of Sweden
Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: 1/8/3/5/18357/
EText-No. 4932 Title: A Knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 7061 Title: A March on London Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
EText-No. 7346 Title: Among Malay Pirates : a Tale of Adventure and Peril Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 7037 Title: Beric the Briton : a Story of the Roman Invasion Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 7006 Title: Bonnie Prince Charlie : a Tale of Fontenoy and Culloden Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 8679 Title: By England's Aid - Or, the Freeing of the Netherlands, 1585-1604 Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 6953 Title: By England's Aid or the Freeing of the Netherlands (1585-1604) Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 6952 Title: By Pike and Dyke: a Tale of the Rise of the Dutch Republic Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 8576 Title: By Sheer Pluck, a Tale of the Ashanti War Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 8155 Title: Colonel Thorndyke's Secret Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 8411 Title: Forest & Frontiers Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 11565 Title: Friends, though divided - A Tale of the Civil War Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: 1/1/5/6/11565/
EText-No. 4792 Title: In Freedom's Cause : a Story of Wallace and Bruce Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext03/
EText-No. 8670 Title: In the Heart of the Rockies Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 18349 Title: In the Irish Brigade - A Tale of War in Flanders and Spain Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: 1/8/3/4/18349/
EText-No. 3785 Title: In the Reign of Terror Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext03/
EText-No. 7071 Title: In Times of Peril Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: 1/8/3/5/18356/
EText-No. 7229 Title: Rujub, the Juggler Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 3429 Title: St. George for England Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext02/
EText-No. 7870 Title: Tales of Daring and Danger Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: 7/8/7/7870/ Link: 7/8/7/7870/
EText-No. 7318 Title: The Bravest of the Brave ??? or, with Peterborough in Spain Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 17403 Title: The Cornet of Horse - A Tale of Marlborough's Wars Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: 1/7/4/0/17403/
EText-No. 3674 Title: The Dragon and the Raven Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext03/
EText-No. 11609 Title: The Golden Canyon - Contents: the Golden Canyon; the Stone Chest Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: 1/1/6/0/11609/ Link: 1/1/6/0/11609/
EText-No. 17546 Title: The Lion of Saint Mark - A Story of Venice in the Fourteenth Century Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: 1/7/5/4/17546/
EText-No. 5075 Title: The Lion of the North - A tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 17436 Title: The Queen's Cup Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: 1/7/4/3/17436/
EText-No. 7070 Title: The Treasure of the Incas Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext04/ Link: etext04/
EText-No. 9613 Title: The Young Buglers Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext06/ Link: etext06/
EText-No. 5128 Title: The Young Carthaginian - A Story of The Times of Hannibal Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 8732 Title: Through the Fray - A Tale of the Luddite Riots Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 8859 Title: True to the Old Flag - A Tale of the American War of Independence Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 7831 Title: When London Burned : a Story of Restoration Times and the Great Fire Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 12308 Title: Winning His Spurs - A Tale of the Crusades Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: 1/2/3/0/12308/ Link: 1/2/3/0/12308/
EText-No. 7334 Title: With Buller in Natal, Or, a Born Leader Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 2805 Title: With Lee in Virginia: a story of the American Civil War Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext01/
EText-No. 8651 Title: With Moore at Corunna Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 17766 Title: With Wolfe in Canada - The Winning of a Continent Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: 1/7/7/6/17766/
EText-No. 4931 Title: Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 8745 Title: Wulf the Saxon - A Story of the Norman Conquest Author: Henty, G. A. (George Alfred), 1832-1902 Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 1992 Title: Travels in England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and Fragmenta regalia; or, Observations on Queen Elizabeth, her times and favourites Author: Hentzner, Paul, 1558-1623;Naunton, Robert, Sir, 1563-1635 Language: English Link: etext99/
EText-No. 15066 Title: La Vuelta de Mart??n Fierro Author: Hern??ndez, Jos??, 1834-1886 Language: Spanish Link: 1/5/0/6/15066/
EText-No. 2131 Title: An Account of Egypt Author: Herodotus, 480? BC-420? BC Language: English Link: 2/1/3/2131/
EText-No. 2707 Title: The history of Herodotus ??? Volume 1 Author: Herodotus, 480? BC-420? BC Language: English Link: etext01/
EText-No. 2456 Title: The history of Herodotus ??? Volume 2 Author: Herodotus, 480? BC-420? BC Language: English Link: etext01/
EText-No. 11936 Title: The Wise Mamma Goose Author: Herr, Charlotte B. Language: English Link: 1/1/9/3/11936/
EText-No. 5196 Title: Their Mariposa Legend; a romance of Santa Catalina Author: Herr, Charlotte Bronte Language: English Link: etext04/
EText-No. 1211 Title: A selection from the lyrical poems of Robert Herrick Author: Herrick, Robert, 1591-1674 Language: English Link: etext98/
EText-No. 8113 Title: Literary Love-Letters and Other Stories Author: Herrick, Robert, 1868-1938 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 7828 Title: The Web of Life Author: Herrick, Robert, 1868-1938 Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 8134 Title: Together Author: Herrick, Robert, 1868-1938 Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 10439 Title: From Yauco to Las Marias - A recent campaign in Puerto Rico by the Independent Regular Brigade under the command of Brig. General Schwan Author: Herrman, Karl Stephen Language: English Link: 1/0/4/3/10439/ Link: 1/0/4/3/10439/
EText-No. 9866 Title: Freeland - A Social Anticipation Author: Hertzka, Theodor, 1845-1924 Language: English Link: etext06/ Link: etext06/
EText-No. 17760 Title: How to Enjoy Paris in 1842 - Intended to Serve as a Companion and Monitor, Containing - Historical, Political, Commercial, Artistical, Theatrical - And Statistical Information Author: Herv??, F. Language: English Link: 1/7/7/6/17760/ Link: 1/7/7/6/17760/
EText-No. 348 Title: Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and Homerica Author: Hesiod Language: English Link: etext95/
EText-No. 8179 Title: An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 1 Author: Hewatt, Alexander Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 8181 Title: An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 2 Author: Hewatt, Alexander Language: English Link: etext05/
EText-No. 8858 Title: Earthwork out of Tuscany - Being Impressions and Translations of Maurice Hewlett Author: Hewlett, Maurice, 1861-1923 Language: English Link: etext05/ Link: etext05/
EText-No. 16064 Title: Carolina Chansons - Legends of the Low Country Author: Heyward, DuBose, 1885-1940;Allen, Hervey, 1889-1949 Language: English Link: 1/6/0/6/16064/ Link: 1/6/0/6/16064/
EText-No. 2896 Title: Story of the Session of the California Legislature of 1909 Author: Hichborn, Franklin, 1869?-1964 Language: English Link: etext01/